Chap. 5· the Epiflle to the qalatians. 32.1 1 licence or letters parentstocomrnit!inne. A- A things o'-r-=-g-r-ea_t_w_o-r""' th:-f;::-o_r_a-cl,-it-,tl,-e-v-al,-u_c_;, ~nJ ga1ne,grcatisrhe abufeof meare, drinke,and rhen afterwardgiue rhernfelues to riuting& apparell.ToE/ia.l!herecame an Angelland (pending, wee commonly faythar rher are (a 1 d,Ari(eAndcate, 1. Kmg. 19. 1· but to the thceues, and no righr owners of the goods men ofour daies, tllere had neede come an 1vhich they folde. The like may beeJa~d of Angel and fay,Ceafe to eate, ceafe~o drinke, them that abufefpiritualllibertie, that they cea[c ro game. arc but vfurpers,and norighrowncrsofir. The rhird qudl10n is,what is the rightvfe Lallly,it muflbe obferued, thatthis rule ofChrilli~nl1bertre1 An(w. Itllaudsintwo harhz.branches. Thefirilis, that we mull rhings: fir(! ofall we ourfelues mull bee renor miniller to rhe flc01 any occafion of finnewed and fanaified. To thepurea/lrhingt are ning.The fccond is,that we mufl giuc no oc~ ptm,Trr. 1. 15. Theper(on nmfl firll pleafe calionof !inning by meanes of clm£lian liGod before the achoncan pleafc him. The berrie. [i:cond is, that beGde the lawfull vfc of the The fecond maine rule followes,Seru"'" crearurcs,we mu(! haue a fpirituall and holy ••othrr6y lou:. Forrhe right concciuing ofrt, v[e ofthem. Thdawfull vfcofthecreature I I will ptvpound thtcequeUions. The fir([ is, call the politickev(e thereof, commonlyal- B •·hy is this rule propounded ln rhis place 1 !owed and taken vpamong mcn.ThefpirituAn(. It[ers downe the end ofail Apo!lvl1ke all vfeu wherebywe receiueand vfe thecreadoClrine,as P.zHIO>Cwerh.t.Tim.t .s.Th: md tttreas from the hand of God the Father in ofth~commatmd~ment iJioH~ out ofapurehtart', Chrillaccording to his will and word. And gOIJe/con(cim<',faithvnfain:d, Here men com·- the godly arc not tp feparare the one vfe moolyvnderUandby rhccommaundement, from rheother; but are bound byverrueof themoralllaw. Thatis indeede arruth,but it the J.commandcmcrlrro rake vp an holyv[e isnot the meaning ofthe place. In the third ofeucry giftofGod,WhenNoecameout of verfe PaHI[ets downc a comrnandemcnt o~ rhe Arke, fo foonc as he fet footevpon the denunciation toTim11hic,that he and the P:i! earrh,he builr an altar, offered facnfice, and (iours{)fEphcfu,, teach no othctddClr-in-c, called on the name ofGod:noronely for this butthcdoClrinc ofthe Apol!Jc;: rhen in th~· cndtowor01ipGod, butalfotofanClifiethe s.verfc he propounds the fmnme and fobearth and all the creatures of God vnro hi• llanceorthe end ofthe forcfaid commande,. vfc. The like did Ahrahamwhen-he came inment:in the: t8.verfeaftcr a.loryg ltr.t;;podt~rotf tothelandofCanaan. Andro this end we heinioyncs Ttmothi:to obfenrcit carefully~ ·. mutlobfcrue s.rules. The firfl,thairhecrea - C So then the end of all fouri,ddoctrine is loue turesofGod muflbe fanl'!ified b'yrheword ourof apurefie:m: and all our Preachino andprayer.t.Tim.4.Thewordmufllhewvs, mutlrcndtbthis, ' - " ' what we may doe: and prayer ob~aines the The fecond queflion is,whads theloue of doing of it, The z.rule: wemull bociri:.umour neighbour,fpecified in thisrule 1Anf. It fpea IcUwe finne in the vfe ofthe crear~rcS. iJ anaJfcfli~nrm~wed, whr,·ebJ n>eau'!looutd to In this refpeet lob fends for hischi,ldre 0 afrcr wi(/, w:dtoottr n;ighbour in the Lord, !{ayan they had fealled together, and hefantlifies a!feC/i•n,tp confute LumGard, who fairh that them. Job. 1. ;. Thej.rulc: Wemullvfethe loue is not an habit in vs, (as orher venues gifts of God with thankfgiuirig. Rom.''14 ·6. are,)but rhe·holy Gholl. I fay it is an affcCli' Commonly in thefe daies there is' no leaonr.ntwed, ·to confute the Pap'ifl, lvhoteafling or reioycing.vnlerfc a! memory ofGod cheth that we hauc the true loue of God ancl beburicdofor that is faid ro bre~d nielanchoou/ neighboUiby nature, ai1d that we want ly. The4.rule : We mufl fuffer ourfdues to nothing b~trtle{econd aCl',or thcrxercife of belirnited and moderated in the vfe'ol'our q l_tme;which tl\ey fay rs from grace. Further, Jibertie, partly by the·l·aw ofthe magiUrate~ I a'dde that IOueJncltnr.t vs to »'ifo· well to our and partly by the law ofcharitie, in the cafe neig}bo11r: fdr tRis is rh·e formall and proper ofoffence. !fayinthe vfe: beca'ufeliberrie i! effect oflou'e';'and all rhis i:i'done whcn\vee folfeis inwardly iri thec'onfcicnce:anathevfe thihkewcll, 'lj>cakeand doewell, and rhat id ofit isoften in 'h~omwardaClion:and rherrcfpeCl notone1~ofthe boflie, ~ur alfq in refore vnderrhe order of humanda'w. l'hc 5· fpeCloftheiOoleofour neighbour. Laflly I rule:Our liberty mull oevfcd fofrigllt ends; fay,that ldoetif·our ncighbofir'inufl &oin,rl" asnamelytheglorfe,ofGod. I·. Cor. to: 3'· LOt'iJ, Beeatifei\oearetololie-!Jiril in refpeCl the preferuati'on of·nature, and riotihe pamthat he is acreatiire·ofdod,and bearos his ipering ofthe A·elh; I 3: '3· the good of mage:and Hoijn re.fped ofholiour, profir,or ourrJCighbour. - · 1 pleafure,which_w'c receiu,c frbm 'him. -Loue Mtke confcience ro obferue thisrule:and for fuch'end!,isfelfe-loue. n "· . the rather,becaofelhe holy and fpiriruall vfe ·:hrhe third '~ue(ifoti is, i.-l'laf is rhevfe of ofChriflian libertie;is a figne•nd-loken that lotlj:? Mnf.Jt1 ferues'to n{'akc!.;;: fcmiceable to rhou arr in the kingdomeof Go"d,'al,d a tme <Jurileig,Joout,_.u,;, foe~, oor 1her '"'"' rhingr, mc:nbcrrhereof: as on thecontrari'e, th'ea- '··Cor. 13.<;:hrrG lj'asferuantto his enemies bufcof Godsblelli"g•·lhe"'" thee til 1\e flill i•·r!iearingtheiifjl):nes vpdn thecroiTe. Paul In the klngdOi1l'!ofd:~rkcne<>.Wileci men fel thtrtwtUfrhfom~ll, ~~c47flta [er11anttoafl,to