)J C ommentarie ')lpon Chap.5-:-- it is manifcll,becaufe it is oppofed to citcum- A cifion which i• inthe flefh. Byf•ith'tl>o••it J Fa1th apprehends the promife,and thereby brings forth hope: and faithby mcanes of hope makes rhcm that beleeue ro wairc.Hopeof r~,gh"oufnej[e] rhat is, faluarion or life ercrnall, which is the fruit of riohtcoufilclfe,Tit. z ,1 3 .or againe,rightcouf– n~llehoped for. Righteoufnclic indeede is imputed to them that belceuc, and that in thiS lifc.yet the fruition and the full reuelari– on therofi• refcrucd to thelife to come,when Chrill our righteoufnelTe fhall appeare, and when the elfetl of rig~teoufnetfe, namely fancbfication, 0Jall be accomp!iOJed in vs. Rom.8.zp.Ioh.s.>. B The fenfe then is this, All the Apollles and Chrillian churches with one confenr in fpirit by meanes oftheirfaith, waire forthe full reuelarion of their imputed righteouf· ·nclfe, and for euerlalling hfe : whereas the falfe Apollles place their righteoufn<lfe in circumci!ion ofthe fle01, and looke ro hauc the fruition ofitin this life. v,6,ln Chri/l]rhatis,in the Church 1 king– dome,or religion ofChrill. z.Cor,s.t]. If•– #JbtinChri/l, rhat is,ifanybca ChnOian,he Uanew creAture. Yncircmncijion J that is, the condition and workesofmen Vllcircumcifed. An•ii<th ••J thi>~g] is ofnovfe, refpetl, or acceprationwith God. Faith..,ork!•g]laithef- C fctluall in cluties of loue. The refolution. Thefe words containc a fecond reafon,where Paul confirmes the for– merconclofion 1 and ir may be framed thus. That thin" which makes vs waite for the hope of riohreoufne!fe, tbar iullifies: not cir· cumcilion°, but faith makes vs waite for the hope of righteoufne!fe : therefore notcir' cumci!ion but faith 1001fies. ThepropojiuonlS ornitt(d:themsnoris in tbe s.v,~And it iscon· ' firmed by two arguments. The 6rll, iathe c<fufent ofallchurches,Wewaiu:Thefecond, is taken from the propcrrie of filith in the list ver(e,thus:It is faith, and no\ circumclf~on that auailes beforeGod : therefore faith and not circumcifion makes vowaite. Againc, in thefe two verfes, P•ulmeetes D with an Obiettion, which may bee framed thus: Ifyeaboli01 circumci!icinand the cere– monialllaw,ye abolifh the exercifesofteligi– on.Theanfwer is 1 in llcad ofthcmwehaueo- . ther exercifes in ourfpirit, namely, the in- . wardexercifesoffaith,hope,andloue. The vfc. In the s. verfe, foorcthingaretobecon· fidered. Thefirll is,who waits I P••lfaith,,., waite, Before he bath iullified his dotlrine by the Scriptures, now hcaddesrhe confent of1he churches. Here then wefee what is the of!iceof all faithfull difpenfers of the word, namely, to declare fuch doelrines as are founded in Scriprures,and approoued bythe ciifcnt ofthe rrueChurchotGod.Pa•/an A· p_9!1le that could nor cm,reipetled confent, much more arc all ordinatie Miniller. to doeir. Againe,itis the office of allchri!lian peo– ple to maintaine& defend all loch dochines and opinions as ate founded in the Scrip– torer,and ratified by the confent of the true churches ofGod,and no orher. T hisro doe, is to walke in the wayofvnity and peace:and to doe othetwife Is to walke in the way of fchifme and bere!ie. Thefecond point is, what is waited for I PAlii (aitb,the retuiAtioniJrlgbteorl{ntJfe, Ande.. t•rn.aj.luatio•. HereI o.bferue, that there,is no iu!lification by the obfcruation of the law: andI p_rooueit thus:The rightcoufnelfe whereby a!Inner is iuOified, is apprehen.ded by fairh,and expeeled by hope:but ifrightc. oufnelfewere by the law, men fhould haue rhe fruition of theirrightcoufnesm rhis life, and confequently the hope thereof lhoula ceafe. Secondly , hereiscomfOrt forrhe godly. They complaineof the want of ianeltficari– on:butthey arc to lmow,thatin this hfcthe¥, fhall neuerfeele rlghtcoufnclfe, as rhcy feele finne;hcre they mull hunger and thirO after nghteoufnc!fe,liuing inCome want of it.lfwe haue the fir[! frmtcs ofthe fpi<it, the barred ofour finne, the purpofeofnot !inning,rhc feareofGod, and fuchlike,we mull content our fduco, and waite for the fruition of fur– ther grace till rhelife tocome. Thirdly, we mull become waiters for the mercie ofGod,and for hfe euerla!ling, Gen. 49·•8.1ud.v.rt.Forthiscaufewcmull do as they doe which waite apd attend for Come great benefit: woe mull daily !\andwith our Chpplicarions knocking ar rhe mcrcie g~u: to the death: and wee mull daily prepare our (eluesagainll the day ofdeath, and it mull l>e \llelcome vntovs:forrhen isrhe end ofall ourwaiting and attending. The third point is, by whatarewe to wairel Pnulfaith,Wew•itt bJfaith.Hence it fol!owes, that.faith brings with it~fpeciall certcntie of themercieof God, anliof !ife eucrlalling. For roen vfc not to waitc for the things whereoftheyare vnccrten.,Waiting prefup– pofethcertentie. The papi!ls therefore that makefpcciall hope, 01ould allomakefp~ciall faith. · The !all pointis, whereis rhi11rairing I P•ul(aith,i•fPirit, Hereobfcruc, that all the exercifesofChrillianrel;gion, are to be m thefpirit/j•drnHj/6e ,.orfoippedinfPirit, lob• 4·'4·Rom.t,9. Thehearrmullbercnr,and not thegarment,Ioel•.The inward motions ·ofthefpirit, areofthemfelues theworOnp of God, whereasourwordsand decdesare not !imply but fo farref0rth ao they arc founded In the :.newed motions ofthe heart. Men in our daies thinke they doe God high fer01ce, ifthey come to church, bcare Gods word, and fay fome few prayers.Indecd thefethmgs arcnorro becondemned: yet arc they not fufficient,