Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

cv1 Commentarie "JJpon Chap. 4 . put into vs,and notro quench thefpirit. A pHis ofourtime, whowill. nor be fubieCl ro theiuliice ofGod, burfervp their ownciu– liiceinrhckeepingofrllelaw. The hkedoe the ignorant people among vs, who hold thattheyareableroful611 the law , and that they arc to be faued thereby. And when they fay,they look to be faued by their faith, they voderliand thereby their fidelitie, that "' their good dealing. And though P••l doubt of the recouerie ofthe Ga!atians,yer he fpares not to fend his Ep:lllc ro rhcm,and to vfemcanes.And rhus mdefperate cafes,we mufi vfc the beUmeam, an:ilearrethe fuccelfc to God.Thus the Ifra· eliteswhen thcrcwasnootherhelpc,went in* 1 ' to the fea,asintothdr dc:uh bed,orgraue,by faith (laying tbenrfclues on the promife of God.Heb.1t.Z9. :.Chroo.>o.u. That which Pa~tlhcrcfaith, may befaidof many among vs in whome Chnll i• nor yet framed, whether we refpcC\ knowledge, or good life:for rhey giue iu!l occaOon ofdoub– tingwhetherthey wrll cuerrurne ro God or no. 2 I.T~O "uye tiMt willbe vnder thcl.iw ,d(Jrye not hearcthelaw? Againc,.Pau/herenotes theferUile difpo· Ullon ofmenthat loue tarherto be in bun· dage vnder thelaw, then tobein perfect li– bertlevnderthe grace ofGod.This we fee in daily experience, All profctfe Chrili amoon vs: ycti$ltcuena deatht.othemoll,tofo~ ~ake the bondage ofthe ftetb. ChriO we pro· B tctTe,yet fo as wetakelrbertieto liue after the lulls of ourownehearrs. 11. For it iJn:rittcn,tiUJt Abraham hAdt~o fonncs,onib) ;~ftmant,llntianothtr b] afree~wo. man. 2 j. Bttl hewhicbwatoJthe(ertlint,wM/:Jorne after th'jlrfo:&hcJVhicb rvM ofthrfru-woman, b] protmfe. From the 8. verfe of rhis chapter to the zo. verfc, P••lharh handled tHeconcluOon of the principal! argument ofthis Epillle, touching the apo(laOe ofthe Galatians:and here he rcturncs·again to his former dotlrine touching theiulhfication of afinncr by fatth, with·cur thewoikes of the law: ' and hecon– fimies it by an orber Argument, the fumme and fub0anc4 1vhercof ts this: ;yourlibetrie C from the lawwds pr~figured in'the family of Abrabam : therclor'e ye arc nofoofidmcn to th<; JawJburfrce-n1'en. · · · 'I'he argumcnr'is at large propounded, aod it harh foure parrs: apreface in the lt. verre~an hiOqljebfnhraham an'dhi• family, vcrf. :z, • 3. tl)d~pplrcarion of rbchiUorie from the •'r(e~othe 30. rheconcluGon. ' verf.~ r. · :::; .. ' , AnJ firll ofroe Prefacc.La.-]the word(/41•) in th.cfirll place 1 is'rakcn proeerly for the moralhod c'trdmtin'ialllawofMo("' and in thefccond plaec/orthe bookes ofMu.f<~,and namdy, for the ~ooke of G~nelis. And in rhfsfenfer!lew<lrdis taken, wb.en ~hrmis ' faidt• expoHnJthl'biw.andthrPfor.hrtJ, Luk. D ·14A:Od fometime it 6gnifies ·all~rhe bookes Cif' the old 'rellatl1enr,Ioh.rps-. · T!J,d,<; th</aw~~o be vnder the !a1v j is to hold our fc;lu~s !iotlna to the fulfilling of the taui,~nd tb1dci~e0foflifc-erermm thereby. . D.Ol!.Jenft he:t'~{b:J~lll?] that is,: ye reade and heare mdeea,but ye vndarliaod not'!he fc.o'pearid drift'ofthitrwhichyou leade. • When P•Hifairh,dueJ<Ml hrarr thrl•w?he notesthecaufeofourfpiriruall pride, and of the feruile difpolirion before nan:cd, n'!)ne– fy, ignorance in miflaking& mi(conceiuing rhe true fcopeofrhe law:. for rhc Galauans did not confider that Chriliii!OS t1re fcope of thelaw, butthey fuppofed that thevery ob– feruation of the law euen lince the fall of man,did giue lifeand iu!lrfie.Thil ignorance was tothe Iewcs asa vailc before their eyes rn the readingofthelaw, z. Cor. 3·'4· And rhis ignorance.harh blind•d the Papi(i at this day: for he fuppofeth rhattheGofpcl is nothing els bur the law of Moj", and that ChriO indeed is but an inUrurnent to make vskee~ers ofthclaw, and confequenrly faui– ours at our felucs. In the hiCiorie of Abraham I conOJer rhreerhings, the fat! of Abr.jJam in taking two wiucs;rhcE.uenr vpon lhis fact, he had rwofonnrs by them: rhccondttron of rhcfc fonnes. Touchingthe faCl ofAkr.ha"'· it may be dema~nded' what is to be iudged thereof? Thcgroundtotlleanfwcr fl,allbc this: that. m11rri11gei& the ipdiui(i6/sconiun[/lon of ove man and'"' ,..,,.,,.otl]. This Chtil! of purpofc teacherh, Matth. t6, wherehefajrh that God cre,:tttd them ,:rt.llu firft m~n~afhi1llqp11{11~~nd not wornen,•tam•n m•flforf~f« father and mothn',ttndciumeto his -,rife ,J)pt to his.wiucs, : v.s.rhat thry twain<fo•O bun<jlcfl,, v. 6. Aqd in all rhis Clirili makes, bur onc– ly reuiues the 6dl inlhrution of marriage made io Paradifc!. And cdl(u.fu hauing fet downerhis diuineinOiturion, addeswirhall, that L""'"bwa1 the fir(l that brake it, byta· kingmany\\·iues.· ·~ .· . Now rhen•.tliehnfwcr to rhe queliion is twO-fold. Some fay, thot Abrab~mand the rell oftheParriarks bad a difpe.n{arion from God ro marrie many t~tues, and rh('refore rharitw.,nofinnein them. OftPis minde ardundrielearmd men' both Prorellamsl and Papills.Bur tbe.ant)rer I' 9nc!y comcetu– ·rall,and harlino cuidcn~c mScnpture.. Thc(econd anfwcr is, rh~~ God dtd not I -----------------------------------------------------·"-~prooue ____ '. In thiS prefacc'i'fiill Paulnleere~with the prid; b[xp~t.1s 4atnr~,w.h;rliyr~e ~alatians wenr ~bbuttoctlabltnJtherr owne rrghteouC– nclfe by the law ;'Whenl\e'fairll, 'Je tliat will~' iJiul<rthcla.,,&c. Wilhtbis pridewcre the Ic~es·rainted ,t 'RO~, Jro. 3/and rhejo~:mg 'P.rlnc<!ilratcamero·Chrillandfaitl,Ooodma. {lerwhatm•flldoetob< (au_rJ? And the Pa-