Chap. }'. the Epiflle to the (jalatianr. 3t3 fufficient vnlelfewiohall we bringvnto GOdAllfeaod death. . . . a oe·nued'fpirit, endued with faith , h<>pe, Secondly, fauh tnChr!Ll mull raigneand loue. --~ ..~ . .·· ~ bearefwayinourhea.rts,andhauethccom· In the 6.vcrfcJF•ulpropoohds three con· maund ouerreafon,wtll,affetlion,lull. And clulions. The firlt is this: that exrernall•nd by 1t whatfoeuer wee doe or fuffer, fpecrally bod1 Jy priuiledges are of no vfe &moment the maineatlions of ourJiues, are to be or. inrhcldnodome ofChralt.P•w/(auh,r.Trm. dered and drfpofed. <f.8.B•di1J"eurcifrpr.jiJethlmle,and that·g•lf· Lamy, it is a1hing to bee bewailed, that t.weffeu proftt•bl< f.r•llthi•gJ. It was agreat the common farrhof our daiesis but acerepriuiledge to bee familiarly acquai9ted with moniall faith, conceiued without the ordi· Chritl and tohaue eaten &drunk wuh hrm: nary meanes, andfeuered from the exercrfes yer is,; of novfe in thekingdonieofChritl. ofinuocatiou and repentance. ForoffuchChrillfaith,Luk,l3,"t.6.Dtp41'1 The third conclulion is, that true faith fr'"'''"l''""~""finiquiiJ.ltwu'agreat pri. workes byloue. Hence the Papilts gather, uiledgeto bee allied to Chrill in refpctl ol thar loue rs rhelorme andlifeoffairb, not l!lood,yetin thekingdomeofChri!l,itis ol B bcoaufe 11 m~es f•ith to bee faith; but be· nl\lv.fe: and therefore Chri!l.(aith; Huth•t caufe it makes rt tu bee a true faith, a good Jot!. thtwiOof ni) FAth<r,u mr~wber,jif/tr,O taltu, a liuely faith. But rhis therr dotlrine mothrf:, Mar.;. 33·oToconcciuc and beare "falfe•nd erroo1ous. For f•irh isthc cau(e Chrrlt 1 wau great honour to.the virginMR· of louc,and louc i< the fruit of lairh, r.Tim, "': yet was lhec not by. this rucancs a mem· I .-.s. Lrme~ut if 11 pure he.:trl,goodconfcienr:e,.md ber of.the kingdoii1eof Chrrlt, but by her !••rh vn(amrd.Noweuery caufeas rtisacaufr, fat!h in him. Aud if Oreehadnotbornehnn harnhrs lorccand eflicacle in it(elfc, andrein ber heart, as well •• n,ee bar.e>Nm in her ' cciues no force or cflicacie from hrs ettcct• ..-ombe;iheehod riot binfauca. ,:r o prophe· Secondly, true faith isliuely and effeC!uall · cieotpreacb,aod that in rhe name of,Cbnll, in 1t foltc, and hath a peculiar forme of his isagreat dignity :and yet many hauang rim ownc, and thatrs.acercarnepower to appre· .prer0gariueihall•becondemned, bht. 7.1.. h.end Chrrlt mthepromrfc.Forin faith,rherc Itmay beeallcadgcd,that Comeoutwar-d ex- ~re. two thln£es, ~owltdgr, andapprrhrnfion, croifes, as Bapti{ole; and the l;ords ,[upper, wluch fo~e call apphcation, or fPcci•linffi· are ofgrcarvfcinth_e·Church:of€hrrll.Ian· J ··~· 1whrchafliancc,becaufc the Papillscur fwc.r 0 file outmrQll~ptifme is ~othil;gwith. .ofF, they are ~on(hained ro make a fupply out the inward. No<<fo,hut C ,by loue_. Thardly, the operarron ot th#/lipHIAIUmD{ •gqod·c•n(cirnc.{.aM<Ih, ·a.Pct. (aocordrng to the doo:'l:rineol thePaprll) is ' p8. CjrcMI1JI:ijibnuprtifitAhlt;ij'h•uk$rptth< J.o prepare and d1fpofe a linner to his future t....Rom,z.35'· '' .-•rlu • ' • ' Ju(trlicatloo. Now,ifthisoperation be from · rBy~bil.wee.are.taughr; not.t'l·efieemeof loue, then loueis before iu!ltfication 1 and •mcnsrcligion by. rheitriches,&e,rernal drg· rhar cannot bee: becaufc(asthey reach) in· tDtties.For the faihionohlre,.,orldli•.•f.a man ·!hficatlon!lands·in louc, Loue therefore is .haue,richcs and!;honoiir1 rocominend him .not the forme They alleadge for 'fora wi(e, vorruot1s;tm,l:godlymad.J 'l:his•ii< I :th•mfelues thrs very ttxr inhand, whereit is foohihly ·t•ch•u• if•i•lp" •tijjiElnif'p~rfoi;i, '·f:iid, F•ith,.or/,Jth bJ '"" ' or (asrhey rrant la1p-.z.r~ it<!~ wihuc.> ~o c )' ~'!-:,, ' .fla.te it) {Aithi4AEl~dAndmoou~J bJ iDN~. Arl{. Secondly,-hji.this.wcate taught to lllodeThe meaning ofrlre text it, rhat faith is effe. rat&u••affc&fdns ,iri refpc&ot,aii•OIItwar~ · .duallrn it'(elfe ~ and that it ihewesand puts thingsJ neither .for.rbwing· tooltn\Jc#·f<ir forth his t:flicacie by Joue, as by rh• frulte them, nor.ioyrng.toti much in't,lienf, t\Cor. . 1 .:thereof! And itcannor hence bee gathered, 7••3ol"'"·" '{' ""'"'' •.,, · .1!\ ~< -~ · ' ,1_ ·that fairhis aCled and moouedby loueas by The·(~'l:ondcoriclui!bnr Faith irdfhgr~~t D, .aformall caufe, vfe&acceptation>inthbkin'gdomo~()ht!ll. I, ,, Aganie, thcyalleadge, lam, z. :IS. A1thr Byit;.6rll OUt•j>e~£?n•i'ind_then o'!.!,<a<lions , ·h•Jir i4dead wirhout th< (j>irit :fo u faith >Pith. pleafelGB<I: ana tw!lljout, re; ntnlimgrplea·· ""'"'"k"· A•f•tr. 1, The foule or man is feth Goa;,>lhnd the gr<!ate~ no- , noc the forme of hrs bodie,but of thewhole n~urw~llltl doetoGmf;to g•uecred'tncero ' man,•.:. Spiritrnay.aswell !igni6ebreath,or hrs wor<b:tand ti.Jrs·Howes<!l{!>fher.llbelireathrng, as thefoulc. And [o it carrits a di•ncd, fo all othercoll)mandemcnts.Hence ·fit feh(e. Foras the bodie without breath is •welearne: .:', ·'·''':. dead,anditflrewflitfelfetobealiuebybrca- ..Firll; rhat wee n!uA labour to concerue thing:fofaithrhariswirhourworkes is dead faith afigh,r in our hearts, by•thevf~of·rhc and it·lhewesit ftlfe to bee aliue by :vorkes:•,rhewo~d, prayerlacraments : 3, There isa falfc·compofition olthewords asalfoi,n,and>bytheex<rcrfeoot fprrrruall.rn. to beeconlidered: f•itbthat wuirhour wark_e 1 uucat1oo,and repenraoce,Thll beemg·done, "a<Ad,rs true: but to fay,fa1thud<ad withoul ·wee mull rellvpon the .b·are word and te!lrwork,u (asthough workes gaue life 10 fa. eh)" monyofGod,without,andagarnllfenfeand falfe; and nor the meanins of Saint, feeling :and ~tourhearts rherein,borh in butthe former onely. D'd'-----cA.-: ,gcc,a,-n<-, ..