Jl [ommentarinpon Chap.4. phi/.·1. r5. others m;>.dc merchandifeof the word. :his a)JC><.c~lltntthiilg tojmbtpce the Gofp_el :_and yet many men doe (eanti!fe,for feare,or for honour,or for proijte., or forother !inHler refpe~' and not for,the.Gofpch rake,T-his temporallJfe is an excellent thmg, yor few there are that know the end of thio life.-For-men commonly fpend nottbeir time tofeelthekmgdomc <()fheauen, a~d to ferue ' :G 0 D inferumg ofmen, but with all their might;~hey ay,mut,IIQnours, profit~,plea– fute,s : 11ndthusth~y liueami!fe, not forthe 'honou_rof God, but forthemfclues, This ·m.ufl.teachvs, not onely to doe good, but to A ·doitwell,andtop.ropound goodemlstoour felue,s: and tofeeketo be vprigh! in tbeS~a- B rutesof God 1 Pf•lmt 119. So. Tothisend., rhreetbi,ngs mufl be done. F~r!l,wentu{lfet before vs the will and commaundement o1 God,and t_his~moCI moue vs to doerhe gooo we do. Secpndly,Jheoutward~a_ton muCl be conformable tg tiJe inword motions of the mward man :-and.they mu!! both goe toge– ther. T hlrdly, we.mu!l direClly intend too bey God ihthe_thiogs we do, and to approue our,heartsactd·dQingUP.hitll. 1 Inthat_the falfe a.llo(\Jes areTaid to be ie.- !ou;, or~Mious, we..(ce howNarurecan coun– terfeitthe grace ofGod: and that which rhc childeofGo4,Jqt~by grace, rhattbe noruraJI man .tandoeby nature. Thus Ph•ro•h fained repentance, Exo£'us 9· 27, and Ahab, thatfoldh•mfrlfetowork; wick!d~eJfe, r.Kings C "·'7· and /ud,..;n themtdfl ofhis defpaire hfaid tortpt~t, MAtt,:]. r. Daily experience !heweschehke in fuch perfons, who in their exrremitie, with tearesvfeto bewaile thetr hues pall, and with many vow~s., and prote– fiarions,promi(e amendment:.and yer after– ward when they arc on footeagaine, they re– rurnetn their old bias.In aword,there is no· thiflgthatthegodly man doth by the fpiritc of_Godfpiritunlly,bur an hypociitemay doe the like carnally_. Natljre can play the part ofrhe Ape inimitating good things,There– fore idl-ands_ys in hand ro pray, &examine our hea~ts, leCl weebe deceiued in ourfdues. Fqtrhere may lie adepth of deceit and falf– hood lurking inthe heart. And that wee be D nqt peceiu.ed, two thingHrmCI beobferued. OM is, rhatwe (TlUClcheciOtinour heartsan vniuerfall hatred ofalland eueryfinne; 6tfl in.our [clues,& then in others.The fecond is, rhat we muClbe changed and renewed 'in our mindes,confclences,a.t1d affed:ions. Thirdly, hccrewefee the propertieof en– uie,and ambiri 0 n,in thefe falfe teachers.P••' mu(\ be excluded from thelouc of the Gala– rians,rbattheyalose may be loued. Thus I•· fir• wouldh~ue excluded e/Jad and Med•d from prophecying, and he would haue M•– f;s ro he the onely Prophe.r, but Mofis faith,! rpould to Cjot/. •flthep.oplt couldprophecie, Num. 11.19. !ohm difcipleswould haue excluded ejui(\ from bar:~fing: but/ohn[aitb,Htl>1Hj/ incrt•fo, •ndlmuf/derrt4{e. bbn3-30. The ddc1ples·of Chri!l would haue excluded one that call out diuels in the name ofChriCI,bur dtd not follow him; and Chrifl forbad them L•kf 9-49· ' LaCIJy,we heerefee t-he propertie ofdecei– u~rs" eo make adiuifion between the Paflor and thepeople. .'. ''· Befidetheformer pretended iclouGe,there is agood iealoufie, which the Apeme takes to htmfelfe,and elfewhereh~ca11es it the;,.. lillfit~fGod, z.Ccr,JJ.Z. I ' ·VcrfesS. Thio iealouGe prefuppof~th-t-he office of the Apomcund all MiniClers,<which Clands inthree thing•. ThefirCI, is, tobecomellii– ter~ rothe Chur-cb 1 or to~befoulcsofmen, ia thenameofChriCI, and to make the offet or motionin his name, ofa fpirituall mar-ri– age: and this io done in the rnlniClerie 1 and MpenfationoftheGofpeU: Thefecond is, to make the ContraCl betloecne memfoules and ChriCI. Now ro rhe m•king of a Con– traCl, thcconfentofboth rhe parttes (atrhe leaCI) is required: ChriCI giues his confent in theword, 0fe, >. zo. and wegiue our confent to him,and choofe him for our head 1 when we turnc ro God,and belceuein Cbria. And the rr.ini!lerie of the word feruesro fignifie rhewill ofChriCI vnro vs,and to Jlirrev pour hearts to an holy confenr. Thethird is, after theconrraCI, to preferue them in true faith, and good life, thatthcy may be fir to be"re fented to Chri!l in rhe day of indgemenr,and Co be married to him eternally: forthen,and not before, isthe marriage of rhc Lambe. Thefedueries areall noted byPa•l, ~>h<n he faith, Th~tt h~prtparedthe Corintbi~tnJ thoil bee might prt{tntthtm1Uapure Yirginvnto chrifr, z.Cor.Jr.>. And becaufethischargeandof– fice is laid vpon thcApoCIIes and Minillers: therefore they are (aid tobe-iealoHs. This Iealoufie!landsin threethings. The fir(! is,to loue the Church,in deed and truth, forChrillsfake. Tbefecondis, tofearelefl by reafon of weaknt!fc, and by mean• ofrbe temptatiom 6fthediuell, the Church and they thatbelceue,lhoula fal away fro Chri£!. The thi•dis,afrerthefaUoftheChurch, to bee angrie with holy anger and indignation, for Chrifls fake. Thus Mofo1 was i<alous, when the Ifraelites worlhipped the golden Calfe:and e/i.u with like zeale flue the priefls ofBaal. Thus isParlffaid tobeiealou•in this place,andA11.I4'4· -' ·- If theApoflle be rhuticalous, how much morethen is Chri!l bim(elfe iealous, who hath cfpoufed-himfclfe to !lis Church IThts plainly fltewes,that hecatfnor brooke, either partner, or depuric, And therefore hts facri· lice on the crolfe muCl fland withoutrhe fa– cri6ce oftheMa!fe, his interceflion without the interceflion ofSaints, his rnerites with· out the merite of workes , hio farisfa8ion without any farisfaC!ion of ours. Hec will haue rhe heart alone,and all thehearr,or nothing