Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Cafes of Confcience. ucth others,fo J 1 c rhar would know how to be A Jhcwes lt fdf6r0: as when acandle IS brought _faucd, mufht~.: rhc AJcancs whereby God famroa roomc, wee fidl fee rhcl1ghr before we 1 ucrh them. fee the candJc)and yet rbccandlc mull nccdes SrfJ. r. bee,bctore<he l1gbtc•n be. X. Laf!Jy,God In rhc workingand clfcdingof .1\lam falgiUctha man srace ro cndcauour ro obey hrs uanon, ordmaril! ~here arc r:\·o fpec1all ?.Cticommaundemcnts by a new obedience. And ens ofGod;tbe~'"'"g'( rh' Juflgraa,and ofby thefc degrees do1h rheLord giue rbe firll ccr rhnr,rhc :?iuiittTofrhc_(econd. The furmer of grace. rhcfc two wOrkc~, bath ten fcucraii atlions. The fccond workc of God tending to f.1!.. I.God giucs man thcourwarJ rnca.ncsof faluarion,i:lrhc giumg o(thckcon4 gracc:which! uarion, fpetially thcM\oiUcry of rhc "'ord: IS nothing el(c but the cotmnuance of the and witb ir, he fends fomc outward or inwart..l firllgrace giucn. For Jooke as bycreation, crolfc)ro brcakeand fubdue the Hubbornncs Goa gauca bccing eo man and ail other crcaofour narurc,that it may be made plyablcro tures, and rhen by his promdcncc continued rhe wliof God.This we may fee in the exam~ ·rhe fame bceing,whichwas as it were afCcond pleof rhclaylor, Act. 16. and of rhdelVes B creario: fo in brmging a man to foluatlo,God that wereconucrreJ acPcters fcrmon) Ad:.z. giucs the firH grace, torexample, robclecue I I. This donc,God brings rhe mind ofman and rrpcnr; and then in mcrde giucs the Cctoa conGdcr.wonof theLaw,~nd thereingccond, to pcrfcucreaodconrinucm faith and nerallywfcc wl1at is good, andwhat is cu1ll, repentance to rhcende. And this, if wee rewhat IS Cinnc)and what 1S not finne. I I I. 'V"p· gard man himfclfc, is very ncccH.uic; For as on a fcnous confidcrat1on of rbc Law, hcc tire without li1ppl1eof m~rter, whereby it is m.1kcs a man particubrJy ro fee and know fedde:md c~mcmued, would foone goc cur; Jus owne peculiar and prop.:r I!nnes, wherefo vnlcJfeGod of his goodnelfe, D1ould folby be offends God. I V. V pon rhc fight of low his children, and bynew and daily fuplinnc) hcc[mitestbc heart wJtha Iegall fcarc, plies, continue his firfi grace in rhcru, they wherebywhen man fcech bisfinncs,hemakes would vndoubtcdly foor1elofc the fame, and him tofearepunilhmcnt anJ hell, and rodefinally fall>way, fpa~rcoffalultion, in regard of any thing in The(ccond Ground forrheanfwer of this bu:-.fdfr. ~ellicn, is taken from fomefpcciaH places Now thcfc fOurc atlions, are indccdc no of Scnpt~rc, where thefame ismooued and frUits of ~:race, foro Reprobate may go rhus C refolucd. The men rhar were at Peters ferfarce; but they :uconely rpor/.:!s of pr~paratian, mon, bceing touched with rhc fenfe ofrhcir gomg before grace; the otber aCtions which owne mifcrie, vpon the dodrinewhich had f6llow,are effects of grace. V. The fifrh abindehucreJ,asrhehoJyghoU!3.ics,lVerecnc· dionufgrace therefore is, to fiirre vp the ked in their hcartJ, anduied vr:to:hcApo}tta: mindc roa fcrious confidc1ation of the prcMenand brethren, rvhtrt foal/wee Jqc l Act. 2. m1feof (aluation,propound<d and publuhed 38. Perer mooued by rhe SniritofGcd.onin the G0fpoJJ, V I. A her this, the fixt is, lwcrs rhem, Repmt, m>d he; b•pti> for- the rokindle unhc hearr (omdeedes or fpa~kes mmJlion o(yo:Jr fr.nes, Thelike was the cnfc of faith, rhar is, a will and de!ire to bcleeuc, of thclaylour,who, afrcrrharrhe llubbornand graccro finueagainfl doubrmgand de. netfcof his heart was beatendownc by fcare (pam•. Now ar rhcf:amc inflanr, when God ofthe departure of the pr1foncrs, hcecarnc begin,cs to kindle 111 rhe heart any fporkes rrembling, and tell downe before Paul and of tOith,rhcn alfo hec iull1fiesrhe Onncr,and Siias, and mooned tbisque!lion vnro rhem; wahall beginnes the work.eof fand:lficanon . Sw1, What mufti do to befdued l Act. .r V1I. Tl1cn) fo fooncas faith ts pm into the wbome they g;ucanfwer; BdeemintheLt;ra' hcarr,thercis prefcntlyacombate:for ttfigh.- D !e{UJ, and thou {halt bee faued, and thine houftcrhw~rh Joubring,defpairc,and diflru(I.And hold<. The young man in rhe Gofpcll rues tnthiscombatc fa1tb fhcwes it fclfc, by fer~ to Chrill, aod askes him, What foa!J !doe to uent,con(l::tm,a.ndcarnc!l inuocat!rn forpar· hec f•med? Mar. I o, 17, &c. Chrifis:mfwers don:aod afrcr inuocation foJlowes a Hrcngth hin1, Keepe th~ CommAtmdementr. VVhcn and preuailmg of rhis dc!ire. V li I. Furhe replied, rbar bee hod kepr rhem from his thermore, God in mercy quiets and fctrics youth, Cbrill:rclshim,rhathccmullgoc:yet rhcCon{clcncc, as touching rhe faluanon of further, and jcf/aflthr.t /;chath,tmd gie:c torhe thcfoulc, and rhe prom1fe of life, whereupnn p•orr.And Iohn tclsrhc Scnbe.and Pharifes, it rcllerh an.i l!aierh ~r(clfe. IX. Nextafrcr · whocamcvnro hi• Bapr;[me, and confclfed rhis fetled alfurance, and p<rfwalion of mertheir finnes, rhar if they would flie from the ctc, folbwcs a O:irring vp of the hearrt-oE· wrath to comc,d1cymutlrepent,&brin,g forth uangclica!Iforrow,accordingto God,that is, fr:ms'Aiarrhyam:ndmr:ntof /if~.Mar.3.8. From agncfefor f1nne)becaufe 1t is Gnnc,& becaufe thefc plac~s then) I frame this anfwcr ro the God IS offended' and then tbe Lord workcs Quc!hon in hand.The man that would fland repcmance, whereby the fanCbfied heart in thcfauourof God,and bee faued,mufl doe rurnesit fcifcvntohim. And tbough this refourc thmgs: firlt, htrmblc hnnfdfc bcfor.e pcntancebec one of the I01H m order, yet 1t God: [('condly, belecue in Chritl: thrrdly, f B repent\