Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

' 32.2. ACommentarie "JJpon Cbap.5• .,inn<(om<, 1. Cor.9.19. To Chri(iwcareto A family mu(! caufe his houlhold ro imbracJ doeferwce: and heharh put our neighbour theGofpell,and frequemrheexercifesof re·) Ill hiS (lead, foasthanvhrch "done to our hgron. La(!Jy,eu<ry man rhat is in a rradeor ne•ghbuur ,_firall bedone ro him: our nergh· office, mu(! apply himfelleto thevttermo!l hour tberefore mul! bee ferued ofvs. And ofhi• powerto doeall he can forrhc good ofl this is nougainll ourJiberric.Fonve are free his country: & he mull fo deale that he may mwardly mconfc•cncc, yet mthe outward bchelpefull toall wirh whom hedeales and vfeofour libertie, wee mull be foruant• to hurtfull eo none. We are,or lhould be:mu men. ofrighttou{neffe :out fruitemull bemeare for Thevfe. If we examine ourliues by rhis orhers, and ourleaues for medicines. Wee rule,we Orallfind that thercis very littlepowmu!l be ascandles that fpend er ofreligion among men. There are uxe giue light to others. forts of men that hue in the breach of this '4· P.r an th<lar><"fulft/led inen• ..ord, rule.Thefir[! arevfurers wholend for aduan- >Fhich uthu, Thou /haltlouc thy neighbour"' thy rage, when they lhould lend freely to them fdfe. rhar are in neede;thefeferue rhemfeluesand B Fuljilled]comprifed, Rom.IJ. 9 .o.,.. ord] make a prey of all. Thefecond fort areinOne precept: for the holy Gho!lcalles pregrotfers, who gather 10 commodities to incepu,wordr. It may be dcmaunded, bow rhe richrhemfelues. Therhirdforr are idle per. wholelaw lhould bee fulfilled rn the Joueof fons ofwhat degree foeuer, rharfpend rheir our neighbour IA•fw. The loue ofGod,and timein caring, drinking, lleeping, gaming: the loue ofour neighbour are ioyned rogcfuch are but vnprofirable burdens of the rher,asthccaufeandtheelfe~: andtheloue earrh. Torhisforr I referre beggars & vagaofGod is pratlifed in rhe loueof our neigh. bonds. The fourth fort are riotous perfons hour. For God rhar is inuiUble, will beloued that vfc ro goe from alehoufe ro alehoufe, in rheperfon ofour neighbour,whom we fee, from caucrnero rauernc, and mi!Tpend thar and wuhwhomc we conuerfe. And the fir[! wherby rhcy thould.maintaine their families, cornm'andement ofrhelaw,mu(\ be included and be feruiceablc ro their country. The fifr in all the commaundemenrs following, and fort arcTradefillCn, who in their dealing vfe rhus rhc loueofGod isprefuppofed in cuery lying, di!Tembling, fraud, iniullice. They commaundemenrofrhefecond table: bee (eeke nothing bur their priuare aduanrage. rherforetharloueshisneighbour,louesGod Ana rhis kind ofmen abounds in the world. C alfo. The !ail fort are drowue and carnall ProreThoufo•lt lotu] vndcrfiand both rhe alfcllants, who onely feeke the things of this dion,and the duties of Joue. 'IhJ neighhour] world,aod neuer (omuch as giue good examany one that is ne;are vnto vs in rdpcct of pie ro feruanrs or children,or anygood counmans narure,Ifa.58.7.though he beour enefcll. Beudcall this, iris the common fault of mie,yetifby any occauon he be olfeHdvnro rheworld, for men to ferue rhemfelues, acvs ofGod,heis our neighbour. cording ro the common faying, Eu<rJ m•• At th] (df•l rhefe !",ords ugni.fie norrhc forhimfe/f<, andGodfor vt •11, And the bell meafureofour loue: as though wee lhould men rhar ate, Ifthey examine rhefelucs, lhall loue our felues in the firll place,and rhenour finde thatrhey faile many waies, and come n_eighbour in rhefecond place, forrhere are o,orr in the duties of louetome11 with whom fomeca(c, iq which weareroloucour neigh· rhc.y !me. ,. hour more then our felues. As for examplr, This beeing fo,we are ro acknowledge beweare more tolouethefoule ofour brother, fore God rhis maine olfence.ofours: and ro rhen our ternporalllife: andagood fubietl is intreat forthe pardon of (t for {:hril!sfake. more to loue thelife of his Prince rhen his And eucr hereafter ro cbaqge ourliues, and D owne life: here thenthe holy Ghol! fignifies, toreformethemaccordingtot)lismle.And whatmullJ?erhe mar.ner of our loue; rha · rhat is doneon this rnaner. Euery man harh, word [.u] ugnifies not q11antiti<, bur qwa/;/ic: 0~ ought to haue z.callings;a-generall, anda and rhar wee are as truly and earnellly with particular. Thegcnerall is, whereby wearc loue ro if!)brace ourneighbour,a•ourfclurs. called robe Chriflians. In this calling wearc The fcope. The wordsconraine are«fon io-doegoodroall men by reaching, adrnoofthefecqnd Rule, which may beeframed niO,ing, exhorting,,and by examplepf good rhus:ro fetQe ourneighbour in duties of lour, life.Aparticular calling is, w,hereby r;nenare is the kreping of rbe whole law: therefore called to fa,me Cflare of !ife,in the family, this feruice mull carefully be performrd. ~horch,or cpm~o'! wealth.And according The vfc. Here wre fee rhar the end oJ a rothe feuerall condiripns '?rpar,ricular ea!- rnansirfeis to fcrue God in frruing of man, Jmgs, mulleuery man in hi• ,place, doerhe forthisisthe furnmeofthe whole law. Sergoodheecan. The Magi!lr;a'![l v(ehis uantsare commanded iu feruing their rraoffice firll for rhe maintenance of rhe Gof. l!ers; toferue God;·and ro doe whatfower pcll, and then fo~ the execuiionlofiullic,e, they doe,as vnro God.Coi.3.Z3..Aud foeueTheMiniller mu!l preach found rehgron rn ry man in hisplace,in dealrngwnhmen mull Jpue ofrhcfoulcs of men. Thc.Maller of the I [o deale, as ifhe were to drale wuh GoJl h•m· felfc.