Chap.4. the Epi~!e to the qalatians. B•m•JTheChnfllanchurchisfocalled, A ourbodieoandfoulesto Godat1dChrJll,and I becaufe by rhc vcrtuc and flrength ofnature: to giue the maine affections ofour hearrs vn.=. . it beares no children to God, nomore then ro him,:ts our Jouc,and our ioy.&c. S4TadidtoAb,.him, lohn t,IJ. I,{ori•<.J.7· Secondly,wo mull adorneand rrimmeour Secondly, ll is fo called in refpeCl of the befelues with grace, that we maypleatc our hulginningrhereof, when the lewilh church was band,Pfai.4S·' z. yedlanding,til rhefpiritof God was powred Thrrdly, wee muU be theglory of ChriU, foonh vponallflelh , after the afcenfion of asthe wife is to her husband, r.Cor.11.7.and Chriil: and before this, thenumber ofthem thatis, by fubieCling our (clues to Chntl and whichwereconuorredto GOD, wasvery hislawes. fmaiJ .: and rherefo're Chrifi himfclfecomAgaine,if we betroth our fcluesro Chrilt plaincd, that he(pent hiJflnngth in vaine,Ef•r indccde, wemay a!Tureour felucs that C hriO 49+ Thirdly, it isfocalled inrefpectofthc is our Chn!l,and that heharhg111en himfcllc latterrimcs ofrhe church, in which Chnil vnrovo: •nd confcquemly, rharhee1vtlt fan: !ha! fcarfc find faith vpon theearth,L•~18. Clifievs,Ezech.I6,9.prorectvsas an husband 8. Funherrhatthe church is barren,it is de· B doth hiS wtfe,Gen.zo.Hi. and tndowe vs wnh dared by the Ggne,becaufe !he neither bring$ all things needful! for this life, and rhc life to forth chtld, nor beates. come,Ezec.I6,•o, Il, 'De(olau] that is, without husband inapThe fecond point is the change ofthe pearance, by reafon of the cro!fe and af!li. church of the newT cUament, bccaufe lltee Clron: anrl without children, becaufe or the !hall ceafe to bebarren, and brmg forth mafir£! thechr~ilian Church was con!lrained ro ny children, ThiS is thepromife ofGod:and htdeherfel(e m the wilderne!Te, Reu, ~z. 14. hereupon P""' c~ncludes, that rhe church ts It may bee demaunded how the catholike a mother of all bdceners, borh Iewes and churchlhould be dc{olatel An/. ThceOate Gentiles. O bfcrue,thatrheprom•feofGoo of rhechurch istwofold :inward,orourward. is of infimte vertuem this rime and place. Ju The inward eUate !lands in the true knowthe beginningGodCaid,lmhm bethwortha•, lcdgeofGod in Chrifi, in comfort touching andllw"' fo, Ofltke verrueis God! promife, remillion of !inne,and life euerlalling, in the ifwe can waite hi•leifur<.God prom1fed that hearing of our prayers, in protection and after43o.year<s,the Ifraeltres lhould be del:. dcliuerancefrom all fpirituall enemics,in the uered our of Egypt, prefcnrly when rhe time gtfrsofthe fpirit, faith, hope, loue, &c. In •vas expired, nothing could hinder rhe prorcfpect of thisefiate, the Church is all glori· C mrfe.Readc Exodus 12.41.Thereforeour du· ouswrthin,&neuerdefolatc,Pfal.45·'l·The tyiS,torcfion Gods promifes in all times, outward eUate of rhecathol•kechurch,Oads both in lifeand death, in viliblca!Tembhes,in thepublike MiniUcry ·.The third point isrhe ioy vpon the change. ofthe word andfacraments,tn agouernment R"'7"'] Here are two rhingsco bee confide· according to the word of God. In refpel't of red.The firU,who mull reioycel Anf. The this fecond eUare, the Church may bein de· church. Gods kingoomeisrhcplace of ioy, folation.This wasrhcconditionofthcchurch Rom. 1417. Reioycing bclong>ro the peoin paradife vpon the fall of our fir(l patents, pie of God,Pfal. 68.3.and 1 o6, s. The mu• of the Ifraelires at Mount Horeb,when they !kk.e of theTemplcwas typicall,andligured worlhipped the golden calfc,and 10 the daie• thewyof rhecarholtke church, where is the of elia~, Ram, II.J.and afterward, z.Chron. alfurance of remtflion offinnes,and life ctcr- •s. 3: WhenChriU fulfcred,the lhepheard nail. was fmitten, and the 0Jcepe were fcarrered. The fecond point is, in what muil the AfterChriilsafcenfionalltheearthworlhip· D churchreioycel Anfwer, In the redempttped thebeaO,Reu:•l·"· on ofChriil, and the fruitthereof, theconHenceit followe•,thar thecarholike church ucrfion of Gnnersto God. F6r rhe Prophet isnot a vtGble ellateor company of men vnhad !hewedarlarge rhe pallion and ii1lfertngs der one vifible head:.becaufe in tcfpect ofher of ChrtU :Ifa.,S"J.and hereupon hefaith, Reoutward eUate lheemay be for a rime in defoiOJcerhou uarren, The lfraelires were com. larion.And as this is rheeUareo£ thechurch, maunded to feail,and to bee merriebifornhe fo is iralfo the eUateofrhemembersrhereof. Lord,Leuit.•3·4o. •-Chronicles z9.zz. that Thry/baliuehatedof allmm~ Luk.u.l7.Mm is, before the Lords Arke, whtcn was rhe /ball thm~ thq du GodgoOd feruice, "'hm they pledgeof his prefence. Now rhisArkewasa kiUthem,Ioh,IG.z.And ChriUhimfelfewasa figure of Chrtfi·: and themyrrh before the manwithoutformeor bea<IIJ,lfa.sJ.Z. • Arke,Ogmfied,rhat the foundatiPn ofallour H•11ing nn h'lsband] in thefe' wordes the 10y, lies 10 our Reconciliation with God in condition of the. lewiOJ Churc~ is fer forth, Chrill. Theangels in heauen greatly reioyce that thee is marrre~ br cfpoufed to God, at the conuerfionof afinner: and at there· who is her hu•band,Ezechieii6. 8, 9: Ofea turneof theprod•gall fonne, the farre calfe is z. '9· The like may bee fa1d ofany other k1lled, . church,& namely oftheChurch ofEngland. Thevfe.Ir is falfe,thar relicion breeds MeThevfc. This muUteachvs todedicaro lancho!y, and curs off oil ml~tb, Icdorhnot Cc z abol:lh \