288 A CommentarieJ.'jJOn Chap.4. tbylVordwlfllc~JjloutmJn~r, Luk.s. 5. And A thusro doe, (whatfoeuer foilowes) is 11 ue wtfedomc,and tlrcfcareofGod. For it mun fufficcvs, rharrlle workewe take in hand Js plca!ing vnt6 God. And though it be fn vainc, in refped: of men, it is nor fo before God;lfa.49 4 and:. Cor.u8. This mulle– uery man rcmcmbcrin his place and calling, fonhe eflabJifhmgof his 1111ndc againfi all cucnts. , Paf. Jz.Beyoua1 l,fQr IAmmmaJ)O&J:! he~ {etch yo#brerbrtn 7ehtm1not h-;;rt me 4t all. ·, Thewordsinthis vcrfe, torhe !ixrccmh "Verfe,are :~nanfwertoanobicd:ion. The= ob– icCl:ionisthis, we fee now by thefc lharpcr.e~ p~oofes,that !"a•I bath changed his mind to– ward vS,and that he hath turned h1s Joueinto B IY.ltrcd. ThcanfWcris, heaJ I, I am 111 yM:tbe fpcech is very etf~Clnall and fignificanr,and it ishke t~e con.1mon proucrb, -:fnlic:"t,altere,go, a/rerid~m. rhafis,amam t'rund ualloncwith ·IH/Jifdfc:Theti<nfeofthe~Vords is,Be.u I, look · 'rbar your minds be nor cflnngcd from me, · bm~tender nic eueh as your ownc felues:for1 "Pdutaln thefame that eucr I""', I refpetl :-tnd tender you euen as mincownefelfc.And 1Ht rhcGal~ti"ahs lhoulci fay, (ee ye not how 1 Pa,;/comm:'lnsisimpcrioufly,bc)'eM1?thccfbre head.des'F'/ htfu,h;o:~ brethren, I corn~ m:md you not,In'"the next words he addes a re'a[On E>fhi:~anfwer, thus, Hatred prefuppo– ferh ~~:~ilUrl·Ot Wrong to be done: ye hauc 'tJohe nie I e'b!frl ~\-wrongithereforc ye Ill ay C , ·noHhinkcth~l'J1Jateyou. ~ '"'Whtnl'nlllt~llli', b<:'a<1:' lamasyurs: we : learne,tharlheremurl b":l'fpecciall and mur:ualllouc berwccnc theteactl'crs and the peo· l prc.1Pau/f.1ith;that-he d1d ~nl.t~iehiihtart for i •rhiC(Irimhidr~fl and he rc:Cpltrcs tbcl!ke of rcproofes. He rels the Galatians his mmde pl•inely to rhefull;and withal l.cindeauoun to n,.w his owne louetothcm, andtokcepc theirs. It may beasked,howP.wl can fay, Ye h••e doneme,ohur14t4H. Fonvhco a l:.dceucrin Corinth committed incdl, P••l rookc it for awrongtohimfelfei z, Cor.:. 10. And no doubt to call rhe doC\rine of rhe Apo!lle in– to qucf!ion, was agreatwrong,vnto him? I aotwcr,thewrong was nowrong in hiscCltma. tion andatfcdian, who was content to pur ,·p·and to forgiue the wrong. Here weJecrhe mcekcncllc ofP•ul, in that he quietly beares t~ccro~esandwrongs laid vponhim. The hkcwas mMo{c'J,who4o.yeares together in· Jured the bad manners ofthe Ifratlites,Act. 1 J.l8.but the perfect example ofthisvcnuc ts in Chri{!, who faucd them that crucified him.We likewife arc to exercifc our fefues in thisveuue. · And that we may indeed fc> doe, we mufl fir{! ofall hauea fenfcof ourfptritu– aflpoucrric, anda fairhinrhernercic, pre. lence,and protection ofGod. Againe, marketh 0 mind of rhcApoflle, that he m•y wmne foults ro God, he IS oon– tenrro fufler-anywrong. The Prieflsand Ie– fuits among vs in England, areconcenuo venter life and limme rhat they may winne Profdytesto theChurch of Rome: much more then ·mufi the true Mmifters of the Gofpel be-conren! with any conduion, (o they may gaine men ta God. In this cafe; hum& abufes,mufl be no burrs, nor abu(es. 13. A>td]ek._nowhow through the infimiirie •fithef!epr,J prt.chrdthe GuJfte/1 vntoJO" at th• (irft: . . 14. Andthe tri•Uif me which"'·" inmyjlefh 7e dc.JPiftdnot,ncitb~ra6horrd: /mt Y{CCiftcdme A<411AngelufG•d,y.ea '"C~rifllefm. J S.. PPh"Rt then.rra&y.ourfelicitie? for I fmtr~ ]~IJ record, that if it h11d6une poffib!r, ]Of# w~Hid h11ue p!uc~ed· out your t}fl tO hauegiurn them t~me. 't J 6. 4m Itb(reforebeconu;our tnemie, 6e. ctw(e lullroutbetruthl Theanfwei-tothe ObieC!ion in theform.r ver(ewas this; BeM!: lamAsJUH, And .the • reafon was this: harre<tprefuppofeth an of– fence: yehaue donemeno offence'Orhurr: thereforeye may noNhinkethar I hare you. Themi~risinthe 12. v. the ,o,;c/u{wli iO the · thrrn, z. Cef..6.r'l.l 3· Teachers mun Chew . rhctr loue,IJyil:nderlngthd~luation of tbe people by al!\ni\:anes, eU?t\< ltS 'their owne (oules. PaulcouBhaue found in his heartto hauebeeheaCcurfed for Ius c·ountrimen the ·fcwes,Rom.!).t:Hc'defircd that he might be oll'credvpa•·lt orinke otfe'ritlg vpon the fa– cri6ceofthttaiil1ofrhc Phtltppians,Phil.z. D 17. Whtn rhelfraclites had finned, Mofer I·'Cl!indsiillhebreach, asit\Verein thefaccof the Canon, betwcenethewrathofGod and them.by his-praycrto tlay theiudgement of 1 God, Pfal. t-o'6t:~·; Againc,rhe people mu{! I•lhew their lolre\etbeir teabhers 1 fir{!,by pray. ' mnfodhcm,a<.for thcmfdues,Rom.rs.3o. 1 {e;;ndly·, iJy' hauing in"fingular price the workc ofthcMiniflcry, r.Thclf.s. IJ. and 1llmt" by wheliomcdotlrine to repaire rhe 'Image' dfGo'd-sand toerect.rhe kingdome of 'G;dinthche:irlsofmen. When this thing is loutd·and'ddlreil, then are- Minifierslo· 'ued. Thts rl'mfualllouetiofgrearvfe, iten– cnuf2geth peopfe to obey,and the Preachers ofthe word~o-hlhour in reaching. 16,vcrf.o .. Againa,the mUtor[yL"ha!fe,doiJemeno hurt]is confirmed in the 1 J,l~l;.vcrfcs. Thefum ofthe Argument is this: Tho~ghmy out· ward condit·iun was fubicelto contempt ;yet did the Galarians tbew !Queand reuercnce to me: thereforeye did,rne.no hun. Again~, Parsi fer. forth both the parts qfhis ,argu– ment. And.lirflof allhedefcribes hiso1~ne condition.,by thr<e rh.ings:thathe preacl1~d in weaf«nefJeeftheficfo: thathe preached the fir{!: that he preached ha•ing the. rriaU uj him(e/fei 1, hi1 orPnr fie/h. Secondly, the !oue . When Pa•/faith, I befucbyonbrethrcn, he rflcwes w~atmoderation ts to be vfed in aJJ• __________________________________________________________ .n~l _____