~hap.5. the.Epi(lle to the qatatians. 3'7) (lance of God,wh<modo~br \V>)I giue a blef, A ar~ able,ro performc. Secondly,wee muftput Cil\o ro my M 1m0ery. . · af!ianceln God abfoturcly for hm,felfc, and ' ·,No otlmWife l;,lndeJ] rhor is~il)inkc no otherefor~wecfay, lbeleeuein God, &c. but a.ll the'hvlfc.then ye h'aue done, ,an~ oug~t to ouraffiancem m~nwhatfoeucr, mufl bee 1n iliinke; and think,e no 0 rhei,vlf< then I liaue the Lord. . taugbryou. ·· ' ···· : ' ·• ·· . . · When Paul faith, that bee had 4fi•nceof , "Hutb.rttrouOieth7'"] thcChurchJStrourbcmmthelord, hee Jhewcsrhat renewcdrcblcdthrcc waie" 1. by falfepo,;lrine: Thu\ pe'nrancc_is rhe gift of God. And there are Ah<~tnrouM(t/'.l(rad, '·Kmg. i8, i8. and the two,graces reqUJrcd vn·ro,it, helping grace, ll!lfe,Apoftlefiroub!C'Galana. z. By wicked and cxcitingsracc. Helping graco pr<ferues c!xamplcirhusAaa;,troublia'tfr.\et,1of.],Z5. and confirmes the fir(! and 1hitiall rcpcn3-:Bytorceand cruelty:thusryr~iirsandperranee: Ek!'iting grace giu.!, the will al]d the fcclfrotsrrou~lc rhc Church.· decdc,Andl>irhour the!e graces r,hcchildc of Sh.<Nbeare]O>all haue his due and deferued God, ifhec fall, cannorrepcnr, and rccouer p~nilhmcor,parrlyin thishfc,appparcly iuehimfdfe~ They_thercforcare dcceiued,wh" rernall death. Seethi• venfied in the ende of B rhmk thadhcy may haucrepenraoccar ccmthe bookc of Englilh Martyrs, in thcdefpc· maund, ahd thatthc.y p1ay repent when they rare; homblc,~nd ftinking endcs.of perfecuwill. . toro. Butycrrhis threAt moO bevnder(lood Ir may be demanded,why Paulv[<rhp>dde with the Exception ofrepcntan.cc. tcarmes, and doth not excommunicate the The[cope. The words arc an Anfwer to Galatians I An(. So longas men arecurable, an ObieClion,wHich may belraol~d clius: It mcanes muftbc v[cd to recouerrhcm. The feemesby your former prouerbcofJeaucn, tlJeepc or axe that goes allray, mull .~ce that you holdc ~. io bee a pe,oj>lecorrupred, brought ho:nc againe, 'Exodus z3· 4. m"uch andvntimorievnto God, To this Patil an· more:hynerghbbur, Chrifthim(clfcbrings fwer; by adrUm·cti·on: ~hope better things homcagame rh~ toll n.ecpe, and (o mvO C· oT you: burrhcfalfc'Apotllcs for rroublmg ucry 0Jcpheard,Ezcch:H·4· Now rt;G;:IarhcChurch,OJall furcly be pumlhca. tii'ns were in all likelihood pcrfons rurab!e: Thevfc. When Paul faith, ·1ha•e.n •ffiand'therefore not to be cutoff. Forthe Ceoanttlnrou, hcc~c:i~hctb in his ou·nccxample, furcof Excbm.muoication pcrraioe.sro th7m that we arc rdhope the beO o(men[o long •• alone,ofwho[erecoucry.~hcre is no hope. " they are curable. lt·rnaybec fa>d, they that Somcrherebcrhat mill>kcth~ prcaching hopcthcbeft are f<>mct>mesdeceiued. Anf. C v[edinthefedaics, becau(<wec vtenor.[cueThey areoocly dccCiued in their iudgemem, riry. andpc:rlonall rcproofesJ afccr rhc manand that in thingswhereofthey haue no ccr· ncr of lohnB•ptifl. Bur rhc/i: men are dec~iccn knowledge, and they are nor deceiucd in ued.We hauc norchcl>ke callingthat he had, praCli(c, For it is a duryof Joue to hope the nor hkegift~: neither arc.we in the hkcrimes. beO.And theywhich vfcrofufpeClrhe wortl, For John rhcBaptiO was irr thevery rime of areofrnerdeceiued. Againc,itmaybccfaid, the change bctwcenc the olde and rlie new rhltwec muijiudgc,of things as they are inT cllamenr. Chn'(l did not lbllow him in the dcedc. An[. ludg_eruenrofthings;andiudgc: fame manncrofteaching;ncJther doth'rhc meptof pcrfons muO becdiOingui!hed. Of Aporlle1n this place, when hcefairh·of the things,vprightiadgcmentisro iQdgeofthcm Galarians·inapotlaGe 1 tnat bee hoped'~;;!,r asthey are: and tf tiley bee dou~tfull, tofufthing~a{them, . · ' pcnd. Now ouriu~gcment'of lheperfonsof In thclall place, rhc.comminacicn l>lii<'h mon,mutl bc·ro·r"akethings in the better parr the Apotllevferh,is tob~~b'rcrue'd;rhai hbn. as much aspotpbl71nay be. Lafllfoit may be D, bicrs.of the ,Chur(;fi lhall-~carc their iuagcalleadgcd,thar "''mull loueour,ne~hbour.uotlr men!. Hence!.gather, •, ' · (<lie; :ond thatwe5~efpaircirliKpc<'tof our ' · That God watchcth 'ouer his Ctiurtl> (clues. An,We arc tddefpaire in refpeCl ofour with afpeciall prouidence, Wee in England fclucs,becoufe we'are'priuy toour owncOarc: haue found this by experience: and we arc to but wee are not priuy to the eftare of anyo: bethankfull for it. . ·' ther man: and therefore wt; arc ro hope the z, That the do~rine of rhe Apontes is befl of them. this lhewes rhe fault of our of infallible cerrenry : bccaufe the oppugtimcs: if anyprdfcllingrheGofpc_l fall vpon ners of it are plo~;ued byrile iu(l iudgemcnt frailty, there arc numbers of men that will of God. . · . makcno.hones o(it tocondemne them to 3: On·theconrrary,"l:iur.durjis, ~b1 pray the pitot hell, for hypocrites:· bur fucb perfor the good etlate of the Church of God fansarc not carried by the fpirir of P•u/,who and forrhe kingdomeswhere the Church i; hopes the beft ofthem that fall. J planred,and fonhc continuance of rhc Gor: {\gainc 1 here wee fee liow wee arc t<,> pur pallfpecial(l inEngland.f.orwhatwilfall rhe affianco i11 men. Wee arc to pur af!iiuict in rbings "'5 hru~'docys'goo'ci, if we be forrh of G,od for oil things \\>harfocuer, whether con'• Gods king~Bfhe,and lofe ourfoule.r ' ' · ccrning body or 'foule : bur our af!iance in it An,d6(nhren,tf"iJerrta.ch Circumciftmen, mu(! bee oncly (orfoch thmgsasthey ' on, whydadyet fi•!for p>r{eciltion i TEenuthe I ·' D.d 3 (c•na•ll \