Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

310 .ACommentarie "Ppon Chap.5. the glorie of theEmperour to make kings as A or afmall matrcrro be abolilhed t(om ChrtU.r partners with him, in his kingdome. And heOJewesthatiNsindeedto fall from grace. \ workes fer vp as meriroriouscaufes offalua· The vfe.Thefe verfes are aa itwerea thuntion , dilhonour Chrill, fGrthey make him derbolt again{! all Popcric. And firll otall,l vnprofitable,asPaulhere teacheth. . . vrge the argumentofPau/againll the Popifh Popilh religion therefore ISm no w1fe, •n Church,andagainU thePopilh rehgion: If any place to be tollerated, where itmaybe aye beiullified by the!awe, ye are aboliOJed bolilhed:but it IS to be w101cd that it were bafrom Chri{l, and fallen from ChriU, AnC.ver nifhed forth oftowneand countrey: and fiuis made,that the words arc to be vndcrllood dents are to be warned.with great circumoffuch workes ofthe law,as arc from narurc, fpection to readePopilhwrit~rs.Fornogood andgoe before faith; and not offuch workes can be looked f<>r ofthat relig1on that makes as are from grace, and follow faith: for foJch Chrill vnprofitable. workes(they fay) are from Chr~U ,and!land La{l)y, weareheretaughttocontentour with him. Ianfwer,thewords ofPa•/areto felues with Chrill alone,and with his workes, B be vnderllood ol all workeaofthe law, whernerirs, and farisfactions. For tnhimwurt therrhey be from nature,or frqm grace. For this Epifile of Pa«l was written about fixe Theconfirmationofthe fentence follow· yeare• after the conuerflon of the Galatiam: eth,IP•ulfay it:thereforeit isfo. This kinde therefore they were and had beene long reof reafoning may not fceme firange: for the generate perfons:now men reg<'neratc looke Apo(\Jes in writing and preaching, had the notto bemUified by work" ofnature,but by dmmc and infalltblc awflanccofthe fpirit,fo good workes,which are workcs ofgracc.And as they could not cere. This mu{! be held as Paulfaith,Eph.z.r o.W'""' nor (aurd hy work,s aPnnciplcm religion : ond bccmg denied, which Godbath ordllincd,th•twcfoould wal"-' in: there is no certentic ofthe Bible. and thefe are the bell workcs that are ocean 3• For} :efl1ji~ •gaine to euery man thatU be. Againe, Tit.3.s.OfhiJmcrciebef~Hrd7.JJ, circumcifcd, that hc i6 hound to "-''P' thc whole anJnot of wor~cso(rightcoufn<Jfe, taw. By thistcxtwe further foe, that we and the 4. Tc artabolifo•dfrom Chrift;whofomrrare Papills differ not about circum£lanccs, vn· iuffificdbythdaw,yarefa9cnfromgrau. . IciTeGrace and ChciG becircuml!ances. A· The meaning. Paullaith, I ufl•ficagame: gaine,we fee thatthe Church of Rome is 10 becaufe he bath fpoken thus much in effect C deede no Church: becaufc by main'"'!''"g before.Gal.3.10, iuUification by workes, it is abohlhed lrorr: That i6 circumcifed] who is of opinion of Chrill,andtallenfromgrace. thefal(c Apo{llcs, thatwill be circumcifed, Againe, I vrge Pauls argun:cnt againO and !coke for iuflification thereby. them,on this manner, He wb1ch is de.brer «' Boundtothewholdaw]that is, to the whole rhe whole law, bath no part in Chnll : hc· ceremonialllaw, totheiudicialllaw, and to, wh1chisiulli6edbyworkes, isdcbrerto tb< the whole worall law, And furrhcr,bcund in wholelaw: rherefore be which is iu£li6edby refpcctofiullification, and life, todoe all workes,hath nopart in Chri[l. Letthem an things in the law.For he that will be rulltfied fwer,tfthey can. by one ac!l ofthe law, is bound to performe I rurne the fame argument anotherway, rhe rea for his iuUific.rion. thus: Hewhich is iullified by works,is bound Aboli{beil[romChriif]tbat i•, Chri!l is betokeepethe wholeJaw:but no wan can keep come an idleand emptie Chnll vntoyou. the whole law: therefore no man can be iuUtWh•focuer.,,i•f/ifi•dbJ thc/al>]that is, are fied byworkes. ofopinion rhattbey areto beiuUified by the They anfwer to themi•w, by making a workes ofthe law. Forindeede a finner can. D double fulfilling of the law, one for this l1fe, not be iufiified bythelawc, butonely in his the other forrhe life tocome: and both in ownelalfeopinion. their kindeperfea. Thefulfillingof the law Gr"u]thatis,theloue,and fauourofGod. forrhctimeof thislife (theyfay) it is toloue Therefolurion.Thc 3.verfeisa confirmaGod aboueall creatures in rruth:and thathe rion ofrhe reafon in the z, verfe, and 11 may which doth thusmuch, fulfilsrhe law, and is be framed thus :Hewhich is bound to keepe nooffender.Hereupon they infer,rhat works the wholelawe, bath no part in Chrill: bee may be anfwerableto theJaw,and bee oppowhich is circumcifed, is bound to keeperhe fed rorhe iudgement ofGod. And for thiS whole law: therfore he which is circumcifed, doarine,theyalleadgr S.A•g•Jiinc. I anfwer hathnopartinChrill.The4.verfeisarepe· againe, that P"wlintbis place takesit~ora tition ofthe z. verfe,with a declaration therconfdfed truth, rhat no man can fulfil, the of:for hefl1ewes what hcmeanes by circumlaw: and he vrgeth it asagreatinconncnicifion,namcly, iullification by circumcifion, ence,thatany man lhould bebound tokeepe & confequcntly by the wholeJaw.And there· the whole ll\w. Andbefore hehad faid, H• fore when he f31d, I(yc becirc«mci(cd, he whichuofthewortfsofthdarP,ucur['<i. Gal. changeth his fpeech/aying,Wh•foeuer ui•fli. 3•ro, which could nor bc,•l there were a fulfied bJ the larP, Againe,lell men mighr thinke filhngofthe law forthe ttme of th1SI1f<. Ao far \