the.Epijile to the qatatianr, for Au•uflvu 1 tistrue he makes two fulfil. A tbattheLawandthe Gofpelarenotone in linosof the Ja~ andone ofthem forrhc rime fubfiance of dodrme, asthe Paprfis teach: of~~ISltfe: bur;~il>he(aJth isimper~ect:and for they fay the Gofpel is nothmg but the_ thh rmperfedi<>n he makes to bel hn, wherJaw made more perfed,and plamc : whrch rl as thePapi!lsof our time teach, that men it were uue,aman rnrgbr be ru!lrficd both by may fulfi/1 the 'Ja~efo• the time of this life Chrifi and the law, which Pau/fauh cannot without Gnne, be.Sccondly,lgarher hence,thatJC IS a meere WhereP•utfaith, lf1e he circumcifd: dcurceofmanowl!, to fay thatChri!i by his marke how the falfe Apoilles abufecircurn• death and paffion mecired, tharwee 010uld cilion.Ir is by drumeio!lrtutiona fcaleofthe merit by our o"nc worke1 our iullificatrou rigbreoufneffeof faith, and rbey make it a and faluation. Fur if this were rrue, thatrhe meritoriou! cau're offalnarion. ltio_indeede meritofourworkes,were the fruirofChrllls ratherGods worke,then ourworke:and they pallion, P•ulwould not hauefaid rim rullrfimake it their awne worke, andthat meritori· carion by the Jaw, lhould abolilhChtill vnto ous before God. LrkedoethePapifis ar this vs. Forthe caufeand the effed, both Hand day. B•p11fme is aGgnc and feale of Gods together: whereas Cbri!ls merit, anp rhe rnercte,by diulrie in(lltution :andthey turne B mcntofour workes, agree cuen as fire and it into a phyGcallcaufe which conraines and wuer. And nomaruell. For thercafon why conferres grace, In Jrkefort they turne the Chrifl memeth,isthcperfonaU vmonofthe workeso!thefpirit, alm<5, pra)'er,fa(!mg, godhead with the manhood: which vn:on, contrition,yeatheirown traditiom,confeaib.:caufe it isnor to bee found in any rucere on,faristadiou, andfuchlike,intomfrnori~ man , netther is rhere any, true: and proper ouscau(esofiu!l,ficarioo,andltfe. Andthis meritrobe found. is the farhion ofdeceiuers, to reca1ne rhe WhereasPt~ullaith, r~IV'~fallnfromgract, n~mesof holy things ,- butnot to Fetaine the fome gather, that the chrldren ofGod may right vfe ofthem, fall quite from the fauour ofGod. An(. Men As herewe fee Circumcifion was an obliarc faid to be vnder grace.two waies. Firll,in gation to the keeping ofthe wbble law in the rhe!Udgemen! ofinlallrbilitic:and thus oneoldT e!lament: fo is baptifme in the new,an ly the Eled are vndcr the graceofGod. Seobligationor bond,whereby we hauebound condly,inthe iudgement of Chrtflian chaour feluesto liue accordingto all tbolawes oi mic:and thus al thatprt'>felfe Chri!l,(rhough God.Matth.z8.19,1o.ThisdiCcouersrhe A iodeeJe hypocrites,) are vnder the grace of tbelfme and vnbeleefe ofperfons baptrfed 10 C God. And in this fenfe , thatthe thefe our dates : for few there be tbarrhinke wholc"Church of Galatia 1. vnder the grace vpon,and performe •·hi• oblrgation. of God.·And they are (aid" f•ilfrom .gr.ce, We are further to obferue the condition nor becaufe all wereindeed vnder the f•uour ofthelaw,/t u,;h•OJc•puiAnue•. All the pam ofGod, and atlcngthca!l ootofit: but bcofit arc!inked one to another. Hee rhat is caufe God makes it mJtmfctl- to men,that bound to onecommaundement, is bound to they were neuer"in the fauour of God. Thus all:be that keepes oneindeede1~ecpes all " he Chrills enemiesarefaid to hebiottcd our of rhc rhatbreakcsone,inrefpect of.thc dtfpofition booit_:_oflife, 'J?fal.69.>8. when Go_dmakes it ufhts heart,lsa breakerofall,b •n·.4, 1 o. he mamfell thatthmnames were neuer wrme~ tha_i 111akes noconfc1enceto keepe-fomeooe there. Secondly, lanfwer, that Pau/fpeakes commaundemem, rfoccafion be offered,will this notabfolurdy, bur vpon condition, If le · break~any.Heil~e'it followes,that true rcge- .. ,n beiujlifiiil.bJ·'b' /4w, And r.hereforeverf. neration is that w!licll isa reformation and to.he!aith,tilatheup"/"'•dcd bett<Ttbi•gsoj change accordi~grothe whole Jaw<if God, them, • · . & containes in rt rhefeede~ofaUgoodduties, Lafily,here we fee it is fal~ that euery man Cltrifi faith, He •h•l'•i w~(hedis~,ll tl<•n•,I~h. D f11all befaued b.y his rehgron; fqr he that is, 13. to; lofios turntd·to God ocow<lmg "the abolilhed frqm Cbri!l, "quite out ofthe fawho/e/•w.Zachariea_nd Elizab~thwa!keinall ,uourofGud. And therefore no religion,buJ the comma~~ndementl •f God '"'h••• reproofe, 1 rhatwhichiurulyCbrilltan,fauerh. Luke~ .Damd [aithjRefoaUnot beconfounded, · 5• lior wein 'rhe,J}irir b; faith.1faiu for the when hebarb "'fP'il to aa the60m,•ndemmllo[ hope ofrightmJfn<ffe. G•~.Pfai.I 19.6 On tbecomrarie,he which .: 6. Formlt{t14"Chrift neithtrcircumci(ionn.r bath manyexcelle~ttbmgs tn him, if'heliue vncircomcifionauaileth ••Jthit>g,h•rfnuh 11hich in the manife(! breachof fome one corn· work_etbbJ ioru , ,, . ', .·· · mandement,isfound innone,n~y in,deed he The meaning. 'We] I Pau!,_the rell ofthe Is guilty ofall. RmJdid many good things: Apollles, and, all other Chri_(lian churches. and yerall was nothing : becaufe'he'liued in InJPirir)thatH,io the powersofthcfoule fanmcen.Mark.6.>o.Thediuellis al:lletobring ' ctrfiedandr•n•~~d. In thisfenfe Paol fairh amantoperdtttoqaswell by one fione,ai by th>t therrue.circumcifion is rbat which isin many. · ' . · '· •heheart,mfpirit, Rom, : . z9. and Chri!l WhereasParr/faith, lfye hei•flifi<J,by tlu f~ith;thatthmoe~•rfoip o{Cjod ;,in(]>irit.loh, l•'!!!'}~'!!l•fbeJfr~mCbrij/: Ftrli!I gather, ,p4.and ~hatfPim is here !a kenin thislenfe., it