Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

300 _ .;_ -ACommenfarin]!on Chap.4-:--- ~eedofth~-ii(n'b~gfu-;,mg;;-{.poihn;-Tiie 'A' ledthepillm'•nd§To••doftrNJh, '·Tim.l. •s. huly Gholl,Hcb. 3. ' t.13.fcts downeche deFourrhly,in Ierufalem wasthe throne nfD•- gfecs thereof, ·-and they arcfitie in number. uid, in the CathohkeChurch THefir(\·is,tbi'dmiriffin•ecr'he fccond IS, the ' isthe throne or fcepter ofChn(\, figured by hp1IImi•gofrl"·bcnrr ofc.,r men are dcceiued the kingdomeof~au•d.Reu.J.7· Filrlt,rhe b'y" fii;:;l"!e rHtrt1'is;Jn ~etill heart.,wHicl~ growN; co~m~ndationofacit·ie ('as Icmf ..lem)is the v,pon hardr,.elfc ofheart: the fourth n, vnbe.. fubtcCbon anti obedicnce.ofthcctttzens:now ¥uf•; wl}cic'hy tl'1~word of Gocfis called in in the Corhol1keChurch all beleeuers areclqu~llion,,nd ilie rruth tb~re41:aJid-afterviitizens,Eph.z.l 9. and yecld voiuntamobedi- !oeJct:fe1'ofle\l./eit .1 departuri"Jroln "God and ence and (ubicdion to Chrill their kino O rifl, That rl'lii may oor.bc;wC'ifltill carePfal. 11o.z, Era.z.s. Lallly, as in Jerufak~; fUJity>aV'oid alhbe 'deceits offini11 e,:fS:ilarnely; the names of tile cltizcmwcre inroUcd to a Cou~:tOufnetfc,an)bition,lu!l,&'·c. ;,; " regiller: (o the nahles ef all the members '''A~>ine, as Ag.r G3mfics H1~law,Codoth ofthe Ca!hoHke Churcb.are inro.Jicd in the I(.i.a<lall iulliciatii:s_,that looke t? be faued ~ooke of lifr,Rcuclarions >O.I5 Hcbrewes by rhelaw. Here'then wefeerhecondition of B' JZ.ZJ. . the world, ·rhe grcardl parrwhereofitrc J{ • Againe, the CarhohkeChurch dwcllin" maelttcs. For the furkc,and tlk Icw}looke ~ herebelow,fsfatdto be4hDMe •~htAum fortw~ nrhtsd•ytobcfauedby d:wworkc•. The c>uf~s.. Fir(\, in rcCpetl of her beginmng, Paptfl: afettbes his conoerhon nor whol ly to· \V{uch IS from rhc Elc'Chon·&.gri'lcc ofGuo, grace,bur p.1.rtly togracl·}& p:1r'Hy to narurc, ! &fromChrifi chc l\1ediatour.,ofwhvfe Ac~h orrh• rlren;;th ofmans wdl helped by grace.' a?d bone 1\·~ :\rerho< belecu<,E'ph.5. JO. The And thus are they t;ornc after rhe fleD1 as"/( ' IOll1cc whereby we areiotltfiet! is mChrut: mild\va-;. Andbur'Cornmon p;oplc,though I our hoJJneiTha~dlJfe,_Aow. esti-tlm chc h~lines ,m f11ew theyprofctfcrcformcd re)tgion, yet and l1fc ofChnfl,asfrom a roorc. Secondl-y, ·mdeedc agrcatp<u:t of them arc lf:nadite,. the Church tsfaid eobe 4boH~,b~caufcH dwefs F.0r1~1ey lookc rb htfaucd by r~cil good fer- \by ia11h in heo:leowith Chnfl; for tile prouing·ofGo:\anJ by theirgood decdC'i: anO pcrticof fl\lth is to make vs pre!l;nt after a 'r"lt~y little thinke on ChrtH .. ind 1 h/s merirs. _fort,when w~are abfent~Heh': ! 1.;. And thus they dcpriuc themfelu'e>Mall 11 . Thcvf~.ThiSbcingfo,wearc admon1!hed 1 deto eternal! !lfe. Thcrcfure 1t l!ahds thetl' ' to liuein rh1s ·•orld as Pdgrimcs & l!rangers. ,·nhand to condcmilC nawre &-t~tfUrcngth ,. 1.Pcr.z. J J. and thcrefo'f'"f,""e inuH nor fctour · .:hcrcof,and to unouncetheirowneworkes '--' loue vponany earthly thing, bur our mwdes ':and. to refi oneiY on the promifc of mer1 mu!lbcvpon the countrie eo wbich we :arc: ddor cternall falu~rion: -thUs Q1all they br· l :tr.auclling. Artd.whatfocuer is an hinderance thd children of thepromifc, and he1res of eo vs in ouiicurney~we'rnon ca!l it from vs, · Go~. · that we'may goeltghrly: and ih>e haueany '' La~ly,h!th;qcr.ufolem is in bondagelike 1 wrongdone •4either 10 goodsorgood 1mne, Agdrdt mountStpa, we fee how vame~re . wcruu(hhcratherbc content, becaufc we t!1c'pilgrimagcs to tile hoJy.l:md, and ho\1. are out ofourcouncriein a !lrangeplacc:aod t·lcddlclfc were th~ warre:s ma. de for the re hereuponwee mufi take occa!ion ro make c·oO~fiC (hereof; 1 hafi to our iourncies cnd,thatis,to cur owne 1~. But lcrufalrti(J which UabDtu,isfrer:which• 1 cit1e,&: lafi abode. Thus d1d rhc Patriarches, i1thimotherojvsa!l. .Hcb.J 1,13.15· H ere P"u!fhcwcs wha.f is figured by Strra, 1 s·ccondly, we muG carry our felues as Bur~ na'oJely,thencwr<;ufa!ctc', which ;,rhe Ca- . gclfesofhciauen;Pbi/,j.l o. And this we010II tpphke Churcb',flch. 1z.Zi,>J.Reuel,: i.z. do'e by minding,leeking,affeaingofhcau<n· An' it is bere (o rearmed, bccaufclcrufalem ' l·y rhmgs, b'yfl!e.kfng thel••guage of c.. aan, w., a typethereofmlixcrefpetlSI Firll,Gotl D whicb'is, to inuo<areand prailerhe n•me of chofe Ierufalcm aboue all (,/ber ·places to ' God. La{lfy, bylc•dingaipiriruallllc,thar ~well in, Pial.qi. Jj. J\ndrheCarhoflke maybefeemethecirizcns ofhr.auen. Maoy 1 ChUrch is the company ofprc:ddllnate,chofailem this point, when rhey come w the fen robe a peculiar peoplern God. Second· Lords table, they profelfcthcmfelucsto be !y 1 lenifalcm 1s adqccompad in ir fclfe, by citizens ofthecitybfGod, bur m thc11 con~~ reafonot the i;ond'"Of loucand ordc:ramoog mon dc:~lings in the wcrld, rhey play tl~t! ~. chccttizcns,Pfal.ut.3 .1nllkcforr,thernen· ~ llarkc:rebelsagainfl God and hisword,anJ tiers ofthe Catholike Chu1ch ar~ linked iol•ucae<ordirig to thelufis of their blir.dand ,erh~i by rhe bo1id ofoncfpirir. Thirdly, in vnrepcnrant hcarrs. . [erufalom\vasrbcf•nauJty, a placeofGods Thirdly, when Pa•lfanb, rbat lm{al.m p;,efCncco; -andofhiSworfhip, wherCalfo rhe u:hichi4a/J,ui4fret,_&c. l:ef1Jcwcs rJ,ac 1h_c prornife ofthe feed ofrhewodlari was prefer- <;atholike Churr.h IS one 111 number, and no ucel (ill the comming ofrhe Me!Iias:and now morc.Cant.6. 8. MJ doueu a/11nt,and the ondJ rhcCotholikcCburch "in rheroome ofrho d•l•ghrerofhcrmoJh.r.lvb.Jo.l 6. On<fo,"P'· r~nctuane:in it we muG feeke tht prrfence o( fold. Thtrt lumllNJ1»f111hrs J hMontl:cay, I. God and the word t>flife:rherctore itlscalCor.u. u. • _ _!-- F<mrhly,