Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.f. the Epi~!e to the qatatians. 285 Thefccood conc/ulionofP•Hiis, thatto A tcr the fafhtoo ofthe ~cwc:a. fervpanyrhinaout.of Chri(l, ~J ameritori· Againe,' there isa foure-fold kindof obOi.B cau!CoHll~nion,and to place our iu{li6feruation ofdaics1 onenat•r•U, the other<ication in it, either Jn whole, or in parr,iil in- •ill, the third E<cl•ft•fti<Ail, the founh (•perdeed the feruicc oUdols. And the relf"n is j1iria111. N .,.,.q is, when daies are obferucd • phine. Forthis isto fee vp fomctbing in the according to the courfe of the Suone. aod place and roome ofChri(l: aod men put a Moone, Gen.J. 14.thus day followes mght, confidencein chat which they. make a caufe and night foilowes dly,aod euery yeue bath ofth -'ir owoelalll:uion. fourefcafoo•, Spring, Sommcr, Autumne, The dodrtr.e .r!]'cn· of Iu!liffcation by vVinter. And the obferuation ofthefe titoes workes, is a doctrine that maintaines idola· is according to the law ofnature. Ci•iOahf.rtry;for if they iu(li6e,we may put our rruflill Hiltion is, when fettimes are obferued for husthem: and tfwc putour confidence to them, bandrie,in planrlng,fctung, reaping, fowing: wemake idol• ofthem. That workcsmay for houfhold atfaires' and forthe affair•• of n>critatGodshand, they mu(! notonlybc the common-wcalth,in keeping offaires,and fandified,but alfo detficd. markets,&c.And thus to obferue daies,is not The di(hnlhon vfcd by rhe Papills,ofL.f. B vnlawfuli.Ea/e(i.jlic.Uohjiruarianoftimes is, tria,andDu/ia, that as, ofworjhip. and(er•Jice, when fer daies are obfcrued for orders fake, falles ro the ground.They fay they giue ,...,. rhar men may come together to worfhippe ' fb•p to God, and f'ruice to Angeh &Saints. God:thefc daie?, ore either daics ofrhankfgiIt is atoy. For h<rc Paul condemncsthcvery umg, or Jaies of humiliation. Of daies of feruiu to heathen gods: and the feruice of thankfgiuing,take <he <xamplc of the Iewes, . the rodimenrsofche Jaw, is the Apoaacic of Hell.9.z6.who obferued ycarelythe fca(lof the Galarians.And togiuc feruicc or worfhip P~trim.for amemorie oftheir deJiuerance. In ro any thmg,areaf! one. l1ke manner rhey appointed and obferucd The third conclunon ofPaulis, thatthcy rhc feat! of Drdicatian: and it feemcs rhar which haue giuen their namesto.God, and ·Chri(l was prcfcnt at lcrufalem, as an obferChrill, mull no<returnctoany thing, rhac ucr ofrhiofeacl,Ioh.w. u.Andthus for or· 'they haue forfaken, or ought to forfake. He dcrs fakc,ro obferue certaine daies of folem- <hac puu his hand ro the plough, mull nor nirie,is not forbidden.Superftitiom oh(eru11tion lookebacke:herhat goes ro the land of Caofdaies,is tlvofold,Imifo,orheathtni/>Pijb, naan,mull notlooke backc to Egypt. Wein C when fer daics are obferucd with an opinion, England haue bene long deliucred from the rhat we are bound in confcience ro obferue fuperllirion of Popcrie, and we mull not fo thcm,and when tbcworfhipofGod is placed much as dreame ofany returnc. It is a cornin the obferuing ofthisor tharrirqe. H..tbeman f.auir ~mongvs,rhat inouhvard pro(effi~ nijh, whcn.daics are obferued inrefped of on we deaueto Chri(l, and yet in alfcdiou good or·bad fucce/Tc. Now.rhen; tocomero and prad1fe ~<e clcaueto rheworld,and walk the point, the intent of P.•Hl is onely to conafrerrhe lulls ofour owne hearts. This is in dcmne the Icwifl, manner of obferuing of 01ew to goe forward, but indeede to turoe daies,io thtfeWOnfs, T~ o/JjerH~ dttin,m01tetbs, backe againe. But our duty is, in thoug~lt, 7ram:and the heatheniO. manner, in thefe confcience, will,a-ffcdion, "'ord,and decd,ro words.Jeoh(erHrfoafom. gocon forward,and no way to goe backe. Againll this interpretation,the place of v ... J,ro.Io the former verfe, PAH/fers down Paul may be obied.ed,Rom.14.6. He thAt.~. the Apollafie of rhe Galatians in gencra!J (eru" the day,ab[<ruesmothe urd.Anj.lndeed ·rearmes,{3ying,How tl4rruJ' lfgt~int t.othe Et~~ P••lin rhefe words excu(erh the Roillanes me;,u 1 the world? In the 1 o,vcrfe,he fhewcs, D that ooferued daies, and faith, tharrhcir in-, whaerhefc Elements be, Ttabfnuedaiet,and tentionWaUoobfcrue them IO thehonour of momtbt.llndtim~s. A•J ]eAreJ. Byd4iu. are God: and this hefaith, bccaufeas yerrhey meant IewHii SabbatHs: by ,..,ths,rbefca!ls were nor fully innrufled touchingChrillian ·' obferued euery ID6ltleth in the day ofrhenew hber<ic:!JUt withalI)er it be remembred,that Moone. By riwm, fome vnder!landthe feat! 'in mild fort be notes rhit r.o be a fault in ofrhe Palfeouer, the fean ofPenreca(l, an.d rhem,whcn hdaith, that thryll'tre ""~ in the fc'allofTabcrnac!es.Butrhe word(""'''') f~tth.. Now!lhecafcwas othccwife withrhe I! fignificsfeafons,or firrimcsJorrhc doing of Galatians:becaufotheJ(obferue<l dales after this or rhat bnfinelfe: So is it tranflated, Ad. rllJ!y rouchi11g li1. 7· I: iJ nctforyost tok.._rJorP the tirms "tld{eA[qns, berticinChrill:and withall they placed their lr was the manner of the Gentiles to'make ,faluation,in parr,in the obferuatton ofdaies: difference oftimes in rcfpetlof good .or bad .and thus they mixed the Gofpcll with rhe ' fuccelfc., and thataccording rotbe.fignesof •l<tiV. And therefore they were iullly to be ! heauen.An&it is very likely,thaNheGalatiblamed. ,. ' ans obfcrued d:ucs not ouely iO th:erkwiflJ, Againe,itmay be ebietlcd,that nowin the : bm~lr0 i.n rhe heat·henHhmanner.)By.yrAfu,. #meofrhcnew: TeUament, we in religious arcmeamcucry feucnrh yeare,aod·tbe.JuhirJ mann.,obfenie tbt .Iturdsday.:Anf,Sornemen Jic·ycatcs, \l.'hTchtheGalacians obferueO af. both godly and learned areofopinion·, that rh<t