Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.+· the Epiflle to the Cjalatians. and reuerenceof rheG>Iarians is fer our by A TheCecond thing is, char P••l preached rhreeu>ncs oretfdh: th'} de[pifedhintJ""; rheGofpell to rhe Galarian•arthe6rH, as Jt thq re&~~~ulhi;n..., .u an A-.g~f,?,. tU Chriflhimwere breaking the ice, where honehaJ prcaI; frlfo : the; 111011 /d hlfur p!t~ek.!dorlt their eiesro ched before. In this hce cl.timC's hrsprrUJ1 1. h 1111 cdonehimJo9d. . . . ledge, rhat hcc was to be el'cem~d as amai ... The 6rtl rhlO' in P•ultcond~r~on, IS,thtr f!er-bUJider, that la~de the foundation of rt:e. h' p<~bit(l"d the Gof}d in the ;,(lrmitie of hiJ Church ofGalatia: and Wit hall, hrc gJU.:s a fl!fk, char is, inameancand bafe eilare,w!thclofcitmz... ro rhe falfe apoLlles, who d1J not outthcOJew of httmo~ne wifcdomc, and au~ plant Churches, 'bur oncly corrupt rhcru tboririe, &ft~biet'l: ro many m1fcries. In this after they were plonted•. Agamr,P•u/ htere fenCe P~>~uloppofcth infirmitieta the C$Cel!cn· notes rhc conJition ofGods cburch,or king• t· cie ofhu:nane wi(cdome,I.Carint,1..l,3. and dome: in which tir(f comes rhellUsbandman vnderir htecomprehends afl thecalamirics and (o~M·esgoodfeede, and thCn aftcrcomc:s and trouble•that befell him, •.(or.IZ.IO. rhe diuell with histares, M<th'"' I J. 24. ano Tbis was the colldition of rhe reil ofrhe all thiS is euidcnt m the church of G.IatJa, Apo!llcs. Forrhey were but fiOms, & preafirll planted by Pa~l, and then fcduccd by ched rhe word in their 6fber-like Gmpl1citie. B falfc teachers, Nay, this was thecondirion of Chr~!l him- · The thJCd thingis,rhat PaulpreacheJ,bta• felfe. For heeh1d the maielltofhisgodhead ring aboRt him- tlmri•ll o{God. This mal/is a vnder rhe vcileofh1s Aefh: and his outward workeflfGod whereby he d1fcouersvnro vo, man ~·a~ fub1eel ro reproach, and c0nrcmpr, and to rhc world,cithcr the graceJorchecor 4 E(af 53·3· A11d •his isrheorderofGod.The ruptJOnofour heam. Thus God tried A{,r.. \Vord mofl bcedifpenf!!d in the infirmitie of ham,He6r.Il,l7. rhc Ifraelircs,D"uterDnt>mie mans fleOJ for fuadriocaufeo. FICil' char ·~ce 6, I. and c<.echi.u,••Chron.J'·J I . and Paul ill might nor exalt our teachers aboue their eO. th1s placr. diuon, whoare nomore bu: 1ofiruments of The v[e. We muCl not thinke it f!range, grace. WhenrhemenofDorbeand Lillra whenwcareaffiitledanyway. Nay,,•emuil wuuldhauco1feredfacri6ceroPaul,and Barlooke for rrialles, and becconrenrwhen rhey n4bM, thcmJaying,rh.nth(7lPtre come, t.Pet,+u.J.,mu 1.1. VJcearc either men(t,biefltotlu(avu p4j{rmt withthemfduu, goldcindecdc,orgoldeinlhtw: jfindt:ede, A fit I•J.IS· Thefecond caufe,rhatwe might we muil becaHinro.rhe furn'!ce, rhat we may a(cribe the whole workeo( our conuerl1on, C be purged: ifwebcgoldinapp~arance, wee norto men,bur ro GodalonC:l.Cor.4·7· The mun againemto the furnace' rharwe mayhe third is,that God might by rhJS mcanesconknowne what weearc. The bell vine in rhc found rhewlfedorueoftheworld, and caufc vineyard mull be lopped and cur offwith rhe mon that wouldbee wife, to become foole!, pruning knifC, thac IC maybearc the more thatthey might be wife, o.Cor.J.t8.The laO fruit,l•hn 15.1. IS,thatwe m•ghr bea!Turcd,thar the dotlrme Ag'!ine, we mufl rake hccde\lrfl there be aofrhe Apo{!Jes is ofG 0 D: becaufe it prcny hidden corruplionsreigning in our harr,: uailes in rheworld without the Hrength and and we mull labour to be indeede that •·hicb policieof man, . we appcare to be. For wee mu(! hee tried by And asthe word is preached in weakene•, God: ond then that which now lieshid,rhall fair i• belieuedofmen;and rhegrace ofGod be difcouered to our O>ame. isconferred tov.<t, andcontinued in vs, in La!lJy, wee mu!lloo1:c to it, rh2rthcre be thewcakenetTeof rhe flcfh. Godsloueis !bed foundncs of grace in vs, char we may be able abroad in the hearts ofmen: butwheniEuen tn beare the trials ofGod,& n,e,v forth fomc then, when \vecwere in the middell ofmani 4 D mea.fure offairb,patlence,obedrancc. foiJe affhaions. Rom.s. 1.5. Paul beAm aThe I.Ggncofrcucrer,cein theGalarians 6a:Jt hiTn..J the m,tific~tttan of our L!1rd /t'[ll.!, is,th4t theJ did not dejpift P.1ul in his bafecon 4 not for his daranativn, but that the life of dirion. This is amauerofcommendauon in Cj•d might b" mMifrH •• h•s mmall fi'fh· 1 . them,&it isto be followed of vs. And he isa Corinth .4. to. And hee faith plainely, rhar blelfed man char is not offended at Chriil. Mar<h,u.~. rhe grace ofgod i• nude pn'(eCI through >rta~- The fecond llgnc ofrcuerence is, that the] mffe, :.(arimh. 12.9. By thtsweeare taught recemedPau! M a11 Angr/1ofGod. ora& (hrifl ahigh poinrin Reltgioo.and due is, not on~ le(ut. Herefirllwc mu!ldi(linguilhbetwccn lytobeecotHcnt wtth the miferiesand trouP.tulrperfon, and his doCtrineor mimlterie-. bles ofrhislife, butto reioyce ther<in : beAndhe is fa id tobarceiued.u"" A•gdi, or.,. cau(ewh(!nwearc w-:!akefl, we. are llrongefl: Chrtfl: bccaufe hts doctrine was recciucd eand IVhen \Vee thinkcour felnes forf•ken of uen as if an Angell, orChriU had dcliuercd God in rhe rime ofd,llrclfe, we are norforfa1t. Secondly, wee mull pur a difference beken indeed, but h•ue hi• fpeciall faJour and tweene an Apoflle ,and all ordinarie pailor.< proreaion,•.Cor.l z,1o. Letrhisberhought & reachcrs. And robe rcceiucd as an Angel vpon: forrheworkes of G~d in thecauleo.f or as ChrHl, properly and fimplyconcemc; mansfaluarion, are in, and by their contraPaul, &the reHofthe Aponies. Forro rhem ries. Thisisth<:mltnfjetofGodsdealing. tr wasfatd, /tu ntJt J~uthat/peakf, hut the (pi)·;t Bb if