Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I • tun. in quzll. Ghap.5~ the Epifile 'to the qatatilmr. The lccood is,Jl!iho,are,pqrfe<\licd-1· Anfw. A . . Obie. ]J. Sar>< is co~li!I~Jl.dedfor hetfub· Sp!rittlall men', the children ofthcprotnilc: lcl'tiontoAbr.ham, I.P~t··s.6. yet hcteflt<l!; ' They (ulfenvroqg, ~ut th'ey qqoqo}ie: In the fpeakesimperioufly, caflo~ttfhebood.•,.,,,,., mo~'llt,ofth' L•~9t!r~is "'hurt,4q.j-., .!';/"} 11. An(w. Sheefpcakcsthis,QOI·asa Wi~atew,o, 9~thcyt~m~ rl}(ir [p :arcs 4nd (wQ~d~ int' m_ttt-: man, but as the voicearld b:Jouch tsf GOD1 tdOk!Jand{it he~.~/1t z.4·: And.f!J.l'Y (Vhit:h<lo and that 6no·doubt) by inlljjlct from God. ne>~rqng, but.~r~,csmtent tof~tftll\VrOng (&· I 1 And therefore the words ·IQevttewb;·~'t~ to that for agpq~.c,~le) .are,in,tll,lsf,'t bltf, 1 be elleemedas the commandement of ~o,!. fc4, .Mar.s:.ll,o.-; 1 , : 4 1 .~- .: • 1 )=} .:1 1: 1This her cafe is cxtraordjna~;i.e,anduot fibe Th,ctl,lird poi!}li,·, couching~hekinde·nf· fOllowed• •. ' . '";,. . •· • · perfecution :.,and tjlatwas fcoroiog or moc. Thevlc; I. All>arnall hypocrites, moc. king, Gen.-u :9. {t.may be dcCJlal!!lde<!,how kcrsofihegraccpf God,Jlial b.ecall fordJ of nwskingcanbe pcrlecut~on/ A4i·Mockmg Gods family, though f<>~a tintc th.e.y bearea anddelllioo, whtchr~ferh of tl)<;batreJand fway ther.ein. Tbi' JSthefenlfnCc<Df GOJ).. con'•e•ppt ofour br,9ther, IS ad-egree ofmur~ . ,Let vstherefore rep;nt·Qfour mocking,-and der. {!:which(ajth f/,aca rob~brotl;.r, t. guit-: iJ !hereafter become Jouers ofthegrace of God ti~ofaCounc~II~. M4t.s.z.z. HeFeR_aca.figni-, 1 1 a'sChrHlwas,Mark!Io.:l. · .. .., fi"tlrai·Ggnes & geflu<es which·exprclfe con· . 1• I '1. Corllolati.on: rho-perfe<utipQ .of!!h~ tempr,asfn•Jfi•g,,(ujhing;iming,gerning, &c, ! pcopleofiq._!ld.Olall nptbe pe,rperuall. f.q" cain is rebuked of God, euen for me eaCling ! theperfecuringbond·woma~, a•Jd,)Jer (onne downeofhis countenance,qen,4.6. : •muflbecafl <JUt, Therodof<?~ mcked{haf,WI. Againe, the mocking wherewith Ifmar/ · r~ff vp'o» th~Jot if tht rightro!fSf PfAI. JL•:), _3,~ mocked l(a•c. pr-oceeded from• Thisis.ourc.omfort. _ . . , , .- & hatred ofthe grace ofGod in I(a<e: which · · I I J, All iuCiiciarie·peQplc~.anp per(ons Paul notes when he faith, tha1hec '""' perjec11- )that Jookc[a)led and Iu (hfied lwfPr,e tedw~ichw.uborneafter thefPirit. This hatred : God oy the law ,-and.rh~worJm o(rhe Iawe, ofGods grace inq1cn, is thebeginningofaJl. 1 either inwhqle, br inpar.r;rQre t; oftjn! .perfecution, af!d the deridingof the grate 1 icburchofG"~1and haue noparr in!hc king– ofGOD, isa1n1uchasthefpoi!ingofour ' :doniti o£ heauen. The calling'Po>.of Ag.r 'goods, and the lceking of ourliues. Thus ·and Ifm<~l·,,isa figure of therercl'tion"f all Caip hated h" btuthcr, by reafon of the (ueh. Behold here thevoyce of J:;od catling gyace,ofGod, brcaufe hisdudu1""' good, t: S ,downe fw.m.Ji•aueo the·greatcfl p•rt o(r.)lc John 3. u . A great patt of the fulferiogs of 1 earrh,theTurk,tholew,the obllinatcPapt(!, ChriCI, Clood in this, that he was mocked for with rhe llepmorher,thc.Roanlh church. his confidence in God, P{a/me zz. 8, Matth. 3 1. Tbm 6rcthrm. )111!' ,,.~not dllldruuf thf Z7.43· Thechddten of B' thd mocke Efi. !{truant;ku•uflhefrmroman. "''"" firtl, for his perfon, c~llingbim.Bft/4< 1 : " 111be conclufion of the whole Argument, for the fauouroiGod (hewed following directly from the Z7. ver[e. Ifwee vpon 4'/i.uhis maller,in faying, 4fi:end, ba/J 'bcchrldren ofthe promi[c, rhc:n arc we cMpar- : that is, •a('cend no; to Bethel, but aCdren ofthe free:womao,and not ofthe bondccn~ ~oheaueo·asEli.u did. And this prowoman,and;,c<>nfequentlywe are iutlified and ph~ne fcorning hec,curfed in t.he name of faued.witftoutworks ofth.el~1v, by themecr e Ci?d,::Kin,:,H: Thelike fcorning i• v[eda- 'graceofGod, .caufiog vs bY fairh ro retl on tn,q~gv•4tthls 9ay. For,the·pra<f!ife ofthat the promifc of God, whofe (ub!!ancc and relig1on whtchJlc•nds by the lawof•~od,and !foundatidn·is.Chrlll. ·· • the good !aweso(this lan4 , is ~cke·named · w"· : with lerm.esofPrtci(tne:, and Purity, A thing .,, much to be la£!l.CJJ!~d: tor this bewraiesthat D· _________:_____:c: there is a great;~ant of the g~ac~.ofGoda– mongvs. The<efor~ take heede ofit. , _,3,0. Butr.hAt[Mtht.heScriptHre,:pHtomth# bo•d·w.•mM,andb{rfonne: (o.tbe (on!" of the bonJ.woman fhai/1W./mheire with•tht fon~< of thefree~wtJmlln. . ... .; ~ :: ;1 ! · Thefeconqi\ to the form~robiection~s in rhefc,wor<!'1n!~at,tl)e}'t\I<Qi&h hateth.e children ofprO\Uife•· Gull ..c·len~:th be cafl \ outofthehoufe,\\f.Jip;l. . ·, ·" . ;, ppje.l. The(e~Qrds, caf! q•IJ.f<e.Pond-wo-. i""•.arethewS~;<l~l'f.f~ra tq 4Gr~?•m: ther-. ! .fore they, are '!,OIJ~e·l~9rds ofSs<\P.Nrc. A1· lfwer:x'f:flc,wg,l~r.~W~(~fltOr«j br, SOar~ , but ) theywere ~fteC\yat,d;approoued'PX .G0 D 1 G. 5~~;{1t •u•· an'4Jbul they arp t.~evoyceof , cr1prure. ..... ~ ; 1 , _. 1 CHAP. V. :, .... 1( 1 St~nd faff therefore in the lt!urtie whtrt. 'with(hriff h4thmadevtfru, and 6enqt intan. gltd~gm~:with theJ•~e of bondage. ,OHefewordt, are arepetition ofrhe ~ : _principal conclufion of the whble ~ Eprflle. Wbrch was on this manner: I Paulam called roteach,and imy dol'trine,istrue: therefore ye did euill to •deparc from it, and your duetie wa; to h•ue :lloode vntoir, 1 • Furrher,theyarecolleacd and Inferred V· I' poo the conclufion ofthe Ja(J argument v[ed I rnrhela(!Chapter,·thus : Yee arc children Cc 3 of