Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.f. the Epi~le to the qt~latians. 291 the word, t.Tbe[f.;.zo. Ifwe doe, wcdefpife A thou wiltnot know itno1v, thoulhaltknow it our owne happlnelfe. Iftt'bef~id, Preachers to thy lhame in the day ofiudgemenr, . fometimearelfecciued: A'•f. Markethe adz. Be vile and bafe in thine owne opiniclition ofPaul, Prm~<allthmgs,haldtlwwhich on, lob39·37,38. i4good, t.Theff.).11, 17. Thq ~re i~ifJIIfOHtr}-~tmiJJe:J~a thty Touching the fpeciallloueoftbeGalatl· woHid exc/HdeJOH,tharJOHJh_oMid altogether llJHe ans toPaul, FuLl llmay bedemaunded,what thtm. - was rhe caufe ofit/ An(. The very Mini{lerie '1 8, B11t it i4gosdtoloue eArntf#J tt!wa:u.in4 oftheApofl!c, wh~feollice it was to make goodca•fo; a•dn•tooeiJ1~htnfaiM prefem.wit!. , Difciples,Marrh. :8. 19. andfotoplanrrhe }Cfl. ' . • ~-' churchof the newTellamenr.. And for this . The"Word Z tale,hath many ligni6cations! · caufe , bee had a priuiledge to preach the heere it is fitly tranflated.Iealoufie: Th'J"'' , truth,foas he could not erre in thing• which 11nlous) hereby much is fignified 1that there he deliuered to thechurch. z. He preached isa fpiriruall marriage betwccnc Chrtll'and with author1t1e, ashamng powertocorret! B his Church : that the Church is the Bride, rebellious oilende~s,:.Cor,to,6. t,Cor.4.zo, Chrill the Bridegroome, or Husband; .the 3.He preached with vnfpeakeable diligence. Gofpel an inl!rumont drawnc touching the ReadeAtl.zo.31.4.Ho hada prerogatiue,(a• marriage:the (cafes, the grathe rell ofth_eapollls had) afterhe had made cet ofthe fpirit as Joue-tokens, the MmiLlers Difciples,by impolitionofhands togiuevnofChritl,as friends oftheBridegroome,aiid to them the extraordinarie gifrs ofthe Holy futers for him.Io this refpeel theyputon the Gholl, Afl. 8.17, And thefe are the mcanes atfetlion ofChrill, and are zealouo for him. whereby thisfpeciall loue was procuted. This Iealouue is twofold, prmnd.dualou(zr, Secondly,it may be demaunded, whether and trueieAiou(ie. Prettndediea/QHfie is, when the Galatians did not more then keepnhe men falfely pretend thcloueof the Church Jaw,when they wouldhaucpluckedout their for Chrillsfake, Thlli PAHI faith, Theyare owneeies,and haue giuen them toPa11l? for iralour, that is, they pretend alouevnto you thus they loue him more then their owne for Chrills (ake, but indeed they do itmnifTc. felues. An(. The commaundemenl [Thou And the rea(on followcs, Thry.-ould exciHde P,clt loutth] nrighb"sr .u th7(dfe] doeth not J•u,namely,from louing ofme. Others reade prefcribethatwee mull in rhe·firll place loue c the words thus; they would exclude ~fi4~, v1: out felues, and then in the fecond loue our the difFerence in the originall isonely in one neighbor: butitfctsdowne the right maner Jeuer,and the fcnfeisthefame, that the falfe offouingour neighbor,&that is,tolouehim apollles would exclude Paul from the loue as hartily,and vnfainedly,aoour ownefclues. ofthe G.alatians,thatthey onlymight be hoThe meafure of louc is exprclfed when noured and loued, Chrill faith,,., mu.ftlotleonr anotbrr, .uChrijl 11 u go•d)Thefo words may be vnderllood lolledvr, lohn 13.34. eitl>er of the Galatians, or of P••l. I rather There is a-ccrtainecafe in which wee mull chufeto apply them toPaul, that for iealouconfider our neighbour, not onlyas aneighlie he may make an oppofirion betwe<n himbor,butalfo as afpec1all inllrument ofGod: fclfe, and the falfc teachers. The fenfe iotbiS: and thus are we in forne refpeels to loue, and rhat Iealolie itagood thing, ifit be in a good to preferre him before our felues. Thus a 'caufe, thatis, ifit beindCcd for Chtills fake, fubietlis more toloucthelrfeofhlsPrince and be alwayesthe fame. AndPAul addeth then his owne hfe. Thus PAMiwas contentto further, thatthil kinde oflealouueis in himbeaecnrfed forthe Ifraelites,R•m.9,1, And felfe: becaufehceis iealout ouer rheGalati1the Galatians would hauc giuen their eyes to D ans ,not onely when.fle isprefenr with them, I Paul,that was fo worthyan inllrumentofthe but alfo when bee iubfent: and rhishce furgrace ofGod. ther con6rme•ln the twonext verfas. In their example we arc taught to be wiJ. The (cope, In rhefc words Paul meetes ling to forfake the dearell things in theworld with a conceit of the Galatians : 'for they for thegofpel ofChrill,euen our eics,hands, mighthappily fay, that theirnew Teachm fecte,yea and ourlife. Joued them exceedingly·, and were zealous ' Verfe 16. BrcaN[i!ul/youtbnr"th] We for their faluation, Paul thereforeanfwe(s by mull afterPallls example fpeakethetruth to acomparifon,thus: they arc iclous ouer you, ailmen,Eph.4.1S. AmltbmfmJournumie] butitisamitfe: myiealouliefor you is good. the conclufioa of the Apollles argument, The firll part oE thecomparifon isin the t 7· H~erewee feeacorruptionofnature, which verfe,the fecond in the 1'8, makes vs that wee can notabtde to heare the Thevfe. WhenPAHlfaith, thatthefalfe truth in thingsthatare againllvs. We hate Apollles were iealous ouer the Galarians athem thatfpeake the truth; felfe loue makes milfe, beefets out the falhion of men in the (vs concciue the bell things of our fclues. world,which i• to do thingnhich are good ,Hete then learne, in their kinde, but to doe them for wrong I 1. Tofearch thyheartandlife,tharthou ends. It is an excellenc office to preach the 1 maiell know the veryworll by tbyfelfe: If word,burfome do irofenuieand contention, Bb,. Pht!.