Chap.5. the Epijlle to the (jalatiam. with the deathand pafli~n ofChriff, vnlelfe A oftheir faluationin htaiien. Therefore let all 1heyniay addCworkes, orfom~thin~ e!s of menlliefrom the religion ofthe Papitl, as if thmowne,forrh"eiriutlific~tlo?aod!aluatl-, theywouldlliefrom an armiel!f Spama~~~ on.Thus dpe rhe PapHh at this day:and the or Turkes. likedo many ofthe ignorant peo~leamong Conrrariwife, they rliar would prouidc vs~ 1~ar will be (aued by rheirgood d;aling, well for themfeluesand their potleritie, and and theirgood fcruing of.God. pianr rhemfelues inagood etlare, mull rake "Touching rhelmprocationinrhe u .verf. this courfe. They muff confider thattherej• rhree quetliom are robe propounded, The acitie ofGod in heauen·, thegates and fubfirffis, whether Pa•/did we!lrhui!ocurfeh!S,' urbcs whereofbeevpon c~rrhin thcalfcmenemiel! IanCwJr,yca:for firtlwemutl put'a · blies dfrheChurch:rharrhis cirieharh many difference between thepriuate caufeof man, roomesand habitations, and many liberties: ' andthecau(e 'of God. Now Pa•l accurferh thatrhela\V wncreby this citie isruled, iHhc the faife Apotlles, no! inrefpect of his owne whole word ofGod,fpecially,the doctrin! of caufe,but in refpectofthe caufe ofGod 1 and the Gofpell.ln this citic is all ha:ppinelfe,ard nor ashisowneenemics, butastbe enemies out of i!!here is nothing bur woe and mii'e0fGod. Secondfy, we muff ditlinguifhthc B ry. Enterthereforeintorhefuburbesofrhis per[onoofeu<llmen. Somearecurablc,and citic of God: as ye profelfe the Gofpcll, (oine againeareinculable,ofwhofefaluation fo fubicct your mindeo and confciences,and thereisnohope.NowPau/diretlshisin<pre· al!your affctlion• to ir, and bee docrs,of ~cation againCl perfvns incurable. .And hec it in the exercileof faith, repentance, new knewrhem to boo incurable by fomeexrraobedience. Thus lhal! you haue a goode, ordinary infpirarion or intlintl,(auhc Pro· llatc in Chrill, and ioyfull habitation in heaphtts and the rdl oftheApo(JJ<s did in funueo. drycofes)and hereupon he curfcth fomerime 1 3· For6mhrtn,Je haor{mne callcdr.li6ereucn particularperfom,.u f!../flexanderth~cop~ ti~: f!rll] vfo"DIJour bh(rtie11411nocc11jimto tht per(mith. z. T im.4. 14. Thirdly,we mu tl di· ftefo.-but bJ '""flrueont anather. tlinguilh the affoctions of men. Some are Thefirtlpartof the Ep<llletouchingt9e carnal,as raOiang~r,hatred,deflre ofreuenge, faith of the Ga)arians is ended.- and here be- &c. fomeagainearemorefpiritual! & diuine, · gin!!hefecond part touchinggood life, and asazeale ofGodsglorie, and ofthe fafcrie of 11 continue• fwm this verfe to the IJ. verfe GodsChurch.NowPaulin pronouncing the ofthe Gxtchaptcr. In it PaHI doth >.things: curfe,isnotcarried with a carnal!af!eC!ion, C 6rllqe.propounclsihefummeofhisdoC!rm, bur with a pure zeale ofGodsglory,and with and then after makes a particular declarati· the famefpirit by which hee penned this£. onofir; Thefumme ofallu propounded in pill!e. this s3. verC In which Paul firtl fets downe' Thefecood quetlion i•, whether we uiay the ground ofall good duties, and then •· notcurfeourenemiesas P•"ldid?An(iv.No: malncrules of good life. The ground is in forwehauenotthel1ke fpirit to difcernethe rhefeword•, Brethreo,yehAuebeenecalledr./i. perfons ofmen what theyare: and our zeale berrit. And it mull be noted, that as thefe ofGodsglorieis mixed with many corrupt wordsarethefoundationofthat wh1ch folaffetlions,and therefore to be fufpeCied. We low~s, fo are they alfo the reafo ofthat which in our ordinarie dealing• haue an other rule goes before, and thereforeP•td(aitb ,forbretofollow, Matth. >· Blejfoan"Jcur(enot.lfwe thrm,&c. The:. rules arc in the words fol· dare goe beyond thelimits ofthisrule, wee !owing : <;>nein thefe,V(t nit;oHr/ibmie.u an mull heare the fpeach ofChriCl,ye"-"""'not of occajion to theflefo:rheorherin rhefe,Dofcrutce whatfPiritl' are;Luk.9-55. onttoa.other 6; lotit, Therhird quetlioh ''• how welhouldv[e In theground ofall good duties, namely theimprecations that are in the Pfalmes of D the calling roliberrie,4.things are to becon· 'Dauid: as Pfal. to9. and in other place• of fidered.r.whocals.:. whoore called. 3· what Scripture? Anfw. They areto be diretlcd geis thecallingofGod. 4· why it is here mennerally againff the kingdome of the diuell: tioned byPaul. and theyare further to bee vfed as PropheTothe 6rC!,who calles?Ianfwer,God the cies ofthe holy Oh<?tl coforring his Church, Fatherin Chritl by the Spirit,for he is abfo. and proouring a 6nall fenrence vpon the enc. lute Lord ofall his creatures: and therefore mies ofGod. he maycall ourofthe kingdome ofdarkenet The word whiCh is rranflated,di(quiet,is to into hisownc kingdome whome hewill.And beconfidered, for itfignifiet to pur men our it is Godalone that calleththe things th.rare ofrljeirellate,and to driu< them out of houfe not,<U though ti"'"'"'•Rom.417. and home, as enemies doe whenrheyfacke The fecond is,whoare called? .An{w. All and fpoilc a towne. . they thatany~ayanfwerrhecallingof God, By this wefee rhatthe dotlrlne ofiulli6cafor P••l fa11h mdifferently ofall rheGal•<i· tion byworkesorbytbelaw,isado~rine full ans, that th'] were caOed, Now men anfwer o(danger an4J>erill 1 becaufeit puts menou~ thecallingofGod,fomcin profel1ion, (ome o_lt_h..:ei:.:.r..:•ll:.:.a::t.:;e,o:.:in:._:C:::.::hr::i::ff.!.,..:a::n.:d.:b.:cr::e.:au:.e::s.:th::.e::m:::..:._::m::h::.:e::ar::rE:,a::n.:d.:fo::m::.:.e::in::;borb, And all rh cfe arc I D d 4 fa~d