Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

~~C--b-ap~.~5.~---t~he-E.=f~ij~U~e-to--t~be~q~a~h-tt~a-nt-.--------3~-3--~-~ --~~--~--~~~ fdfei Thereforemo(l men prophane thm A nitiemaybeolitoftheChurch,anddi!fenti- · iiues, when they-make the fclipe and drift 'onintlieChurch,asherewefcc. It may bee thereof, to be the gcrting ofriohesand hoobieded, that there is a peaceIn thekmgnours. And rhough they haue g•eatcharges, dome ofGod,and that there the wolfc &the that i• no excufe:for theprincipall end ofour Jambe dwell togethcr,lfa.ll. A>f.This is but 1 1uinghere il rojietformefcruice tomen,and in parrverified in the kingdome of gracevp· in ibis feruice ro doe homage to God, for on earth: and it is fuily accempl1flJed in the which homage God wHI giuc the honour kingdom< ofglory in hcauen.Againe,it may and riches, which he fees to beeconuemenr be all<adged, that the Church is the compalorvs. - ·t nyofthcmthattrulycoofcnrinoneandthe Secondly, here wee may obferuewhar is fame,faith. An[w. That is propedy meant of true religion and godlincife, namely, to loue the Cathol1ke Church :but the cafeisoth,erand feruc God in fcrumg of man. H« th•t wife in particular Churches, where uue be· {ilirh b'{oHu God, ""d1'' hawhi< brother, i< a leeum arc mixed with hypocmes,whcreupl]er, 1.Ioh.4. zo. And hence it followe•,thar on arifctb much di:Tention, And of rrue betoliue our ofallfacierie ofmen,though ir be leouers, fome are ll'orc carnal! thenfpiriroin prayer & falling,(afterMonki(h falhion)is B all:and rhat isanothcrcaufeofdllfention, r. no!lateofpcrfcaion,but me<refuperllition: Cor.J -3· · ,c. for that is true and pe'rfoaloue of God, thar · The z.poi"r,conccrnes the quality ofthefc is (hewed in dutieS'Oftloue, and in the edificad1lfentions.Wl;lcn Pat:l[aith,lfl' 6iu•••J,. tionofourneighbdur. Againe,the hypocri · "'""·&c. hee fignifies thatthey were fierce lieoffundry Prorcllants is hero difcoucred. and violcnr.Andfu'h commonly arc ditfenIfrheycomero theChurch, and heare Serrions for religioh,asappcaresby the perfccu· mons , and frcqwcntthe L~rds table, they rio" mQ!JeencMarics daies,rhcheace wher· rhinkcthey maydoafrcrward what"rhcy will; ' ofnothmg could flake bur mans blood. J\.· and manyfuch arc frequenters of taucrncs, gainc, bee 6gi1ifiesin rhcfevcry words, that and alehoufes; and are gmeo to riot & liccn-' ' they were brurifl>, and beaGlikc, more bcfeetioufnetfe. Bur lt ifnot enough for 1hee to be mingwolu'es,Jyons,dogges,thcn men. This holyIn the Church; thou maiG be a Saint in ' mu(! teachv• to dcrell railjng, curling, euill the Ghurch,and a diuclfat home. T-rue rcli• !peaking, fighting, vnleifclf be in the cafe of gion is that which (hcwcs it felfe il) thy prioccetfarie defence,for by thcfcadions we deaare houfc,priuare dealings, & iifthccourfc generate to thecondition of beafls, and rcofthine owne lifc:fuch as thoua~-~n thypar· C pcll from vs the worke ofgrace:for Chri!l-of titular calling Jfuch art thou indecde and 'lyons,wolfr, bearcs, hath madevs his fneepe truth;wh:ir (howcsro~ucrthofimake(! before :liJdJamb'es;lfa.'tl• .mcrl:' •· ,. ' Lu .' • ·"' Therhirdpointisrouching the effeaof ·' 15: JfJ• bii,\ihJ dettoure oh' •noiher, t•k.i ,contcntion,andthariS t1\c ruine& defolarion li"dibatJ'6' ,., con(•m,Jon' of aOJoiher. :' ,of the church.-Thcdiuifion ofthe members Thefcnfe. if Jf ~ite] Here P'~•.(.alludcs to1 .among thenlfelucs, is the dilfolutioil of the rhe fa01i6n of wild bea!ls, as l,.ops , wohics, who!< bodic. Differencesin pointsof religi- &c,And by6rtjng, w·earo t6v n'ilerfl:ind all in~ on,breed doillfting1doubtingl)indcrs faith iuries in words,a• r'ailing,cur6n$fflandering, and inuocation,& the frecc&urfeofthe Gof- ~ackbiting,&c. l'J'"'""] tfere'PaHlvndc,! pc!:- and wliete thefe b'ehindred,thc church ,(lands all itiiurie) in deed, Qrviolence; euen gocs"to deeay: And by"teafon ofthe di!fenti· to ine [\i'edd1rlgdfblood.T•~hid ' 'ft]Here ons that be in'thcfclall da'ies, many liuc as Paul figmfics, that contentions'and dt!Tent!- ' Arh'cilb,aridlvill beofno religion. ~ns,brcc~t~~:<l~~r,ua•on an4"df:folatton of f' Blthiswe'arctobcadlflonifhed ro!ludie rhcChutch.'·:)." · •:• " ' :ind rovfeall-meane• to'mainraineChriflian 1 The fcop_e,(Fbe(cwords'ire'a-fecond rea- D peace and'copcord, Epli.if.J:To this end we fon of the feeond lulc drawrfel rom the danmu!! rem~mberone generall rule, Rom. 11. gcrous cffcaofthc contraii~,tHus: Conten! r8. H.u,pr•ce .. irh all m'•· 'And withal! WC trons breed the dCfolation bPthe Church: mufl obfcructhc,caurions whichPaH/addes: th'crefore docferuicc Orfc t6 another Hy lou~. one is,"if'ir mal biwuh good confcience, for The contents. In thcwo'rd·sPaul delfui:rs thereareforue,with whome here is nopeace, J.things.Thi!firll ts;ibai ther!'\v~rc gricuous >·nleffewdooth them in th<lrviccs,or deny contentions in tHe Church ofG!daria. The ourT~Iiglob,eirhcr inwhol~,or in part. The li~c alfowerc ln~he,ChuiC!io~ Cbrinth> '). fccond:is,!fir/u inyou, for fometimcmenare Coq. Thccanfe ofihcform~r'ionrentlo'rfs 'lccufed;arid o:>u(l of neccllitie defend them· wcredifferencefin pointsof religfoi1. Some rtlucs. ThefetiVO cau.rionaobferucd' P'"'' ofthe Gal,alii')ls(no dQuHt)ivithflaoding cirmull fJt h•dwith .nm-n: , cumcition,an~tlic'moll ofthem flan'dingfor ' Jr"niay llieo bedemaunded, whydoe not it.Forhcrcupcngrcat•·crctheoitfenrionsofthe Protdlants make aPacification with the the Churcliesln lltdea, AC!:r5:>. O oferuc ' PapiflS?JMrr. VVearc conrentfo todoe in then,thatvnitic is not an infallible and an in-. r<fpeC! 'oldiiill focietici, bur not in refpcaof (cparublem~r~c ofrhe~_!J~~~-oiGod. Vrcl•gioo, VYe haueacbmmaundemcnt to the