Chap.4. the Epiflle to theqatatianr. rbiog: and he w~l notgiue any part ofh1s ho· A their apo(iafle was veryfoulc : yet becaufe rhare were fome good things remaining in them, and there was hope of recoueric, bee inlargerh his bowells towards them , and thewes his loue with compaffion. If this bee rhecafc with P•ul, then greatisthe loue and compaffion of God to his children. Ifrhe d11lde be ficke and froward, rhe morher dotb notcafl ir forthofrhe doorcs, when lhee ten– ders it, and carefully lookcovnto it: much more then will the Lord haue pity and com– pafli.on. Here then a mainecomforc 1s robe rcmembred: if we be ofthenLJmberof them thatbeleeuein Chrifl, baringvice, and ha– uinga careto pl<a[e God, our weokenelfes nour to any other. . . This Icloufie in rhe Mmdlers mu~ reach all faithful! fcruanrs ofGod, rharrhey keepe themfdues as pure virgins for ChriU,and f<t chc1r hearts on nothing in the world, but_on him . Therefore they mull hunger after ChriU: rhey mull account all things dung for him : they muG haue rheirconuerfation in hcauen wirh him : and loue his comming vnto them by dearh, Pfal. 45.1 o, Conrrari– wifc, they thatfct rhelf hearts onanic ether thing, bclidchim , are (aid to!." a whoring fromhim, and therefore they are accurfed, Pfotm•73·'7· Thus many Protefianto do in their pratl1fe, wharfotuer they profelfc. Thus doerb the Church ofRome borb in word and dcedc. For befide CbriU fl>e harh many other louers: and 01eegoc:s awhoring afterrhcm when fhec worthips Angells, and Saints, th•Imagcs ofGod, and Chrifl, wirh religious worlh1p. Againe, by this wee areput in minde to yoelde an vniuerfall fubiettion to Chrifl: for this isrhc duety of the efpoufcd w1fe to her 6usband. L:i(!Jy,rhatgood things may bewe! done, good ends mull be propounded:and we mufl bee conOant in rhc good which wee doe. And thus Paul[alth, lt id agood thing to bu B and falls of weakcnetfe, doe not abolifl> the mercy ofGod,but are occafions ro lllulhare rhdame. The \Veakenelfcofche child llirres vp compaffion in the mother : ~nd 'Damd faith, Atlffatherhath comp"'j]ion on hU chil– dren • {o h11ththe Lord compa/Jion onthennhat feart him : and IDarke the rcafon, for hu k._11owuOHr frame, find th4t we arohut duji,Pfa. 10),14· . . WhenP•Hl(airb, ltraue/1, bee lignifics rbe mca[ureof his minil!criaiJ paincs, rhar they wereasrhe trauel ofa woma wuh chrld: and rhis be 0)e\Ves plainly in ti)e paniculars, z.(or, 1 r.z3. £/i&rhatwas fenr in ~is rime to i~Aitmr. C J 9. My little chi!drtn ofwhom< l traueai. birth•gaine, till Chrif/ bef.rmrdin J'"· rcCloreRciigi9n, wasatlcogthfo w~ar;ed 10 this bufinelfe, that bee dclircd the Lord to takehimoutofrheworld, J.Kiwg, 194.The :o. Iwould I weren1wwithJOU,that Imight changem] vgice:for I am infoare o{J!JH. Paul bath (aid before, tbar hi< irloujieourr theqaiAtianr will good~becaufe ir was: in agood caufe,and it was conltant,not only in,his prc~ (ence,buteuen in his abfence: and thi• he de– clares here by rwo fignes: his loue now in his abfence,in rbe Hi. verfe 1 .apd his deurein the zo. verfe. . Theword,rM·itllf, tranflucd. l traueOinbirth, fignifies notoncly, tl>etrauell ofrhe woman atthebirthofthe child, but al(o the painful bearing ther.eof, before the birth. And the words bauethisfenf~, 0 ye Galatians,once heeretofore I bare and brought you foortb, when I firfl preached ·Ch~ifl vnro you: •nd becaufe now yee arc reuolred from my do– ctrine,I am cop!lrainc<!.o.nce againc to bearc you,andto traucll withyou in my miniClerie, rill by theopeution ofrh;.boly Ghofl '· the right knowledge, & rhe trueIm~g'cofChrifl defaced by the talfe ApeOles,b~onceagaine reformed anq reflered. In tbefe wordes ( mflittlechi/Jrrn) Paul takes tohim~b~condjtionofamorher, and bee fignifi~s his mofl tender.and motherly affee!ion to the Galarians., It is the faO>ion ofmorhcts, when rheir c.hil~ren pr 0 (pc( and doe wcll 1 ro reioyce,; w1 hcn.rh~y arc CickeJ or die. to mourneexccedn~gly, arld robe moo– ued with pitie and compaffion. The Gala– tians deferued noloue at/!aules hand : for paines of tho PropberE{ay, made him cri<. Mj~t>anenef!e,tn)fe{lnrn~ffe: and /tNmiecri– erh, MJh•U;, my bell]: tignifytng rhar his griefe~and his painesin the Mihlflcrie, were asrhe.paineofrl)e C:•licke. By this wee foe, that .rhey haue much ro anllver.e for before God, thatareinthiscalling, and yet take little or no paines ,therein. And rhar they which tak,e-tbe mofl paincs, come farte .fl>ort ofthei.r duery. Againe,wnen be(aith, ltraueU, bee figni– fies th; dignirie ofthe miniUeric, rhar it is an inll·~ibcntappoinred of God forrhe )rorke ofr.egeneraJion: for P"'ulcomparcs hip;(cJfe toawbm~n iJ) trau~ll. ; and the workt of his D miniller~,to~he ira~Lelit felfe, whcr,cb,Y chil– dt,eqar~borne to·Gnd~ThiS ferues,very well to'l\\>pp.etheitm.ourbcs, thatcondemnerhe vocaH·and cxrernall minifrerie. ,. When hec faith ~· 1tf11u~Uatrame,1hce re~cbetb, thatifro~n fallofcer th~ir 6rfl i.niriall rcpeutancc,_tbct-eis.flill apollibilitic ofmer– cie,and a pia(:'~ fg~a{econd repentance. \Ve mull{erg1#e tl,llftHmtif;JimerfotteJJthh:!s, Mat. t8.u.Mucl]morewil!Gdd.doeit. T-hepa– t;~blo.ofrbc prodigallfonnc thewes,rhat they wl.>ichfall f,om God aft~rthe~r calling and firfl eonue{lion, _may ~gaine bynew repentance be lit:Qouer~Q. , · An.o)>iectioQ: Pa•ls fecond traucl prefup– pofeth a fecond ucgencration in the Galari– ans,:..~d iftheyar~ borne againe the fccond rime, 1he.n in theirapoOaGe.they·fell wholy Bb 3 from