v1 Commentarie "lpon' Ch - ap.4. l ifthefatherin]ou, M.tt,to.zo. Againc,heth.. :a:t A lnue of the GalatianstoP4ul, foasnothing huzreth)61!, heArethme~, bee that deJPifcth)OH, which they had could be toodeare for him. I de[pifeth me,Lts.l 0.16. The apollleo were ea!- /fit hAd Ginpoffiblt:) this he faith,becaufe no led ofGod immediately, taught and.infpired man can pluck out his eie to doanother mon rmmeJiatly,&imrned~ately goucrned by the good: or thus, no man can poffibly glue hi• (pirit, both in preaching&wrtting,co:as they eie and the fight therofto another. could not erre in the things which they dcliIn thefe words P••l fetsdownethethird uercd tu the church:and therefore theywere Ggne ofthe loue & reuerence which the Gato be heardcuen as Chrifl'himfelfe. larlans !hewedto him: and that is, that they As for other ordinarieTeachers,theyare thoughtthemfelucs happy by reafon ofP4u/s in part,•nd in the fecund place to be heard as mimllerie, and would baueparted with their Angels, and as Chri£1, fo farre forth as they mvne eier for his good. follow the dotlrine ofthe Apomes. Thus Hence weclearne, rhatthercis afelicitie arerheyalfo called tht Angel/so[ the Lord of in the time ofthis life, and that is, to receiue I h•f/u,M41.>.7. And emb•Jf•d•nrsinthefh.d andimbracetbedoC\rineoftbeGofpcl. So ofChrij/, :,Cor,s.z 1, B faith Chrill elfewbere,Luk,e 8.ZJ. and t 1.1 &. HereP•ul notably exprelfeth theAuthoMarh. 7· >6. True happines llar.ds in ourrel'itie and honopr ofan Apollle,which is to be , conciliation with God in Chri£1.And this re. heard euen as Chri(l bim{elfe : becaufe in conciliation is offeredand giuen vs on Gods preaching, he istbe mouth, and inwriting, part by brswordand promifc, and iris reccithe band ofGod. This authoritic isto bee ued,ofvs,when we turnero God,and by fo11h maintained: and rhecon!iderarion ofit is of rellonthefaidpromife. Tobein Gods king· great vfe. TbePapill•fay,we know thefcripdome is happinc!Te: and this is the kingdom ture to be the word ofGod, by the tdlimoofGod, whenwee reugneour fclues in fubienie ofthe church: butindeede the principal! ~ion to his will and word.The preaching of munes whereby we arealfured touching the the word, is the key ofthis kingdome, Math. truth ofScripture,to,rhatthe books offcrip· J6.19. and when it is recemcd Jnto .our.harts rure were penned by meo, whofcwriting~;, by f.aith, heauen is Cetopenvoto vs eoen in and [aymgt, we areto receiue, cuen,as from this life, lohn 1,51. Chri£1 bimfelfe,becaufe they had either proThe Philofophers therefore haue erred, pheticall or apollolicall authority, and were that place our bappinetfe in honours,riches, immediatly taught and infpired in writing:& plca(Qres,or in ciu1ll vertue. all this may bee difcerned, by the ma!ter, c Secondly, ourcommon people are dcceiforme, & circumOaces ofthe forcfaid beoks. ued,who tlrinke becaufe they dealetruly and Secondly, they are to be blamedthat call iullly before men, that they are m as good a e con!id. thePopc,the[pou[e if the Church, and Chrifl cafe,as I' hey that hoare all the frrmons in the by"""'J"""'"r(asBcr•arddid:)for tbu•ishee 1vor!d: as.tbough true happinelfe flood in cict .Eugen. more tbenanApo£11<. uiJJ conucrfarion. Thirdly, here we fee thegoodnes ofGod, Thrrdly,thisdotlrineferue• to bea.t do.wn that doth not fpeake tovs in his maieflie,bur apoint of narurall Arheiline in the heart of appoints men in his £1cad,whoarehisembafman, which makes many rbinke it a vatne faJours to be{eechvuo bee reconciled vnto thing to ferue GOD, and to heare his word, i' him. !oh >us. Malac.J.I4. Dauidwas troubled D Fourthly, there mull bee fidclitiein teawith thiiCorruprion,Pf•lrve 7J.ts.Manyof chers, becau(e they Hand in teaching,in the themwhich profclfe the name ofChrill,will Head ofChrrll: and therefore mull only denot be brought to keep theSabb:uh day:and liuerthat which they know to be the will of in their dealings they vfe fraud, and lying, as Cbrill. D other men do: and all is becauferhey thinke Frftly,rbcymull baue a(peciallcareofhothey cannotliuc by thelr•religion. 1 inciTe oflife,becaufethey fpeake inthe name Fourthly,rbeonlyway to e£1abli0ta kingand roome ofGod,ReadeLeuit.t o.:. dome or commonwcalth,is toplacethegof. Sixtly, the peopfeareto hearctheir Teapc! there : for this makesan happiepeople. chers with all reuer<nce, euen as they would And thisis the mainecaufeofour happines heore the very Angells of God, or Chrill and(uccelfein thisGhun:b and land. And himfclfe. thcobedienceqftheGofpel is itthatmakes ' Seuenthly, rhecomfortofrheMinillerie, euery man 'in his trade, office, and calling ts as fure and certaine, as if an Angcll came whatfoeuerit be, to profper.Rcadc Pf•l.t. 3· downe from heaucn, or Chrill himfelfeto ~. ·Omheconcrary, they arewrerched & comfortvs, fo be it we doindeedetruly turne miferabletharliuewithouttheGofpel,Pron. to God,and repenr. 19.18. t.(•r+3·•·Tim.J.7· Verf.rs. What»wyourfelidtiel) thatis, 6. To receiuethe doctrine oftheapofiles, you cllermed it to beyour felicitie·, that you "an vnfalliblcmarke ofrhechurch ofGod. receiOedmeand my doClrine • re6WOHfdhaHt Forthis isrtthat makes a peopleblef~dand pluckfdout your ti~s,.tndh4uegi~«n them tomu) • prouerbiall fpeecb, Ggnifying the fpeclall happy. 7· Wemaynordefpife the preaching of the