314 rv'f Commentarie ..,pon "Chap.,-. Agamo, rhe Paprlh hence garhcr, that A lrle cucrlaCiing. Saotlifiuilon ia a ftuiteof farth and loue arc ioynt caufcsrn the iu{\ifi· the former, and ferues tomakevothankfull cacron of a finn<r, and that faith worketh by to God.forour iuRi6cauon: and loueferues !vue inrullifymg men before God. Bur this for the famevfe, becaufe it£a a fpeciall part lntcrprctationrs againll the whole fcope ~f of Santlification. this Eprllle, in whrch P•ul prooues that ThusmuchofthedeprauationoftRctext tlwe 11 no ru(irfication by the law, c. ~- v. -4· by thePapilb. Hence timherl gather,that and therfore no ru(iification byloue.Againo, many fallelym thefelaR daiesboall of faith : P•«l faub, Rom. 3· ''·chat rightto•fn•JJ• is bccaufc tt is uot ioyned with profiting in reuealed w1th••t the l•w : and therefore with· knowledge; -yith ltue conuerfionvnto God, oudoue. Andagaine, thatw1e.re m•dethe wuhfruitsof louecoGodandman:.,ibercas r~ghteoufn•ff• of Chrif/, M {hrifl is m•a• oiW all true faith is fruitful! in goqd workes. ' /inn•, namely, by imputation, and therefore 7 Te' a•d r.unne "WeN:'IPbllitdleirou,th.r J' not by infu{ion of loue, z.Cor.~.ZI. Third- {houldnot ob<J thttruth1 ly, faith tuihfics by apprehending Chri{\ in The meaning. Ye didru""'"''"l Inthc(e the prornrfe,and therefore not by loue. The B worda P•ul illudcs•tothegames ol running, conlcquent I prooue thus : Faith and loue vfed among the heathen. And hecompares arctwv hands of our foule. Faith is an hand the word and-precepts of God, to a way or rhat laic> holdeof Chrt{\, and it doth (as ir race; belecueruo runhctQ,lifecternalltb the; were) pull hrm& his bene6ts into our[oules. prtce,God torhe V mpir<or Judge, th< loo·, But loue is an hand of another kinde, for it kerson arc•P;Icnand Angel,,-good andbad; !crues not to recciue in, but to giue our tbe and the Excrcile of re'Jigron; is the running good it hath,and tocommunicate it felfevnof thuracc. Rcadeof thi•) J.Corinth. 9l•i· to others. ThereforefaithcannotiuOlfieby Phrl-3-rs;n;. . •" 'n, . , , !cue. Lallly,loue in order ofnature followcs Who]thoinferrogation bam in it the force. iu(ii6cation,and therfore it doth not ru{\ifie. of a rcp•oofc or.com~lainr. And rl<M•nlii. For firll of all, faith laieo holde on Ch11(!: "thts: chey<drd emll,which tUrt>cd y'ou(orth, then fallowe• iullification: vpon iu{lificati· ' of rhe•·ay,aod.you hau<>doneeuiJJ rhalyo.u o~ foilowes fancbficauon, and loue is a part 1 obeyednotth<>~rutlll 'Lildike is,Pfal. z:t of fanclification~ ' WhJdotb. hwhenrAg< ft·blit·is,it isgreat.wic· Thcyvrge for tbemfelucs thewordes_of 1 kednelfeforthemtbr ago., ., '1·m.,. P•ul, that faith w.rk,n bJbue. Anjwtr. P•JII C 1 Le~,] lh>ppc, intercept yourcourfe;<~Urne' cloth not OJ.CW in this verfd, what iullifictH, ' you our.ofthc way. .. ' '' .' · 'd ••··c , but what are the i':t.crcifcs of godlincffc in, Tbaf J•M/he•ld noNb'J]that you lhotild whrch ChriOians mull be occupied. And he . not giue,crc4cnce IQ the dotlrino ·oT i>.ul, doth not !hew how faith iu{\ificrh, but howl , and not obey ir. . ·11 '"< ·, it may bcdilccrncd tobctrucfaith, namely, Thcfcope.Thefc.worda.~tc:ucpelition of bylouc. · the pnncipall conclufionJg( thcwhofe,Epi· Secondly,they obictl, that faith andloue Ule.And~bis rcpctillon<iuiot in vaine.Forit are ahvaies royncd:and therfore toyntlywock, ferues ro:bnog th~·Galatlans to a cogfideral in iuChficauon. Anf. Th.cy are ioyned ia one: rronrif ~it .ofte~.aQwtoamcnilmenr Of pcrfon or fubieCI:: and theyarc ioyncd in the' 1 hte. · }i"'lc~lobferue;th'l,t the oltcnlnl'd fcri: excwfc of C)ui{\ian life: but they are ·not ousconfidcration of our finnes & liucr paR, ioyncd in the alle of iu(irfication. ' : is a mcao~ie.worke in.v.aa~~lcRa'rioO<o£ 011~ Thirdly, thcyvrgc the J.of Saintl•meJ, ' finne~,atlt!a:,efo~li!lationofhfe. Thus:lil•m4 where it is faid, that ",•• i§ iof/ified notmtl] , faitb:, thJit .vpon conlidctati0n ~f l)is;wales, bJ f aitb,but alfo bJ ,..,k_t,,verC.•+· An[. FAith; h«'fltrtJt[l hwfe,r to qtJdt<o'{J.map!-<mrn(t>Pfat in Saint lamu, is put for an bi{\oricaflknow- D 119. 59· And the caufc wby diere is fo!ittlc ledge of religron; or for the bareconfcffion '· .am~ncllnctit among v.s, is;bccaufeM.eencuer and profeffionof faith. Againe,i•flifo:atilm is. .fa Ol~l:loll,thinkc,whllt.w.C hauedone. l two-folde: one of theptr[on, the other of the Inthefewotds, RaNII<tSijowce.thr..du; ifaith of th~ per[on. luflificAtion of the prr[on is, tics ofC!iriilran people.The fir{\ i&,tbat rile~ when afinner isabfoluedof his finnes·, and mutl~runners in.1b~'raccofGo.d.Jodccd~ accepted t<l life eucrlalliog, for the m~ritof the Sabbarh ofthclewes 6gurcdJan{\whrch Chrill. lu(hfication ofthef•ith•ftheperfon ir; , is contr~.ry to·runi1iog1 ,IJ.ut tbisJJill is from when faith is approoued and found to bee linnt,.and notfrom good durres• .Thtsduty truefaith: and a belceuer iullifics himfelfc to of running te:cherh vs lourc thing•. The bea true belceuer. Of this fecond iuRi6ca· 6rG is,that wemun make hall witbout.aelay rion fpeakes Saint l•m"; and it is notoncly . to hepc,rhe·commandcmcnu of!God,fpc· byfaith,butalfobyworkes. , .- cially•rhocommanfl~menrs offauh,r.epcn· ; Lallly, it may bee obieCI:ed,thatlouc is of -tan~e;new obedicnce;Pfal.r '9·3 2.6o. Con· I no vfe,if it doenot iuRific.An(.lullifiaction, uariwife, it is a gre:~t. fault for.youtb andaand fanchfication, arc two di{\mlt benefits, tbers,to deferre ornmdn1tnt trll olde age, or r.Cor.1.3o.and.6.• l.lullification rnini(iers till thclaR Dnd deadly fickncs.l'orthawthe ( vnrovs dcliuerancc from bell,and a rightro time to end our runmng,and not to bt~IV. ----~--------------------------------------T~h~·~---·