Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~------------------~~--~~--~----~~~------ 304J1 [omme_ntarinpon Chap+ 1 ~j,n, mirth-, but rccbfie 11 : nay, it brings A men to true and perfect ioy. Our firU and prioc•pall 1oy mull be, that we are in Godsfauour, reconciled to God by CbriCI, Li<k.e 1 o. io. In D.,uid, the head of h1s ioy, was the good dlareofrhc Church, P(al. 1 37·"· And all orher pcttie ioyes mull How from thisJ;and be futablc to it. Break_eforth] this ilgm6cs, thatthcchurch vpon earth is(asir were) penrin with prefenr griefc. Our 10y 111 thiS l1te IS m1xcd with for– row. The Pafchnll Lambe was eaten with fowre hn-bs, to !igni6e, thatwcfcelenofwect~ , nelfcin the blood ofCbri!l, till wee feelethe (mart ofvur finnes. We here muH reioyce in trembling,P(al.l.I r. /(11 isfowncftJrthemthllt ""vpr~ghr in h<Arr, Pfal. 97- u. B Crir] in our earthly ioyes,wc mull be mo– deute and [paring : wee murl not eare too moch hony lellwcefurlfer. Yet infpir•tuall ioyes che mc:a(ure is to rcioyac without mea· fore, ifwe beralllflled with IOY in Clmll, rhar we crieagaine, 1t is rhe bdl ofaiJ. 18 Therefore6rerhrm~ wee are ~tftrr the maa ner,o( lfaac, ,·hildr<nofrhepmn~ft. Here P1mllhcwcs,thar as.SarA figured rhe Catholikc cl)urch: fo /(aa.wasa figure ofall rrue belecuers the cbildren ofGod. Therefore} or thus, And we 6Yet1Jrcn. W<] not only thclcwes, butalfo bclceuing Gcnrdcs. . Promrfe] the promife.m?de1\' Ai>Y4h•m, I willbe thy qod•nd rheGod ofthJ[eedc .' orrhc promifc made to the Church,that bemg bar– ren the fhall bcarc manych1ldren. Ch•IJrmofpromife] belecuers ardo called, not becaufc they bclreue the prom•f<(d10gh that b<e a truth) but bccaofe they arc made children ofGod, by the verrue of Gods pro. miic.Fcrthns was i(a•cthcchdd ofpro.m1fc, in that he was borne to A!Jraham, not by the llrength of nature , but by Gods promife, And Paul oppofeth the ch1ldr<n ofthe pro– ml(eto the childrenof the flcfi1, whicli were borne by naturall llrcngth, 9.8. · Hence it followcs,tbat rhe mec.r~ grace of 1 God, isthe caufe ofour clcct•on and adopti- Q on,andnotanythinginvs. Fortheprom•fc , of God makes vs Gods childrep: andthe promiieis ofthe meeregraceof God: and therfore \VC are Gods children by the meere groce ofGod. Forrhe caufe of thecaufe, is the caufe ofthe tbingcaufcd. T~ereforcPaul . faith. that the Ephe(ittnJwtrepudeflintltt ts a· d,pri•n,Ephrf-1.5- And hcc faith, the 7000, rhat neuerbowed knee to Baa.l, weurrftrrud · G7 theelefJtoNofgrace, Rom. I..I.S.. And it is a falfepofition, to teach, that Election a~d A:– doption, arc accordingto Gods foreknow· ledge of our faith and abedicnc.e. For thus , f}Jall 1vcelect our (clues, andbe childrcn,not of Godspromife, but of our owne free wHI, and faith. Moreoucr, God forcfces our fu– ture faith arid ol:edicnce, becaufehee firll 1decreed rogiue the grace of faith vnto vs: The