Chap. 4· the Epiflle to the qalatianr. 301 Fourrhly,hcnce we gather,that theCatho. A protatioos of the church of Rome are pub· like Church is inurfible. For the company of like. Secondly, lanfwer,tharweareablc to . them that Jwcll in hcauen by their fairh,caniu(lifie our interpretations of Scripture for nor be clifcernedby the eye. lohn faw rhe hcathemaincpoints of relrgion, by the confent ucnly Iero(.ilem dc(ccnding from heaucn, of Fathers, andCouncels, aswellastheyof yet nor with the bodily eye, but infPirit, Reu. the church ofRome. 11.19.The thingswhich make the catholrke Tb< fecond motiu<. Wehauenodiuioeand church to bee the Church, namely, eletlion, infallible authority to rdl on in matter ofrevocation, iuflification, glorification)are inui· lig10n:but they ofthe church ofRomehaue. fible. The P•pitl thercforeerrcth,when hcc An{. In the Canonicall fcriptures of the Prorcachcth, that the catholrkechurch is avifi. phcts and Apo!lles, there is diuin< and infal- ·blecompany vnder one Pallor, namely the lrblcauthority: for they are now in the new Pope. And the places which they bring ro telhmcnt,in llead of the liuclyvoiceofGod. prooue the vrubrlity ofthe vniuerfal church, And this authority wee in our Chur<h acconcerne either particular churches, or the knowledge.Secodly,l anliver,that thechurch churcheo which werein the daies ofthoApo· bath no druine and infallible authority dillles;or againe,they fpeake ofthe inwardglo- B llin~from the authority of fcriptures(as the ry,and beauty ofthe Church. Papi(h teach) but only a MrniOery,whrch is Fru] rhat is,redeemed from the bondage to lpcake in the name ofGod, according to of death and finne: and (o from the curfe of the written word. the law. Of this frcedomel willfpeake more Thethirdmotiue. We ham: no Jimir3tions afterward. of opinion, and alfe~ion, but they of the Themoth<rof "' AD]Ibeeiscalledamother, church ofRomehauc. I anfwcr firI! :wefuf. bccaufe the word of God io committed to fer our felueo to beelimited for opinion, by the keeping of the Church; which word is the analogy offaith,andby the wrrtren word, ft~de, J,Pet, J.:t). andmi!k_e, 1. Corin. 3,z. and and fa doth not the Papill, which addestra· flro•gmw<, H<br.s.14. And the church as a dition to the Scripture. Andforaffcchon we · mother, which by the minillery of the faid fulfer our (clues to bee limited by the do· word, brings forth children to God,and after ctrinc of repentance, and new obedience. they are borne and brough forth, fhee feeds Secondly Ianfwer, that the church of Rome them with milkc out of her owne brealls, vfeth falfemeancsof Limitation. For it rea. which ate the Scriptures of the oldeand new cheth, that for opinion, wee mull captiuate Te!lament. C our fenfcs to the determinatio of thechurch Here agreat que!Hon isto bee propoun· by beleeuing ao the church bclecues, thougl; ded, namely, where wee fl1all 6ndethisour it benot knowne what the church bcleeuetb. Mother 1 For it is the duty ofall children to And it limits atfe~ron,byauricularconfdli· haue recourfcvnto rheir mother, and to hue on,and by canonical! fatisfactions, meere in· vndcr her wing.The aduocates ofthe Popilb uentions ofmen. church, Priellsand lcfuitesfay, wee mull be Th< fourth motiN<. The Romane religion reconciled to the church and See of Rome, drawes the multitude. An[,, It drawes 1hern if weewould be of the catholike church. To indeede,becaufeit is anatural! relrgion: but this purpofe they vfe many motiues, I will it dot!] notrurne them from darknes tolight, here propound feauen of them:becaufehere· from death to life. Secondly I anfwer, that toFore they hauc l;lecne (cattered abroad •· Antichrrfi in his comming lhall <lrawe the DlOf'lgvs. mulmude,:.The!T.z.9. Th• fir{/ motiu-.. The:church of Rome Th•fifthmotiu<. Tnere wereneuer buttwo harh meanes of fure and cenen iorerpretati· ~ alterations ofreligion. One, inthe daies of on,craditioo,councefs,fathcrs: \VeebauenoElia;;theother,in thedaies ru John the.Bapthmg bur the·priuate interpretation of L•· trll.Anf"',lwill filCIV a third. Pa•l faith, that ~hcr,MdanlJhon,Cillui,t,&c. .AtJjw. Scripture beforetheende, there fhall:be a deparriu<;1, IS both the glo!feand the text 1 And the prin· T.he!f. :. ~nd thio departure is generall in all cipall meanes of the interpretationofScrip· nations,Reuelat,13.11Y.'andaftera thoufand ture, IS Scripture itfelfe. And it is a meanes, yeares there lhall bee the firfi refurre~ion when places of Scriptureare expounded by Reuelat. :o.s. and this refurre~ion is the re: the Analogic of faith, by the words, fcope, uiuios and the refioring ofthe Gofpell after and circumllances of the place. And the in• long ignoranceand fuperllirion. rerpretarion which is Curable to all thcfe, is The (ixth motiu< . The church ofRome fure,certen,andpublike: for it isthe interbatha ludge toende controuerfieo: we haue pretatien of God. Contrariwife, the inter· none, A•f. Chr1R is ourludge:and thefcrip· prctation which is not agreeable to thefe, rure is thevolceof thisludge. determining though it be from Church,Fathers,& Coun· all things pertaining to faluation, fully, and c~ls,is vncerJcn,and it is priuate intC'rpretatiplarncly, to thecoorentatioo of anyconki· on. Now this kinde of interpretation wee alence. · low:aud therefore it is falfe,rhat we haue onTh< (<htltnth motiu<, The Romaoe religi· lypriuuc interpretations: and thataH interon is furablcto ancient Tradition. Anf"'· It c IS