Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

V6 ______ J! Commentariel!pon Chap.5T - •h• Galarians, euen afier their fall, in which A depraue and confound the whole bodie of/ rhey fd away to another Gofpel,and as much truth, It may be(aid, how may wee difcern~ as in rhcm lay, aboll(hed themfelucs from crro~r from found doctrine, confidcring of:. C11r1ft. This 01ewes Gods patience: and that t<ntlmcsrheyarelike, as !eauen islike dowel there" a pof!ibd1ty of mercy after great and An[. Leauen is difcerned from dowe, not by grieuous tals. colour, but by ra{ic: euen fo th~which are lt may bee fai<l, how long doth God conf]>lrituall, and haue the gift of difccrning, dt[ tinuc ro call men vnro him? An(JP.So long as reCl:ed bytheanalogieof faith>difccrnc rrurfi hcvouchf.,fcth them the benefit of the pubfrom falOwod. For whatfocuerfsa~ainf! on~ l1ke M""[lcry. Thnsthen more then forty Artrclc of faith, or agam!l any of~he corn· yeares bath God called vs in England. And mandtmcntsof the decalugue, is not found for thiscaufc,itrs our partto pray toGod for doCl:rrne,but!eauen. hcaringeares,to be pearced in our hearrs:and Againc,rhat which isfaid of falfedochine, we mu!lanfwerrhecalling ofGod,Pfal.z7.8. may be f31d proportionally of bad manners. ar the ka[t m the detires andgroanes of our Hercthcre(or.c.wce mu!l bee pur in miode of hearts. Andla!lly,we muO inhfcand conuer- B three duties. l hefir!l,tordi!l and withfland {:ltlon befucable to thecalliogofGod. cuery particular finn~. For euen one finneis 9 A liul<l.-uen,lw"netb thewhol<iumpe. ableto defile thewhole Jifeof man. Oneflie Thefenfc.As alittle leauenleauenethand Js !i1fficicnr to marre awhole boxe of1\vcete faumcrh the whulclumpeof dowe: cucn fo) ointment. One offence in our firH parcnrs, one crrouror pointof CO!ruprdoCl:rinc .cor· brought corruptionvpon rhcm and all manrupteth the whole body of Chriflian religikinde,yeavponhcauen and earth. H ee that on: bccau(eall rhc·pointsof religion areJJO · makes no Confcicnce of feme one finnc, is ked and compounded together, fo as if one gurlty of the whole Jaw,Iam.z. be corrupr,thc rc!lcannot remame found and Secondly, wee mull doe ourendeauour to Incorrupt. ~hevrtcrmoO, ro cut off eucry bad examplc T h.e fcope. TheobieCl:ion of theGalatirn thefocierics ofmen. For one bad example ans is: Pm cafe, that wee err(' in ioyning Ctrts {uffictcorrocorrupt awhole family awhc..le cumctlioo anJChrilt: yet there is no caufe ~owne,a wholccountrey.!he eXampleofone why thou Owulddl to 01a1pcly rcproouevs: mcdluous man was fufficientto corrupt :tU forit IS oo great errour to ioyncworkes and Corinth. ThereforePasti {o:dth,Pemu out the ChFiH in thecaufcof our Iu!Wication. Paul oltlefe4uen)t.Cors.6.The JawofG~d is,th~,t anliversro tillSobieCl:ion by a proucrb-e, fay· C b!afphemcrs, mnrdcrers,adulterers,&c.lball ing, rhat ~t little leaum ofJalfe doUrine, corruprs baput to death: the rcafon is,that e~ti!l m!IJ be th' who/, body ofrrligiun:andone crror,th6ugh tak,m a••aJ om of !frael,that is,the euriJ ofwrcit feeme to bee of lmallmomedt anhe fir{!, ked egample, which beeingfuffcred, fpreads IJlay ar length bling wich it rhc corruption abroad,&doth muchhurt. The barrenfigge and deprauarion ofmany otherpoints. tree mufi becutdowne,leflit make rhcwholc The vfc. In the example of thc'Galatians, ground barren,Luk., 3·7· we fee what is the common fa01ion·of men) . Thirdly, wee to withlland and cut off namely,to extenuate their faulrs,and to make .the fir{! beginnings and the occafions of e- .f:nall matters ofgreatotfences.The PhariGes .uery finne. Wee fayofarrand theeuos, that ·taught, that fundrie of Gods commaunde· firfi they beginneto prodi(e theirwickedncs were fmal/ and !itt!ecom1fh~undetrJmlJ, in pinnes,a~d pbints. For this caufc idlcncile, )Y\;iirh..5- 1 9· To.them that make noconfci- , fulnes of bread in excelliue eating, drinking, I ence offinne,greadinnes arcli~tle fi?nes;and and (willing, riot, and vanity in apparelI, arc little finncs are no.fiones, Pnde rs cleanlrto be fuppre!Ted in eucry foci<ry, asrhcbreeneiie, couetoufodfe •is:nothing but worldli· ders ofmany vices. ne!fc,Jrunkenne!Iegood fellowfllip, fornic~- D On thecontrary, as one point of euill doricnatricke of touth. Thus men put vifards Cl:rinc brings IVith it many other: fo any one vp<irl /hei; v.gly liones. The Politiria_n.'hat little grace of.God, brings many other with is of nurcllglOn; fa1th, that wtc! and1the Pa- \-it.. The entr11nteinto Godrword,giurslight, Pfai. pi{is drffcr not in fub(fance, bur,in finall cir1 -u9·'3o.In thisrefpcc'l Chrill-faith,Th' ~ing· curn{hmc.cs:and tha'tif they crre, iris bur in .dome of he1111en Ulik_t iea11m,bidin thr~epulzn of fmall·poum. Bur ofi•the contrarie,weeare to I mM/e:becaufeGods kingdome is fel\•p in the efiecm-e.cucry finne fo~agreat finne,to.hum-' htartar·rhe 6rfi vponvery tihttl beginnings, bl«mrfcJue. forthelea(!{innes,and to:btir1g Matth. 13. H· ThismuU teach vsto\'fethe ou• felues in fuHieCl:ioptoGod fn theleafl of meanes of our taluation, and not to bee difonr aC\:ions. 1 .couraged, though wee haue in vs bur fome - Here we are taughtby all meanesto main1 fmall beginnings ofGodsgrace. rainerhe purity of found religion, whatfoe1 10 IIMHeanaJ!i••uifyot• in theLord, tl:at uer befall vs. And for rhis cau(c: we are to re1 ye ~i/16u noothrrwifeminded:PHI heethtrt tro11J. [;(I ai\J withfrand euery CttoniOUS o.pinion 6/_,h )OH, foal/ brare hi; iHdgoncnt > trhofomtr that n,.JJ be broched. For it is the policie of he ·h_ rhedrucll, by foi!lihginfumeoncerrour, to Thefenfe./n rheLord)bythegucicu!alli. ilar.cC