Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap. 4-· tbe EpijiJe to the (jaJatianr. 295 r'h_:_n_g_s a-'m~ 1 1f."",•...:a ..n..,d-ro-ro-co-:-u-:-c:::r-:d;:-,e::n::,,:;rlc' ,,.:-;,-;:b:-.;e-;:in-:-;-A:;-;::n:-.;er;:s-;:bc-prefent with their teachers: and rhel apoU.1fie: a~ P. 111 1(aith in rbis·ptace. '!hrre~ teachers ag.ainc: temper their voices ro rhe\ fore" weruo be win1ed, rhzr rhis mmde of capacitieot rhe learners, Thus Samuelwao Pau/wereinall Pal1ours, rhar with one con· with E/iarr!Je doreofrhcTabernade : rhus / f<nrrhey might fay to their pec>plc, 1JPou/J I Chri!l was in the Tetuple among the dowere wirb 1 ounofit. doun)heariog themand asking them quc:.lli~ In the words, [rh•tl mightchangtmyv6ice] ons.Luk,l.4'1, Pau/conrinuesrhe allufion (wh1ch he mado Thirdly, Paulherefets downctheway ro in thaformerverfc) roawom~nwirh childe: make a pacification for religion in rhefe !all and hereby he Ggnifies two rhings. The tlrll daies:and rhe way is,tharrhe PaUours of rhc is, rhat he willleaue further difputing with Church be alfembled together by rhe aurhothc Galati~ns, ahd fall ro lamenting and cryririe of Princes: and beeing alfemblcd, rhcy ing,asmorhersdocio rhe time of.rheir tU· remper rbeir voices one to another accor· l uell, by reafon of their paine. This is to dmg ro rhe written word. Thus may rhey changerhevoice. Ir wasrhc manner of P411f tharlic now vnder rhe Apollafie of Anliroabafe himfelfc, and ro mourneforrhe Gns B chrill,be recouered, And the proofotbcrs,z.Cor411,14.andhereprooues rbe tmfcafGod is, thatwl;entn'o$rthrucome ro· Corinrhians;rharrhey were puffedvp, & did gr~herinbis"""''• h"vi/1b"vith thnn. Matth. normourne forrheiocelluouspeifon. Like 18 r8. . , wasrhe prad:,feo(Dautd, Pfal.119.t J6. of La(l!y,rheMinillers(as herewe fee)are ro Lot, z.Per.z.7; oflmmie, Lanl.l. II. ofrhe remper rheir g1fts and fpeech rv rhcconditifriendsofJob, lob z, lall.ofrhegodly in the on of their hearers. The Corinrhians were daies ofE<>«hi.t.c.Sf 4.ofChnllm refpca of babes in Chrill, and P•u/feedes rhemwirh Ierufalem, Luk.19.41.Andirharh beenealmdke. l.Cor. 3· 3· To rhclew he became a 1uiei!he prad1fe of holy men, when rhere lew,ro the Gentile a Gentile, ·rhar he might was no helpe, with reares ro commend rhe winnefome.t.Cor.9.18.Forrhiscaufeirwere cafe to God. to bewi01ed, rhatCatcch1fing "-'Crc more V· If forrmv for other mens offenc<S make fed th'cnir is ofour Minillers.Forour people Paul change his voice, much moreare men areforthe moll put rude and vncatechifed: ro doe ir forrheir ownc. Peur, in .his.repen· and therefore rhey profirlittleor nothingby rancelcfr his prcfumpruousfpeaking,and fd (ermons. Arermon ro li1ch perfom islike a ro bitter and (ecrerre>res: did rhe wo- C grearloafefe! beforea child.And it is nri dif– man char llood ar the feere of Chr~ll wee- ' graceforlearn~dMiniQers1 inplalneandfaping, & waihed his feete wltli her rcares,Luk. miljar man;,qr 1ro ca!cchue: for rhis is ro lay 7.38.The like ought we ro doo'for our oftenrheround~rion, wuhout~,hich all labour in cesand finnes. Thee.urh.quakc this winter b~ildmg is in va·ine. Againe', our ignorant paO mullllirr• vsvp to rh iS diny. For iris a p<ople lhould be content euen in rh<ir olde matter fullofrerrour. 1. Sarn.14-r f , and rhe agr rolearnerhecarcch,fme:~o,rby reiifon of lickne• which hathraken hold ef rhou(ands, rhctrignorance, rhey l1e ·~~ prey to rhe,Aaugenrlcwarning mull be refpeeled. And rhe1ll and Papill: and in mudihearing,r)ley it mull beconudered,that the changes ofthe !earoe lmlq bccaufe they ,know nor r_he great world bring wirh rhem l1kc·chan.ges m grounds ofdodrinerhar arevfuallyin'!.llfer. the little werld,thatis, in rhe bodieo ofmen. mons.And ir iJa fault in maoy,rhar-rhey loue Agame, tochangethevoicr, 1stoconrcrrc toheare fcrmoos, which ar~c .beyond thc1r wirh rhcGalatians, and vpnn conference to reach, in which they ll'ln-4Ari~ wc~derarrl)e remper his voice ro rheir mann<rs and con· Prea.·he~:and plamcpn:achiqg i•lmlc re(pedirrcns, as neuriles llammeVand lifpe wirh Cled offuch. ,. , ,, ·, children. F<>rfomtarcwirhpirietobereco- D .-.T~e occa\Ion of P4~{s defireisinthefe ueted: andfome wirh rerrour. lode u.:3· words,IJoubt •!J••.or th~l·}•I!Jinperplexiri< HenceI gather, ·. 1 (.rJ'"' aqd ~jlisP••/ fpea~1es,as a rnorher iti .. Tha_r rhe C?nf;r.nce. ofPallours and 1 fomedangerp,usexrreJiliiY,IIlthetimeofher people, 1sathin~very n>occtlarte. P<~ul hert1 rrauel;asR.;c~4was iq .~1\~~fr!~~IJ ofBrni~tmut, afcribes mare re it~l\en tohisEpillle.Iris the Gen. Js.And the. .,Qrpssanri~ tl;li• ftofe,) am life ofprcac-hing.Forbyrr tbereachero know rroublesl fpr your,recouf~i.e;and ~f~arc itwil becterwhatto-teach, &thepeopJebcrter te neuerbc.,. ~ 1 ~ 1 conceiuerhings that are caught. Hero rhe w,e .Here we !came, howdangerous arhing ir fee a common (aulr. Men are content to isrofall.f~l'mgrac~, rhoughitbeburinparr, heare,burthty will nor conferwith rh•ir teaForaman~nnor recou~r h1rn(e)fe w.hen he chcrs:and it\ rhctime oflidkn·cs,thcfir{i ,p'erwill. \.V' <joenou,he gopd we ,can, 'vple!Te fonrhar is conferred wirh, i• the Phyfitian, God ma~~s.vs doert. Ezoch; 3</. :7, Canr. and the M imflccis Iall fentfo.:wherasonrhc ).verf.4.l,erem. ,.r. ver(. ~~~.Therefore it is contraric, rhe cure of thefoule isthecurc of 110, ern>pr1~ thin,ke rh~t"'e mayrepenr,and the oodie.Iob.Jl.>P5. · t•· God ~hen we !1'91, a!_lnany fupAgaine,.here!Sferdowne the way ro at· pofe• .1\nd,rh~t mull be a warning v~to ••s raineall good lcarnmg: and rh.r is, rharlc'arro prc({'fue rhc good rqiogs rhar God harh I I Bb4 e~ut~-----·