Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

If Cafes of Confcience. l.Booke. repem of hts linnei :t'ourthly,performe new A twocares, wherein generaiJ repentance, will obedience vnro God. be accepr<d ofGodforvnknown finnes.Onc s.a. :. is, when~man barb fearched himfelfe diliFor rhe fir{!, Humi/iati•n is indeede a fruite gently, and by a ferious cxammarion, palfed of faith: yet I pur iron place before faith, bethrough all rhe commaundemenrs of God, caufein pracbfe 11 is firll. Faith lierh hid in and yet after fuch examination and fearch the heart, and the firfl etfectwhereby it apmade, his particular offences are yet hidden, peares, isthe abaGng and humbling of our and notreucaled vnro him, fo as hee cannot felues. And here wee are further to conllder call them roremembrance; rhen rhe generall •hree potnts; fir(!, wherem flands humiliati· repentance JS acccpred.For thiS isanfwerable on: fccondly,rhe excellencieofrr:rbirdly,rhe to Dauids practife, who afrerlong fearcb, Q!Jellions of Confcience thatconcerue it. when bee could notatrainero the knowledge Touching the firf! p(Jint, Humiliation of his particular fl1ppos, then hee addrelferh flands in thepracbfe ofrluee rhings.The firfl hrmfeltc ro ageneral humlli.rion,faying,Wh• is, a farrow of heart, whereby the finncr is k...noweththurro/JrrofrhiJ/ife? dt4n(emee Lord difpleafed with himfelfe, aodafl~amed in re- (-.m"'l {<cm jau/11, Pfal. 19. 21. andvpon fpetl of h1s finnes. The fccond is, aconfeflr· B rhrs,hewas no doubraccepted. Againe,when on eo God, wherein alfo rhrec things are to aman~umbJerh h1mfeJfe~and yet ispr~Hmttd bee done: firrl,toacknowledgeall our maine byth~rm,t, fo as hec cannot (earch his heart linnes origioal1 and aCl:uaJI : fecondly, to acand Jrfe, as he would: h1s g1:ncrall repenranc.c knowledge our guiltlnelfe before God:third· will be taken andaccepted ofGod, The truth Jy, to acknowledge our iufl damnation for hereofal?peares_inthcthiefcvponthecrotTe, Gone. The rhrrd thrng in Humiliarion,is fup· whohoumgno time to fcarch himfelfc made plicanon made to God for mercy, as earnellno fpeciall humiliation,yet vpon hisg~nerall Jy as in a matter of life and death:and of rhe(c confeflion he was accepted. N 01v the ground three things wee l1aucinScriprurerhe examofthis d~Cl:r~neis this; HethattrHIJupenr~% pies of Ezra,Daniel,and theprocligAIJfonne, ~neftnne,mthu cafewhmhe ispruuntrd: j 1 , M if Ezra ?.D>tl. 9.Luk.•s.18. herepcnud'fail. Thelccondpoinrrs,rhecxcellencyofHu- . 11. Cajr. What mull a man doe, that miliarion, which flands in this, that it bath findes himfelfe hard heartcd, and of a dead the promifes oflofe erernall annexed to 11. fpirir,foasheecannorhumblchimfclfeashe Efa. 57. Is. 1dw<D intluhigh andh,l; place: would? An f. Snch perfono, if they humble wtthhimalfothat Uof acontrite& hltm61~JPirit, C themfdues, they mufl beecontent with rhat tor~niue the JPiritof rhe humb!~, and to giue life grace \Vhich they haue recciued. For jfthou to th~m tb;lt are ofa •~mriuheart. Pfalm. 51. be rruclyand vnfaincdlygrieued forrhis,that 17. Acontriteanda brokenheflrt,0 God,thou)l>z/t thou canH nor be gricued, thy humiliation ""d•JPif(. Prouerbs 28. I 3, Hnhat hideth hu 0Jall be accepted. Forrhar which Paul faith finnu,(ha/1""pra,rp.r: butlm thatcMfrJlithand of alme•, may be trulyfaidin thiscafe, that if lfor(aklth them, foal/Jindemerdt. J. John J. 9. theu_6ea readyminde,4man{hatlheflcCt'pted 4c~ If wee ack_Howledge our(innu, hee isfaithjufl~tn.d cordmgtothllt hee h11th, andnotAccording to that iufl, toforgirse vs our.finnu, and tocit11""n[e 711from he hfllh not,z.Cor. 8. I~. allvnr~~hmu(ntJ.By ~11 rhefc, and many other 1If. Caj<. VVherher the party that is places, it is mamfefl, that m the veryinflant, more grieued forlolfeof his friend,rhen for when a finnerbegins truely in heartand con· olfenceof God by his Gone, dorh or can tru· fciencero humble himfelfc, he isthen enrred ly humble himfelfe I Anfrnr. A man m•y into the tlarcof faluarion.So foonea•Dauid haueagreater griefcforan earthly lollc,rhen fa~d,z.Sam,I>.IJ.fhall< finn<d, Nathan profor the other, and y<1 be trulygrieued for his nouncerh in the nameof theLord, that his finnestoo. The reafon is, bccaufe rhat is a linneswrre pur a• ay. And Dauid himfelfe D bodily, naturall,and fenflble lolfc,and accorfairh,alluding ro the former place, ![aid[,.ill dingly forrow for it is natural!. Now thefor· confrff• mJ Ji•mr, a•d for,''"" f()Tgaur/1 tb<>>ic row for the offending ofGod, is llO fenfible k.fdnmfmy flnnc,Pfai.J2.;. When the prodi thing, bur fupernaturall andfpiriruall; and gal fonne had but faid,l m/g"'myfarhrr,&c fen liblethings doe more affect and vrge the Luk. 15. 18. euen rhen, before hee humbled minde, then the other. Dauid did notably himfell<, his father mceres him, and receiues humble him(clfe for his finnos, and bee did him. exceedingly mourne fortheloiTeofhisfonne The third point, is touching the Q!lclliAbfolom,yea and more too rhen for his fins, ons of confciencc, concerning Humi!Jation, w,11/d G'd1had dud{i>r rhu Abf•lom,(J Abfolii all "hich may be reduced to foure principall my founc,myfon.-,&c.2.Sam,I8,j3.Againr,I Cafes. aniiver,rlm rhcforrow ofthe minde,muf! be I. {afo. Whatifitfallout, that a man in meafured by the intention of the affcClion, humblinghimfelfe, cannotcall to minde eiand by rheeflimarion of rherhing for which thee aJI,orthc moH of his finnes? Ianfwcr;A wceforrow. Now forrow for linnc, though particular humiliation indeed is rcquired,for itbelclfe in refpect of the inrenrion rhertof; maineand knowne finnes: but yet there are yer is it greater in rcfpetl: a( the ellim:uion oil