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I Chap.4. the Epiflle to the qatatiant. 2.87 rhere is no danger m rho thing, but in. our A notfo m11ch"' AploccrPimctolaJhithcad,l(lat, conceit. WtarctofcareGod,&notcoteare 8.zo. and to preach for by.refpcth, "to J the (iarre.:neirherarcwe to makedifferenccc makea merchandi(eofthewordof God, z. of daiC! in refpctlofthem, as though the af. Cor.z.17,Thefecond ts,that Mrmllcrs after fairc 11verake in haod; fhonld profpcr rhe the exampleof~4.•1, mull be labourerstn· better or the worfe, in rcfpect ofrheir diffcdeed,r.Cor.J.?.and workemen,2.Tim.z.1~. rent operation. Gods commaundement is, And they mufllhew themfelues to bcfo , by Fcaremrrkc{(onctofh,.ucn.lerem.Jo.z. And theircare and mdu!lrie inwinning foulcs to gooJreaf<m. "For no man can by learning God.Anditisnotfufficicnt nowandthento know the operation of the llarres: bccau(e mak,e a dr{courfe vpon a text. T h~rdly,Mt· their fights and operationa areall mixed to· ni!lers ofthe word mull be watchmen.Ezec. gether in allplacesvpGn earth:and therefore j.14.and Heb.r3 .17.their office is not onely no obfcruatton can be made of this or that rogaine and e>ll men to God,buralfo to prellarre,morethcn ofthis orthathcarbe,when fcrue and keepe them inChril!,which are al. all hearbe. are mixed and compounded toready called. gethcr.Againe,rheopcrationofthe tlarrcs is Thirdly, here we fee the condition of the by their light, and light hathnooperarion B ChurchofGalaria, and of all9rhervifible but in heat or cold, moi!lure or drinelfc. In Churchesvpon earth,that they arefubied to this refpcCl,(thoYgh we may well obferucthc Apo(}afie. !tmay be[aid, how can this be, full andcha~geof the moone) it is foolilh· conlidcring true bcleeuers cannot fall away 1 nclfe to afcribe the regiment of our affaires 4•(. In thevifible church on earth,there are to the llarrcs,they being matters contingent, foure kind• ofbcleeuers. The firll are they, which depend on the will &pleafure ofman. 111hich heare the word without zeale,and they Lallfy,itis agreatouerfight to hold fundrie are lrke the llonic ground. The [econ9 arc ofthe !larsrobe malignantandinforrunare, rhcy, which heare, know, and approcuethc in refpect ofvs:wheras they are thecrearurcs word.The third arc rhcy,which heare,know, ofGod,andtheir lightfcrues for rhc goo:! of and approoue theword,and hauea tallofthe man.In a word,we are not to make drtfcrence power thereof, and accordingly yeeld fomc ofdaies,neither in refpect ofholinelfe,nor in outward obedience. The fourth are they, rcfpect ofgood or bad fuccelfe. which heare,know, approouc, and kecpe the Per[.u .l am ifr•id;c>-c. lnthefe words the word,inthatthcy belceue it, andar~ turned Apollle fers forth the greatnelfc of the apo· into the obedience ofit. Thcthree firll may llaficof the G•larians, by the effetl thereof, C fall quite away, thefourth cannot. And by whichwasrocaufehimtofcare, ldlhehad this meanes it comes to palfe, that vilible bellowed labour in vainc among them. , churchesvpon earthmay fall away: becaufc Firll, rheoccafion of the words mull be ofthem tharr.rofelfethc faith, three to one conlidered, and that is cxprelfedin the for· may vtterly all away. mer words,re•6fcrgcdaics 11nJm•Hcthr. And The vfe. This mull teachvs thatare mem. hereuponhefaith,Iamin(carc ofJOU, And bersofthevilibleChurch, to fcarc and to thus P••lteachcrh,rharworkesfctvp as eaufufpeCl: our felucs: and nor tocontent our fes offaluation with Chrill, make void the {clues, becaufc we hautfome good things in Minillericandgrace ofGod. I• may befl!d, vs: butweeruulllabour to~'[caledvp r. the that is meantofceremoniall worlces,and fo it dttj•fourrcd•mpJ;on, andto faJVPagood founts true. Ianf~er, it is indeed fp<>kenof cere. datio..glti•ft thetime to come, 1. Tim. <S. r&. moniallworkes, butit mull be inlargcd to all by feeking ro hauein vs fuch good things,as workes wtthout «ccption. For Pao/faith, c. are proper te theElect, as vnfained faith io 5 .v.1· Ifyc~e<ircumcifcd,yeorch•und r•f•/fill Chrill, andconuerlion ro God from all our thc,.holcla... Hence then 1t followes,thatthe Onnes. · · , doctrine of iu!li6cation by workes, is an er- D It may be demaunded, how P••lrlabour roOr ID the foundatlon,and beeing dillinctly, lhould bem vainc rAn[. It was invainein reandobll.marely maintaincd,therc is nohope fpect of his owne defircand affeetion tofauc offaluatton. all the Galatians: fecondly,ir was invaine,in Againe, here':"cfee th~fidclitie.oftheA. refpctlofrhewholc bodic of that Church, pollleP~ul, .and 1t llandstn two thmgs: the whereofmanywere hypocrites. Itwas not in firll rs,hrs pamfull andwearifomelabour, to vairiein refpeaoftheeletl, norinrefpea of gam theGalattanr to God.Thefccond is,his thecounfeff ofGod,Ifa,55,11. care t.hattheforefaidlab~ut be not in vaine. Againe,itmay bcdemaunded, what mull And ID thto examplcofhrs, welearne three bedone when the labours ofourcallincsarc thmgs.Thefidl,thattheywhrchare,ordcurc in vaine? A•f"'· We mull follow thecalling tobedifpenfers oftheword, mu!! doe it aor tnd commaundemcnt ofGod, whether wee forrhe belly, orforlucres.fak~,_ ot forrhe hauegood fucceife or no, and whatfoeuer prarfeofmen, but Oruplytor rntsend, that come of 11. Pa•/feares !ell bislabour is in they may gaine fou!cs to God. The Scribe vaine, and yet he (IJII labours. When Pcrcr t~>t would hauc followed Chri!l forgaine, ' had laboured all night and cauoht nothing '•asrepelledwith thisanfwcr,tlm Chrill had he f•rrh,atthccommandement~fChrill, 1; th,