Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~o6 . ./l(ommentarie "'ppon,. Chap:5• oCt-ho frcewoman: andtherefor~ yeare free: A dage: much more then mull we do~ it, & therefore yC''Ih!>tllilhold fafryourliberty, i ,u . ·1 In·rhe wordr,·~. maine pointsofdoClrme Thirdly;we mufl learnc to detefl whatfoca~c propo\'l.oded. The 6rll is, that by narure euer is ofourfelues: becaufclt wholly tends. * wee-ore all inranglrd with theyoake of bonto bondage, •· da.gc. 'Forrheb<iterconceiuingofthis,lwil!• .Lallly,wemuflbe content withanyafHih••.<!lc three pornts, •he nature oflhiS bonCltont~atGod laies on vs, though itbe Jindage, the fignc of 1t, and the vfc. . . · 1 grmg hckene!l'e, pouert)', imprifonmenr,ba- :.T~uchmgrhehamreoftt. Otlr fpltltuall, .ni!hmenr. For God~ightworthilylayoo.vs bonoage !lands"! ~hree thrngs. The firll, m. all rhamc and ,onfuhon : becaufe weeare-by bondage vnder finne, whtch Pan/ teacheth natnre Oaues offinne and Satan.' when he faith, l•»LN4'n411,fcldevod<;finne: Th.e\econd marn dothineis; rhatbygracc R.'m·7· ''!· Remember, rha~by fin tsmeant• thercis a liberty ~errainingro the people of ' ongmall hone ,wh!ch bath two parts: Gwl·· ,God. Here I conhder fourerhiogo: 6tfi,wha~ rmelfe m the firll olfenoe ofA'd4m•, wh•.chJS thiS liberty ts:fecoodly,the authorofir:rhirdimpured toall ma'?kind; and.rhedifpohtioni ~ ly, the perfon "?whom it belongs : fourthly, ofall the powers ol the foule to allmanner o6 our duty rouchmgthisliberrie. . eniHwha~fo<urr;.<And this rebellious difpo· ! For the fir{!, chrillian liberty isca!led;rb• fitio~islikea Rp~ouGe infet'hng the whole; good,orccmmcdilitoJChriflians, Rom,r4.16. CN:io: and'it rejgoeS: hk..: a ryrai1t euer the: , I tU 4JPiritu•llrightf1'fcDnditid1t, _lcff ~J Afouleofman,by rempring,i'nri!ing,and drawdam, .ndreftwed6y Cbrifl. I lay, SpirituaU, ing him from<me atluall finne ro anorher,(o becau(e itpert&ioes to the confcience. the ashecandonothingburtinne,/am,l.l4, _ ' v(e inde~de of our liberty is in outward The fecond thing is obligati6t1 or fu6ie· rhings,asimeare,drinke, apparell,&c. buirhe dionto all punHhment both rerllporall and liberrte it fdfe is·in rhe confcience.Andrhus eretnaltAnd it bath three parts.The fii!l is; . 1t differs frdmci•iK liberrie, which {!an~s in Bondage vndcr Satan ,who keepes vnrepen· themoui~gofthe body, in'thechoice ofbo· rant Gnnersi1f hiJ[nare ac.&ordin~ toh~own~r:Pil, ' 1 dilya~io~s, ~nd in the freevfe·ofour S?9d_s;· z.Timor.z.t6, bee rules m therr hearts !tke a Chrr(han It berry hath twoparrs;aDd;.,,. God, z.C.,rint.4.4. and hath pmfer to.blinde r11nc~fr_ommj{frie,and Freed.,m~i_ngood thikgJ. rhem,and to harden their hearts,rill he hauc 'DtltHeraffCebath foure parts. The 6r(! is a broughtthemtoetcrnal)d~al!i, Hebr.>.l4· C Dcliuerahce fromrhecmfeoftheLawe for The fccond is, bondagevnderll~ eu•ll con· the breach thereof, Rom, 8.1, There;,,. c•~- (cience, which fits in the-hearts ot otfenctQurs dmmation to thtm th~tt are m Chriff. And rhis asan accufcr, and a terrible Judge ;-and lies comesropalfe, becau(erhere isa rranflation l1ke a wild beafl au mans doore ,'Peady euer made of the curfe from our ·perfom to the & anon to pluck out hisrhroat, 9'"·4·7·The perfon ofChrifl, Galat,J.IJ. rhird is,bondage 'o'nderrhe w;ath ofGod j &· . Thefccond ddiuerance is from the oblirhe feareofcrernall death,H•·b.•.IS· · garion ofthe Ja,v,wherby it bindsvsrobring Therhtrdparrofrhtsbondagc,is, rheobperfetl righreoufnefTe in our owne perfons ligarionrorheccremonialllaw. It perraioes forthearrainemenrofeuerla(l'inglrf<,accor· nor to all mankind, but ontty concerneSthe dingro rhe renou~ thereof, Doe thff, tmdliut. !ewes, rowhomitwasa yoake of bondage, And this deliueranceis pro.cured, becaufe. A£/s 15. . rherersarranOauon madeo~theful61liogof The (igne of this bondage, whereby it the Lawe,from ourper{onno'cheperfonof may be difcerned, isrokeepe acourfe orpra· oUr Saulour Chri(!, • " · tlifc in finning, John 8.34. Hte th•tcommits · From there:two deliuerances ariferh the finne,;, a(eruant offi•ne: or againe, a life led D pacification ofrhecl>nfcience;parrly for our according to the cuaome and fafhion ofthis iu(!i6cation,an·dpartly foroarcon~erfarioo. worldinthclu(!ofrhe!lefh,<!rtheluflofrhe Touching 1u(li6c~rion: A Gnner iohis eie (which is coueroufncs,) or in the prideof humiliationand conuerfioirharh by rhis doltfe,fphe(.>:z. t.lchn1.16. · tlrinea Ltbcrtle without refpetl tohisowne. Thevle. We mu a learnetofee,feele,acworkes, ONO his owneful611ingof theLaw, kno11·ledgr, and bc1vaile this boodage in our !to rc:ft on the OJe~r~ merei~ofpod f~r rhe felues.Ddmerance belongsonly to fuch cap· forgme'1otfo~f htshnner,a.~a f~efafumonof riues,., know rhemfclues to be capriues,Z:..~ his foule, and'to app<~~le froln the rbroane 4.11!,and labour voderrhis bomla!je,M•rrh. ' ofdiuinol.ullrce, ror~trhrorie_ofGrace,and 11,18. Thus did P•u/whenhefairh,l•.,fo/J to oppofe the mertt o~Chrr{! agarnfl the vndcrjinne: Qnd, 0 mi(erAMem••l .wh•fo•Odewrarli and lodgement ofGod. And thiS bath b;w""from rhwbodJc{deatb? To ftelerhis beenealwaytt_rhe belp'oFt~~godly in their bondage, is a {!cp our ofit: and not la feele dillrelft,feadez.Chron·H' h., E<.u 9, 'Dan. ir,iirO bcplungedrnroit. 9· Pf•l.3Z.j'I,IJO,I43· Confic!er~heex~mSecond ly, wee mtifi prayearoemy fyr de- ·pieofrho Publicari,aridth'c'prodtgaii fonne, liuerance.Thedumbecreatures figh and rra. who coodenlne themfeluet '·and makerhei( uell rill they bee deliuered from rheir bon: appealero rhecourrofmercre and grace. H.,.;I