1 310 · /1 Commentarie "Vpon Chap.5._. ' foid to be called', yet w1th fo';\~'ditference. A fleth. Here I confider 'three thi~go,wliat is ~ ThecallingofGoil-iodirecte~ flr,ff'of:ll and the abufepfliberrielwhett; \• thisab~feto~e ptit1C1pally tbthe Elect: and then mthe fefound/and what is the rightvfe thereof! , cond plac 1 e, iry~rtaines to them whtch ore T~e6rll_<jueflion is; whatisrheabu[e \)f . not·Elcct, becaule they are rntxed mfoctette ChrtChan hbertte?An[~>.Tov[e it as an 1\CCa- · with the Elect. Atid hence orifcch ad1!lincti· ficin'offlefhlyand carnallltberrie:and'ib:.t is ' on ofchecalli~g ofGod ,fometim~it is. ope:· · dpn,ethreewaies. The firJI is,whe rnc~piakc ratiue: 'becaufe $:>od figmfies' a~d wtthall 1 morechingoindilferentthehGod cuerm.ide. workes bisw11l in'tfle Elcet:fohierln•e• againe· i :Thus rhe Corinthians yfcd fornicarion' as'a ; yitcfpcct of ~tl\cq ir i!: m•dr lignlficattUc, ! 'thing indifferent, J.Cot.q.. T.on~any I"tli~fs ,when God reuea1e~ lu, w11l to men, bur dmo drunkcnnclfe and furfettti1t: IS )mt a 1 fpat'<sto worke 1~for iufl caui41s known~ to · rhingind1fferenr. Men ~fcnorro'diflihguifh 1 J}imfclf~.1 '.'n~J ~ ... ~ . · arhmgindifferentand [hi~Ceofit:bUhhe'y 1 ," •The third p<ii1)l iS;Ivhat ls'thct~lling to licommonly thinkc that if.thc thing be io(lif. bettie·l An{>v: ~naCl.ionofGod'franlhting B fcrentinitfelfe, then al[o rhcvfcof it is)n– men from the ktngdome ofdark'l:ne!Te to IllS n dtffcrcnr. Thusall abufcs ofmeate, drinke; ;o\vne kingdome.Ic bath twop~ru, ifl.t:iu'm~Nt-. <. apparell, all rioting and garping , dicing inq . and4tbni.lfion. Jnt~ittmt"ntls,whenGodofler~ carding, &c. are excufedOy ~he narp~sof remiflionoffinnes&lifectlerla{l!ngto them 1 thingsihdiffer.ent. . . '· · · ·-'- .· that bekcue,o?t\1IO<dly by the.prc!achin,g of I Secondly, ourlibeicle'isa~ufed by ~)\im':. the Gofpel, inwardly by the mfp1rauon of-, moderacevfe'Ofrhegifrsot God. Thevfe ~( heauenly del1res. .1'1dmiflionis,whenmeh ar~ thc~n is in) moderate three Waie!, fir Cl tri t'e~1 lenfrcd into tlie kmgdome ofgrace; and iris fpedoftune, aswhenTJi;Jufareddelici~~~JlT, 1 elrh,erourwardori,nward.Ourwar<\admiffion affdw.uarraied i1Jrichattire eHtry da7. Thus lis,.\"hen men ::~retaken out of old Adttm, and many gentlemen and others offend, w.hen BY faith ingrati:ed into ChriU: fo~. by this in~·· ·cpeyturnerecreation into anoccupation.se: ficion into Chri(l, me:1 are Jttadc real! mem- ' condly,che gifts ofGod are immoderatelyV,. bersofGods kingdome. 1 fed, in rc(pc<'l ofchernfelues; as when men The ]a(! qucCho'n-is, why P•r.t mentions· i ,Exceed in eating& drinking; asthe Prophet the callingrolibertiein this piaGe!Anfw.It is I ifairh,Deut.19.1 9· Addino drunk.,cnn"to rhirj/, theground e>f all co;nfost, b{it'Pdrd cam- :C Thirdly, in rcf.oect of th~ ca!Jings and conforrstheCorinthiani; i:Cop:p. Agaitle,it : dltions of men: foreucry manisto vfe rhe isthe•round ofgood 1f~. Therefore Peter g1ftsofGcd accordtngto hJS place and confairh;B, r'hoty,"' htthat hath~a!tta yon i~'h~t,, clition. They ehen offend, th~c beeing bur ,1.Per. r.r5.AndPagi,W•//ztT¥orrhy thuakmg ·meanc perfons and liuing by trades, yet for whrrer.ithhth.rhcal(tdJou, Eph. 4· I. Ifthe their diet aod apparell, are as grear gentle caJiing ofGod doe not moouevs to arue~1dmen and gentlewomen. . _ menroflifr,nothing wiU doe it. Thirdly, libertioisabufcd when cl1e blc-fVVc in Englan:! haue h!;ilrd the calling fingsofGodare madein!lruments,and (a; it ofGod more then forrie yeares: and yet ve- ' :were)Bagoesand banners tod1fplay ourriot, ry fewe of vs are mooued eo change and a· I vaniric,ofienration, pride; for this caufe funmendourliues. Th1s lhcwcs our Athejfme , dry rhings, ~><hereof fomc are indifferent in and vnbelecft: here is almofl norhing but themfclues,art,condemned,lfa.3. r6. heauing, lhouing. and lifting to~!hcworld. I Thefecond queflioil~s, ~here is this aSome arc held coptiues ofthetr coueroufnes, bu[e I Anfw, Euen amongvs mEngland. Ir fame oftheir pride, fome oftheir damnable isrhe faG1ion ofmen to takevnco them[clues and flefhly Ju(ls: and all this lhewesthat few aTolerarion offinning,{ome vpon rhepartor none, [o much as dreame of a calliog to D encc ofGod,others vpon the doctrineofthe fp1riruall libel'tie. gracious Election ofGod ; (aying that they The fir(! Rule followes:Onqvft notJ'urliwillliueas they liCl,becaufe,ifthey be EleCted be>tie,a. •• occafonto'tbtjltfo, to faluatioli > !heyfhall certainly bee faued The fenfe.Firfo]hereby the Papifls vnderwharfoeuer they doe.Andfo~te there be char !land Seofualitie or car~all appetites: but takeoccafiontocontinueintheirlinnes,vphereby is moan! tbe corruption of all the on the mercie of God in tha deathand paffipower; ofthe foule, euen ofreafon andconon ofChril!. Acerten dweller rn thiHowne fc1ence. Paulfaich,rhattlit»ifod•mcorvndtrofCambridgc made aw~y htmfelfa. In h1s j/andmgoJrhtjlr{hiunmitittoGod, Ram. 8. 7bofome was found a wrftihg to this_effeCI, AeO,Iine!Tc therefore pertaines to the vnderthat Goddid th"ew m<rcypn great 1 gmuou•,. (landing. Againe, he(aithoffome, that thry and defpcrate Goners: an~ th.ercforehe~ fatp arrpuffrd vp mthe mindeGfthtJltjb, C9l.•.r8. that lie hoped'6fmerc1c though he hange<l and he willes theEphefiansrobcrmewedintht himfelfC, Ofthi• minde arecr.any1gnoram jpir•.t ofthrirminds,Epb.4.23· per(ons~h~,perfcuerin~ i.nt~ceir 9nnes, rcr The meaning then ofthe rule isthis, vfe perfwade rhcmCCluesofmercy: §ecaufedicy northe·bcnefit of fpiricualllibertie as an ochaue hcit'r'd that Chri!l diedfor mankmde. cafion to the flcflt to liue according to the And tbusrhe cleath of Chn!lts astt were a JJcence • --------------------------~