,302. ru'l Commentarie "ppon Chap.4. "conrrary.For it abohOtcth the fecond com- A themothermu!I bee one : and rhen the momandemenr touching images, and the tenrh, ther mu!l be obeyed. touching lu!l. And 11 ouerrurneth fundry ArThechurch is called tlu mothtr of vs•U,that tides of fall h. For 11 abohOterh one of the is, of all true bcleeuen. Hence at followes, natures of Chflfl by thcreall prcfcncc, and that wicked men arc not members ol thccahas<hrceof!icc;, by ioyningparrners,and af. tholike church (as PopHh Dodours erromfociatcs with htm. oully teach) for then the church lhall bee a To thcfcfcaucn I adde thrceorhcr. The morher, not onely rorhechtldren of God, eight mottM then is this: Our Mit\lners (they but al!o to the children of the diuell. [ay) tooke vnro dtcmfelucs new calhngs: and Lafily, in that thechurch is our mother, con!equemly that wee arc butfchtfmatickes. wee aretaughttharwee mull defpife our firll Anfir. The ofli"es ofthe fir(l rellorers of the btrth, &feekero be borneagatnc vmo God, Gofpell were otdinaric: and thm vocauon and fucke the brea!l of our mother, feeding ro thefaid offices wasordinary: forrhey were on the mllke ofthe word,Pfal. 45. 11., Per. all either Pridls,or Schoole-dodors. It may 2.2. Thusto be borne a member of thenew beefaid, tharrhey departed oudy from the B icrufalcm, is a grcatpriutledge,Pfalm. 87. ;. common abufcof theircalltngs, whtch they Reu.J.U, rdl:ored ro their rightvfe. 27. For it W~ritlm. Reio;ce t/JOJ~ barren th11t · The ninrlJ morjuc. The church of Rome 6eAre(l r,och;/dren)Jutekt:forth andcriNbou th111 bath rruc baptifmc, and therefore lt ii anut trauetlej/notfqrtheiJefolatcharhmlfny morechtlchurch. An[w. Bapt!fme 111 rhePapade,pcr· drm,thm fhee whrch bath a>Jhmband, raines nor to it,bur to another ludclcn church The!e wordsare thetellimony ofthe Prom the middell of rhePapacie: asrhcltghrm pher Ifay,cap. 54 1.and theyare brought ro chclanthorne, pcrcamcsnot to ir, but ro rbe prooue that wi11ch PRHI fa id in the former palfenger. Secondly, though the church of •erfe, that th< carho!Jk_eChurchi& th, moth<ro/ Rome holde the outward baptlfmc, yet doth vs all, that is, not oncly of the lcwes, but alfo 1t oucrturnc the mward, wh1ch !l:ands in the of aJJ bdeeumgGc:otiles. iullificatton of a.finner by impuratton of the In rhc words I con(ider the prefocc ro the obcdienceofChrill. Thtrdly,baptifmefcue· T e!lunome,and the Tdltmony ir felte. The red from the preaching ofthe Gofpcll, nno prefac~, /t.U»~z;ttn: where two points are ro 111 arkcofachurch. Cucurncirion wasvfed in C be conhdered. I hehrfi ts 1 whofaith,ltUJtritSamaria,&yetthey were no people of God, uni Anf.ThcApollle PaHI,whofe authority Hof.1.9. was diuincanuinfalltble, becaufeheewas led Tht unth moriur. The church of Rome >ntoall rruth by the Spirit of God, fa as hce barb anttquirie andfuccdlion from the Acouldnorcrre in deiJUermg dodrmc ro the pollles. Anfwer. They arena markesot rhe church. And yet forall thiS hcefollowcs the church, onlelTe rhey be ioyned wirh propberule cfrhcwrrrrenword.:And IJJS mauncrw" ticall andApo(ioltcall dod11ne. The ktng· fo tu do,Ac'i.:G.u, Thisflte~cs rhelhame· dome of darkcnelTe,harhalfoantiqutrie,(uc· lclfe tropudency of the church of Rome, ccffion,vniuerfalitie,and vnirie. which cakes to it fclfe an·abfolure power of Now then wee are to hplde the church of tudgcrnennn all matters, wirliour,and befide Rome as a (icpmorher, nay as a profe!fed the Scripture, yea a power to iudge uf the harlot: lhcc is no motherof ours. For the Scripture it felfe, and of the fcnfe theteaf, Lord!iuth,Comeout ifh.r my people, Reu. rS. withoutthe hclpeof Scripture, vpon a [upLet vs thcreforecometothcrruean£\ver: · \ pofed infallrbleaffi(ianceofaheSpirit. TheCarholtkeChurch,ourMother,isto ' The fecond point is, In what que(iion be foughtfor;and'to be found in the rruevilil faith Paul, It i&rmttm? Au(.Jn a concrouer– blechurches, inecerren markeswhereof artl n: fiebetweene him and the falfe Apollles,tOU• tbree. The preaching of the word of God,. <hing tbe iu(iificarion of afinner.Thi• flte1ves our ofrhewrl!ingo~fthe Prophetsand Apo-i that theScriJ?ture _it fe!fe is the mcanes rodeUies,wtth obc<hence,loh.1o.~8. Ephef.>. :o1 rermcne "and decade conrroucrfies _ There True inuocarion of·God the Farlicr, in the' was forrhr•purpofe in the oldeTcUamenr, only name of Chriti by the affi!lanceof the the liuely voice ofGedvtmedin rheOracle Spirit, AC\.9.14. t.Cor.t.z. thcrightvfeof atthemcrcy feate:but in ahenewTetiamenr the facramenrs, bapufmc,and the Lords fupthere is nofuch voice of God, bur the writpot,Mat. 2 8.18. A~d byth'efe lhall wee liiJdel ten wbrd IS tn,(lead thereof, to the ende of thecrhe Church at God mEngland,lreland, rhc world. And therefore Paul fauh, It u Scotland,Gcrmany,France~&c. \ »ritten. · Againe, in chat the church is called our In thereOirnonic I confider threeal1ings, Moth,r, rhePapi!l gathercrh, tharhercomthe condition of the two churches, the 1 maundemenrs mu!I beobeyed,Pro.t.8. and chaungeof the condition, thcioythat is vprherefore in their carcchifmes, befide the on the change. _ commaunde<ncnrs of God, they propound\ The condition of thechurch of the new the commaundCmc:nts of thc~hurch. Bur I Tefiamcnt,in thc[ewords,Baru,th~Ztbrartft ; n(wer, that the precepts of'the'fa.ther and r.gchildrtn:thoH thAt triiH~IIf{lnot:the dr[oiAtr. Barrm] -- ----- - -------------------......:..'-