1 294 A Commentarie 'llpon Chap.4. from God, Anf. When Paul{airh, !trau,u · A deofChriUsdeath, rcfurretlion, afcenuon agame, hce dorh not prefuppofc any fecond arrha< time, nor the manerof hi• kmgdome: fpmtuall generation: forthe chrldof God" Ofthis forrwas Rahab,when fhe recciu<dthe bur once begorrcn to the Lord;and Paul here (pies, Hrhr.r r. for then fhe was not inform<d callsrhc G alarians, /1111< children, becauf«· in the religion ofthe Iewes,butonly acknowuen in rherirncof their fall,the feedc,ofGod ledged the God of lfraelto be the rrueGod, fldl remainedintherr heart<.' And bccaufe and had a refolurion to ioyne her (clfeto the thdmageof ChfiU wasagatnctobeeteforpeopleofGod. OfthisforrwererheCorin· med and reUorcd in theGalatian,, in thia rethiansat the 6rU.For they werecarnall more fpetl he [allh,ltra~~C!!agameof!'"· . then fpirituall,eucnbabuin ChriU, r,Cor.J. Thccnd of P••lsmuufleryrscxprclfedrn 3·Thismuflteach vs,wherewe(eeanygood· rhe words,u/1Chrijl b"formed'"you: that rs, thing in men, to cbedlh it. Forthough asyet ull (as u "·ere) the counterfeit or Image of they be not Chrilham formed,yetthey may Chnfl bee flamped and rmprmtcd m your be ChrtOtans mforming. hearts. Thislmage hath two parts. The6rU When P•t~lfaith, ~•rii!Chrijlb"for11Ud, is, a nght knowledge of ChriU in re[petl of B he fhewesthatthe conuerGonof a Gnner, is hts natures and office•, 31 they arc fet forth in not wrought in one moment, but by litleand tbcword.This knowkdge was defaced in the little, in proce!fe oftime. In the generation Galarians, \vhen they ioyned workcs with ofmfanrs,6rfl thebrainc,hcarr,and liucrare Chnll: forthen they made him to bean im· framed : then the bones, vemcs, arteries, perfetl Sautoor . The fecond partofthrs I· nerues, membranes :and after this, fleOlis mage, isa conform11y 1>1ith Chrifl, Rom,8. added. And rhe inf•nt firU beginsroliucrhe 19. It iSN'ofold, conf(lrmiticin quabtic-, and life ofaplant.bygrowing&nvurifl1iog: then confrmniticinpra!Jifc. , · it Hues the hfeot abeall,byCen(e&motion: Conformiti;i•q••lity is again twofdld. The & thrrdly, the life ofa man, by the vfe of rea6rfl i•, acMformitiero th< dMtbofChriP, wh_m lon.Euen (oGoJ outwardly preuentsvs u·itl1 the vcrtuethcrcc.fworks in vs adeath of {m, hi&word, and inwardly he purs into vs know~ and ~·hen wee (ufferas ChriU fuffered, in Gledge ofhis will, with the beginnings or feeds Jencc, comc:ntation, obedience, fubieding oftairh & repentance, as it were abraine and our (eluestothe will ofGod; The fecotid is a heart: from thefe beginnings offaith and acot{ormiti! to the r(furreBWn or life of ChriP, repent~nce,ari(e heauenly dclires:from thefe anttthat is, when weliuc not only a naturall, dclires followesasking, fecking, knocking: but alfo afpirituatrlife, which·n, to fubmit C and rhus the beginnmgsof faith >re increaour [clues to be ruled by the word and fplritc fed ,and men goeon from grace to grace, till of ChriU. they be tall me in Chrifl. Ana forthis caufe, Co~tformirie inpraElifo is) when wecarry.our \VC mull with conflancie v(eJ:he good means (clues as Prophets in the confdfion of the in hearing,reading, praying. nameof.Chnlf, m rcachwg, exhorting, and Lafily, we are all here put in niindeto fluadmoniihmg oneanothei: as prieOs to otfcr dy, and tovfe all good mcanes; that we may our bodies and foules in-facrifice WG 0 D: be like to Chritl, fpcciall1 in the difpofition as fpirituall Kmgs , bdhng fway oucr rh• ofthe inward tnan.There isa fpirituall=d- !uOs and corruptions of our owne ht'arfs. nesinthemindsofmanymen: cheythinke And thusn Chrifl tdbe framed in theHam ofnothing but of the fafhion of their appa· ofmen. . . reil, and of the trimmingof their bodies: Thev(e, Here ,•• feetliecnd ofall'prcabutlct vsthinkc how to imprinrthe gratious ching1 is to make linfullml:n to b'l!tllmenew ImageofChrifl in our beam: thua fhall we crcorures,likevntoChriU'Jthisinhedrlfrof D beelouely, and hau·e fauour in the eyes of theMtniflery: andthedoClribe' that tends God.· to rhisporpofe, is found•and w)IO!(oine, ,A· Thul much of p,w/sloue : now foilowes gain,here we fee, that in the-new Tclliu'nent, his deure in the 1o:v~rfc.In whtch I ctmfider there is but one rule and order ofal meh;and duce thing; :the defire it felfc, hrow/dlwm that isihe rule of ChriU, Taf<!vp tli} croJJ,, wilhJo~"''" :.the end ofhi~ dclire, that I might andfolio,. m<: and fortliiscaufc tire miniflwc changi mJ v•ice: rheoccahon thereof,for I•m feruesro frame Chrillin rheheh"'ofall beinJo~btiJfJ'"· 1 ' leeuers. Therefore the feoeralltuleli abtl c,r. When P•ul[airh,Iwcuid J,.-tr,.-ithycttnow, dersof Monkes and Fiiats in th'e chu{ch 6f he Jhews, that rbc prc!er.te of·Pafiourswith Rome, aremeerefupcrfiftions. '' • their people, isathingmoll nec<!fary. And Furthermore, p.;rJ/•her~ rtukrs two de· thcrearetworeo(ons thereof, Onets,topregree. of Gods children; one Is, wh~n they uent fpirituall danger•, wNch arc manifold , Pa. 1 .s. arc bcgot:cnot God,and Chrill is formed in and continual!, in that thtdillt!/feekp ront•· Ephc. 6.a. rhem. The fccond, when theyare begotten nu•I!J whombumay·deulhz'r< : and"" fight •· ofGod, yet to, as they are yet vnfdrmed, r.ainPprincip•lit;,Jirndpot~~ttn•h'~""'ly thrngJ. Such were the ApnO!es when they confe!Ted In this refpetl Pafloursarecalled Watc~mm Ct·rifl to bethe Sonneofthe huing G 0 D, and Olierj<m.Secondly, theprefence ot Pa· v'J.lartb. liS. forthentbeyknewnot theartiflours.,ith theirpeople, feruu to redrdfr things •