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Chap. 5· the Epijlle to the qalatians. 309 Thefourthpoint,concemes rheofliceof A &c. tbeproofe, IPaul(ayvniOJou. Fo;tl; belecu~rs aod rhat i:~, to Gand fafl in their bertervnderClanding of the fer.rence: Cir· Chrifhaniibewe, and in the doctrine ofrhe cumcifion mull here bee confidcred accorGofpel,which reueales rhisliberrie. Andby ding to the circumUanceofume,three waies. this, we in England .readmomOtedro !hnd Before Chri!l it was afacramenr, and • feale fall ro rhe rchg<on which is now by law c!laotrhe righreoufnelfe offaith,Rom.4.rr. af. bliOtcd amongvs, and nor to rerurne vndcr terthe death of Chrifl,rill the de!lmtlion of rheyokcofPopiOJbondage. ForthePopifh the Temple, it was a dead cereruonie,ycr religion" flat •gainll Chri!lian libettie,rwo fometimevfed as a thing indifferent. After waies. For our Jibertie which wee haue in the dellrutl:ion of rho Temple, when rhc Chrill,frees vs from the law rhrcewaies, in Church ofrhe ne<v Teflamenr was planted rc(pedofcondmJ;Htlon,in refped.o(compuljio» among tile Genril.:s,it was a deadfyceremoto obedicncc,and in refpett ofiuf/ificAtion, (as nic,an1ceafed tobein:Jitlcucnt: and in this Paulfhewesat large in this Epillle:)andyer laflrefpctl: Palll(aith,lfJ<buircr.mdj,d,&c. the Popifh dotl:rine ts,thatwe are to be iufltAgaine,circumc,f:on mull becon!idered acfieJ by rheworkes ofthe law. Againe, Chrl· B cordmgro the opimon which the falfc Ape• llian libertie frees our confciences from the !lies had ofir: no•v they putthcirconfidencc Traditions ofmen,Cob.zo.and yerrhePoinit,andmadeit a meriroriouscau(e of their pifh reltgion bindes vs in confci<nce to the faluarion, and ioyned invith Chnfl. The T radirionsofmen : nay,it is nothing cbbut words therefore carriethis fcnfc:Irye will be an heapc ofTradirions. circ!Jn1cifed,with this opinion,rharcircllmriHererwo things arcrobeconfidered, the on f11all bcvntoyou :t mcricoriou~ caufe of m.1nncroff1anding,and the rime. The manyour faluarion, ChriftPMilpr(l{it you norhing. ner,is ilgnified in thevery words. For toflimd The vfe.Henceitfollowes, that the dotl:rme J41,isto hold andmaintatne ourliberriewirli ofiuOification by workes, is an errour ouercourageahd~onrlancy,whar(oeucrcomea of turning the foundarion of religion, which ir,as the fouldier keepes his flanding,rhough whofocu<r obllmarcly maintatneth, cannot ,ircofl him hi• life. We are readie to defend befawcd.Ir wdl be faid,thi~IS true ofcercrnothc ltberrieofour counrric euen with the haniall workes,but nor of metall workes, dn(w. zHdofourlmes: much more :ire we rode· Yea cuen ot morall. For that whtch Pa11l fend Chrill~an ltbertie with the lo!fe of all faith here of circumcifion, hcfpcaksgcneraltbarwe inioy:ilnnemull be refiOed euen vn- C lyofthewholelaw,<1s,0edfro"m. toblood.Heb.r •·4· Ifmen be fearefull,they Chrifl r.hofoeHer 4re iuflified bJ the law. And mu!I pray to God forthe fpirit of boldndfe circumciilon mu!I be conildered as an obitand courage: agd tfGod vouchfafe not rhi> gation rothe obedience ofthewhole law.Aglft whenopportuniti: isoffered, rhey may gaine,itmaybe faid,this is trueofthe workes withdraw rhemfelues, and by flying preferue ofnature,bur nor ofworkes ofgrace. AA(w. their libertte. Yea euen ofworkes ofgrace: for the GalaaThe rime offlanding, is thuniOdaJ, that anS\vcrc regenerate, ·and rhtref6re looked is,the day ofrrtall. Eph. 6. 13. And rhen to notto be iullified, and faucd, by the workes (fand fall,rs a malter ofgreat dif!itult!e.And ofnatute,but by workes ofgrace. forrhis caufe wqre before hand to prepare Secondly, hence wegather, rharto adde our(dueo by obferuing r~efe rules•follow. any thing to the paffion, as a meritoi<Ous ing.Ftrll,we mull labour thatreligion benot lcaufeofour iullification, arid faluarion, isto onely in minde, & mcmorie, Buralfobe roo. make Chr1!1 vnprofirablc. For he mull tie a red mtheaffecltonofour hcarrs,foo.'owe loue perfectSauiour, or no Sauiour: he admits rr,reioycetntt, & efleeme itaboue allrhmgs. I neither partner,nor dcputiem rhe workeof Secondly, we mull not oncly be Hearers of ,our redemption. And thegr:ice of God adrhewordofGod, butalfodotirsof tttn the D mits no mixture or compofirfon with any exercifesoffaith,repenta~ce,n~obedience.' thing. Grace is no grace, ·Vnleifc it be freely Thirdly,wemull ioyne wirhdurreligion,the giueneueryway. Thcrcfor~ the Popifh rcli· foundnelfe ofgood confcience:·forifconfcigion is a damnable rcligioncbecaufe" ith the encefaile, we canner be found in ourreligimerit>nd fatisfatl:ion of Chrill, it ioyncs on.Lallly,we mull pray to God ~>ith al tpanhumane merits and farisfatlions, in the cafe nerof praier anrl fuppltcarion for all things ofourlullification. Irmay,bc alleadged,that needfuii,Eph.6.r8. . the Popifh 1<ligion mainraines all rheamz. B'hold,!Pa~I(aJvntoJ•I•,thai'iJjeh<irclcs concerningChri!l, as we doe. An(w. It cuinci(ed,Chrifl{hall profit rou nothin~r. dorh fo in word: bur withallit addes to the Thcfewords, ·area reafim of rheformer forefaid articles thedotl:rinc ofhumane meconcluGon, thus. ] be circumcifed, and rirs and farisfatl:ions, which make voide the goe backe from your Chrilli:iil'p,rofeffion, death of Chrill: Agalne, Papi!ls alleadge Otall profit you nothing:· therefore rbatltrsthcglomofChriH, rharhe mems !land fafl. · for vs,and withall nia~esvs to merit for our In rhewords,IconGderafentcdce,and the felues; asit is rheglnrie of an Emperourro. p~ofeofit.Thefcntencc,/{1, b,cs•cHmcifcd, make other kingsvndcr him. Anfw. It is not .~----------------------------------~--------------~·~