Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

l Cbap.4· theEpijlle t9tbe qatatiam. - 299. : be condemned, who 111 another e>xtrernltle, A !le.d ofboth: and tt ruu!l be paotly legall,and• 1 tutneall the fltbletoan Alleg<lr~e. •yoa euen partly Euangehcall; othenv\(<;: the :,w~·(q!RJ , Ithat which isfaidof.A}.,,.,~nd p) .GIJnll. 14lltficauoncannot!land. For the !aw, pr9.' Th•T•"''"'T-flarnmts] thq ar< ,. that i•, pounds onely one way of iuGification, ~~<!, ' they Ggmfic: ~nd [a Ag•• is Sin~ a mo>n(ain< tho1~ofp~ll .a [econd. The qotjrme the~e: in A'abia. ,that is, fjgoili"" Sina.. Thus tl,. fwe ~h,at prgp_ounds bor)l,ucompo9n~;d.qf Rock,:intO'"''Idern•JI<u.Cbrif/. l.' both, , · ;., A , ne ' th3ti•,figures Chrifl. Lik.e to this isrhe S•· I .Go4 did nor~pprooue rh.~ po)ygamie·o,f·~· cramcnt>ll phrafe,7hu umy bo4", that is to Abr4~am..,0*~! cloth ~;ev,fe !Ito Ggni.fie ,t~F. fay, rhu bread fg•ift••mJ'bo.l". Greatts the wearcfl mxllcrieofour religio,n.Herew~fe~ I madnelfeofmen that hence gather tranfub• ~great pqigtpf rh9, diuine p.rouidencc of llantiation, o.r the real! conueruon of bread God,l"ho qrdcrcth and vferh !!'Cil tfjc things . intothcbodieofChri(!, They might as well l"hich heedotl;l,"not apprp.oue. This is the I gather hence the conueruon of Agar into foun~ationof<?prp~ttenc~, andameanes of mount Sina. . l"'c comfor1. lo(,ph thus comforts hifllfelfe The two Tellarnenrs are rhe Couenant of. B and his bre(hren, that God ordered and ~tf. worke•,and the Couenanrofgrace, one prorofed their badde enrerprife,to his and their mifing life etemallto him that dorh al things £ood,Gen,4s.l',7· contained in rhelaw: theorher ti> him that Hereagaine Paul[its downe two propep turneo and beleeuCi in Chrill. And itmufl rics of1hcTcflamentofworks,or ofthe law.•, be obfcrucd,rhatPaul[aith,rh•J.•" ,,., , thar • The firll is,th~rit cam•fm»mount Sina. And is,two infubllance, or kinde. And they are hercliesthedttfcrence bct!!'~ene thclaw arljl two,fundriewaies. Thelaw, or ceuenanr of, the Gofpel:rhe law is from Sina, the G;9fpel wockes,prupounds thcba~e iu(lice of God, from Ston or Ierufalcm, Foqher.eit wasfirfl without mcrcie:the couenantofgrace,or the tobe preached , and t~cnc~ conueied ro all Gofpel,reueales both theiullice and mercic nations,Mich+ 1.Ezech.47·'· , ofGod, or the·iulliceof Godgiuingplace to The fccond properrieofthelaw is, that it his mercie. Secondly, the law requ11cs ofvs gendreth 19 bondage: b~caufe it makerh inward and perfe<'t right~oufnetfe, both for <hem bondmcn, rhaclookero be [aued &'iu· nature, and aCl;on: theGofpel propounds (lifiedther~by.;A,nd rh,is it doth,by reucaling vnro vs an impoted iullice rdident m the· C finneandr)rep.uqiflmJentthereef,whichise· perfon ofthe Mediatour. Thirdly, rhe law · uerlafling death, and bycoouincing all men prornifcthlife vponccndition ofworkes:the oftheir fiqncs,and ofcheir de[erued codem. Gofpel promi[erh r.emiCiion of fin 0 .e• & life parion.Io this tefpe<'t,itiscalledrhemmifl.rie euetlaClmgvpon condition that we reflour ofdeatb,looGQ.t·3·6· andPaulfaith, that after fdue.on (;brill byfaich, Fourrnly, thelaw heknew hi~linnes byrbelaw, he died, & the u•as wri11en in Tablesofllonc, the Gofpel ill ]aw was the meanesofdearh voto him;RQm, theflelhierablesofourhe:ur,, z. 7.10. Here is another difference perwctnc Cor.1·J·Fiftly,rhelalvwasinnature bycrea· thclaw and theGofpel. The law geq~~rsto tton:iheGofpcl is abouc nature, and wasre· ' bondagc:the Gofpcl gepders to life. Fo~ ir,is uealed after thefall. Sixtly, rhe]aw harh Moan inflrumem of rhefpirirfor the begi'1~ing (es for che Medtarour,Deur.r.n. but Chrtll ,and confirmmgofour regeneration a.nd fal· ;, the Mcdiatour of rbe new T~llament. uarion:&fo\snotthelaw, whichisnop~[e, Hcb.8,6.Lallly,thelaw was de~i~ared ~y the bur.oncly an occaiJon of the grace qf (;!.(/cl blood of bca(\s,Exod,Z+f· and the new Tein'vs, '·' . . !lament by the blood ofCbr;ll.Ideb.9. u. , Whereas Ic,ruf~le.m~hat;now is, Here then fals to the ground .a maine pif. bei~ bondag,,ruSinaandl-Iagar.It isto beobfar in Popilh religion, which is, thatthe laI" . D ferued,th~tthere is no Church in the world, ofMo/es, and the Gofpcl,area!loqe law for ·' 110r peopl~, which isnor fubie<'t to apollafie. fubflance:and thatthe dilferenceltes in this, if or God h~d madcgrcatandlarge.promifes thatthelaw ofMof" is darke.aqd impcrfetl, to Ieru[alem,Pfal. uz. and 1 p.andyet for and rhe Gofpell, orthe lawof~hrifl mote ~11 rhis,lerufalem by refuiing Chrill,and by perfett: becaw(e hebath (as they fay) added ,ellablifhi~g rhe iuflice ofthe law, is come in· Counfelsto precepts. Againe,·rhelaw(rhey to bondage, and depriuesherfelfeoftbe in· fay)withoutthe fpirir, iothdaw properly, heriranccpferernalllife. Thereforeit is a fal· and with rhe fj>i•ir, it is the Gofpel. Bur all 010od wl)ich rhePapillu~ach, tbattbe infal· rhistS falfe which they reach. For rhe two lible aC!iCiance of the Spirit is tyed to 1he T elhmcnts the law and rhe Oofpell, are rwo Chaire,and Connllotie ofrhePope,foas he, •n naturc,fubll~nce,or kind~: and rhe dilfeand confequenrly the Cl)urch ofRome,can· rence l1es nor m the prefenccor abfcnce of nor cere.Here againe,1fe fee what may be the rhefpirir. ' . J fucurepllldjri.onofEngland. For ir may be And whereas chePapiCis make two iullifi. \Caid,.England rhatnPw is,ts not carions,thefinll.mcerely by.grace,rhefecond th.~rwhichit harh bin,namcly, am~inrai~cr b,y workos:beudc.srhe tii'OTellaments., 1hey ;of,theGofpcl ofChrifl. Therefore.we mull mull c(\abliOr athird TeCiamenr.compoun, nor be.high r;ninded, bpt fearc,and now t>k e . hccu