.ACommentarie "Ppon Chap.4. '"' lm!Jda1 wasappointcd by the ApoOJes A more then in orbordaies.Ftfrly,they dedtcaref for crdersfakc:and that it is in the Jiomieof many of their holy daies to the honour of1 the Church to appoint the Sabbath vpon aSainr. and Angelmvhcrcas the dedtcatlon of nyotherJay in thcwccke, bccau[c they fay, ordinarieandfetdaies, isaparr of dJUine or all daieswirhour exception arc c<]Uall: and religiouswortbip. La[!Jy,rheirholydatcsfor they adde furrher,thatwhenthepubhkewornumber are more then the felliuall daies of lhip ofGod is ended, men moy then rerurne the Iewes:& rhusrhey bring peopleintotheir ro theirlabours,orgit~cthemrclucstorecrea-' old bondage,nay roa gre:ucr bondage then uon, on the Lords day. Bur thisdoctrine euerrhelewes indMred,. in r<[pect of daies feemes not ra Uand with the fourth camandrimes.Irmaybefaid,thatttfeChuri:hof mandcment. the Proteflants obferues holy daies. A•(... lr fecmcs to be a truth more probable, SomeChurchesdonot:.becaufethe.Church thareuery fcauenrhday in the wecke,mufr be in theApofllesdates,hadno holy day,beliJe fer apart in holy tell vnroGod:forthiS isthe the Lords day: andrhe4 commaundcment fubfrar.cc of the fourth commaundement. inioynesrhe labourofllxcdaies. Indeed the And tt is alfo very probable, that the Sab· B Church of England obferuerh holy dates, bath ofthe newTcflament islinmad and de· but the Popi01 fuperfrltion is cutoff. For we rcrmined byourSauiour Chri!l ro :h~ Lords arenot bound in confeience to theobfcruatld'!)'.For P•,.land rberefl oftheA pollle• obon ofthefedaies: neither do we place hohnes ferued the 6r[l day of the weel<e for a Saborrhe wor01ip of God m them: but we kcope bathday,ACl1o.7.andbefaithlP"4>~t/MHtrJr rhemonely for orders fake, char men l!:lay !".t~Juehra~d,andwhary,tnuu(unrinm:,rhatdo, come to the Church to hcarc Gods wora. Phil.4.9· Againc,i: wasrhedecree or confhAnd though we retamc:, rhe nan.csof'Saints tution of Paul, rh~t rhc colleCbon for the daiei,yetwe'giucnoworfllipto S:linrs,bur to poore OwuiJ be the fir(/ da1•(theweel:t•t CcGod alone.Andfuch daies as contained no· rinth: now this coll~Cbon in the Primitiue thing Ill them burruperfhtion,asthCC00C·Cp· Church, foJiowed preaching, prayer, Sacration, andafTumprion of thevirginMllrJ, we ments,and it wasrheconcluGon of all orher hauccutolf. Thus dorh the Church ••irh vs excrcifcs in the atfembly, r. Cor. r6.z. And obfcrueholy daies,and noothcrwife.Indeed this fir£1 dayof the weckc is called rhe Lords tbeignorant multitudeamongvsfailegrcar Ja;. Apoc. 1.1 r. and it" focalled,hecaufeit ly in rheobfcruingofdaies. For they greatly 'wascicdtcared andconfccraredto the honour C folcmmferhetimeofthe birth ofChrtfl,and ofChrifl our Lord.And.wboisrhe author of then r!1ey kccpe few or no markrrs: bu11ht ,this dedication but Chrifl himfelfcthe Eord u•dtdayis not accordmgly rcfpected: and !ofthe Sabbath I It is al!cadged,thar the Sab. men will not be ditlwaded from following of .!)ath,and thecommaundement ranching the faires on chat day. Sabbarh,is Ceremmiial:&vpan rhis'ground, Againe, toobferue daies ofgood and bad ,they rake liberttc, and kccpe no Sabbathat fuccelfe; according to the con(lellattons c( ali.Burrherruth>is,thatthe commandcment thcheauens,i.aa heatheniOdaOtion to be atouchingthe Sabbath is not>wholy Ceremo. uoided.For it is here condemned in the Ganiall. It may be, the 6r(l words, Remember larians, Here therefore, we mu[! be put in th'Sabbatb d•y to(anai(ic iJ, and the words,!• miAd; lnbt toobferue rbc planetary houres: illhoufoalt J., no mannerofwork.f, &c.are (po· for men fuppofethat rhchoures of the day ke•ofrhe IewesSabbath:but rhewords,~·,.~e art ruled by the planets, and hereupon, that !lai,(ha/; thou la~our, ..ndthe{Muenthda) i1the 1 fome hc>uruare good, and lllckie (as,they &abhathofehi'Lm-dthJ Gotl, are moral! i"an8 I fay)andfomcvnluckie: that menareJaken ·C6'1itainc a peqi'cruall truth. ·Therefore the 1 ( with planers, and bo=vnder vnluckie pia. words ofPaHlmllfl beconceiucd:wirh an ex~ D ners.,Bunhefearehe.rhenilh concciu..Neiceprion ofthe-Sabbarh.day, which is tlie thermultwerefpectour, Har.•fgopt, or the feuenth da}!ineueryweek~;whichday Chrlfi · timeofour birth,andtheconflellarimlofthe harhlunitedl!yhisApoflles,iorh•U.rdrd•y.i hcauenst.hcn·, ·as though we could hereby 'Fht'vfe~ThistexrofJ'a•l•bftouersvnto : know,whatfhou!obefallv.sto rheerid ofout vsagrearparrofth<Cupcrilitionof the Po, da~es. ·And we mull not put difference of ~.i!h Chotdtr;intheobferuatto•ofholfdalcs. 1 daies·t ·•• rhouoh(omewer.duckie Vl!IO v•, Fir(i,befiilelhtl&riitM],Ihoyappoinr many and fonre>'nlu~kie. accordmg to rhecourfc other SabbathS!: w!,ereasi~inhepriuilcdgb ofthe,llancs•.The like I£tyof the.Cnricall ofGod ro!o)1p<51nt on ordinane .day of retl, , daies,rh'atts,tbe7· ood the 14.dayafter that j and tofantli6Ciittohis own honour.Secontl. a•ti~an begins to beficke:For they aregroun"t ly;lhey bir\'d t)1ens coufcienues to the obfer, I fe-dvponrheafpeds ofthe moone~whtchare I l!ationoftheirholy:daies, which Paslherei 1 nor:tO' be.rc~ardcd. And tbeC:ItmafJcr:ca/1! forbids,and Col.:.t6Thirdly,rhey placetlie : yeaies#fifhor ro be obferued •• d•ll{lerous worlliipof:Ghd intlie•obfenrarion oftheir 1 1 . and dilinall. Theobfcruarion oftbe hgncs,tsj' holy:9aies:· b_ur Godis woolhipped in vaioe 1 •ofthe fan'1crnnure. Fottlie u.fignes ~renoby mcns·precepts. Matth..15 .Fourthly,they 1 thing els~buou.pam ~f the6r0 mooucable,\ ~l:tcc a great hohnetfe in their fefliuall dales, which is b\11a fuppofcd h<auen. Thcrefcre I t~h~cr~•------