324 J1[ommentarinpon Chap.5. - thcconrratic, Reu,18.4 C•mtout if B•bJion A the good and edj6cacion ofmen.R.om.J; . 1 , "'}P'"P''·~ndtourh noV11cltanething. Wherea w. muU notfo tolerateas thatWta8prooue pacrfication is made, botp the parrico mull oftheleaGvi,e, orbetray·the lea partof yeeld fomewhat:but wemay notyeeld in any Godstrutb. ·. ·, pointofourrcligion,to the P•pills.Inan io· It mayh~rebe demaunded,w)lethertherc llromcnt ofrnulicke, the llrings ootoltunc may nor be a toleration for Poperic! 4.~("'. arefctvp, orfctdowne, tothereG :and the No: Thetolerationqftworel(~ionsin one llrings that are in tunc are oat JlirreA: eu~~ kingdomc,io t.he oucrthrol"ofpeac:e,Ag;ojn, IOthc Papills are to turncroys,wearcnot!O Pop~rjcisa!~hglon bp1h hcreticall& fchjf. turnctorhem; our religiol) bccing the domaticall. Itmay bcfaid, that faith and conClrinc ofthcl>rophetsandApollles. ...,"., .fcience is,frce; IanfwH , though faithin.rhe Pu~a is threefoJd, cburc/;pule~~Cius!lpfAc', heart,andconfcience in,it.felfc bee free mreHollfooldp'""· All thefcare to bee mainr~ti: fpeCl ofmanMuthoritie :· yet is norrhcpu~1 ned. Touching Church P'"' ,.1 giue three; hthingo( f~ith and theprof<l!ion of confcirules. The firll is, tharfortheendtngofdijfoence tree in lrk.efotr, bur it llands fubicCl to r~ncui~r~ligio11 there mufl he cotfertncts sn a the powcrof 1 the Magifira,te.! , ~tJ _ fruor Ch,tjli•• Counce/1; ThefPiri(softhe P;:o- .-!'. T.he third rule.EM"Jro/.••in hw pl~ce,fluciphttt,ar,JP-biefltotheProphets, I. Cor.14,3'%.. all] lt11chers !1J'ff1 (tt tb(m'(dlffs 1~ lmif~e the VVhen therearofe differencesin the ChiJt· Church.I~d.v,zo.Eph.4,_1 z.1,9d~co th)'.\t~th ches ofludea,The Apof/les ••a Eldmcametoisto bc d~fended:born<•1ls~!1ow. T he truth getlm·totnq•~reofthef1141ter, Ad.J$.6. Ancj. mull beconfc(fed, when <i!lJeand <?ccafj 0 n thi~ ioa thing much to bee defired in thefe. fcrucs,wt;hou~oppoGtion:'b!sdonc, •11 cqn- ' daies,fpecially in thefc VVellernc parrs of rcnrionslai4,afjde, . weer.u~ll fetcur fclue! 19 theworld. It maY. bed,maqdeq,why did not build the Chu.r~h.tnd r/Je.rathcrM iniflers rhc PtoteOams'ioyne with the P•pills at the ofGods word in nglan~:if.uO remember. Counceli ol Trent! Anfw. From the 61G th!a: becaufcwhile we are tlrioingaruo~gour fellion tt w~smore: then fixe yc~r,cs beforea~· .Celu~s in (und.ry points of~ilf~rencc , th~_eany fafe condud ll(as giuen to the Protee1 rt our cprornanenemie,gersRround.. .,(_.,; llam.,and at their appearing in the Counccl, , Tou~hing r;:!uillpeacc,it mu bee r~rp~flh exetprion wa1 ~~kenagain(! the)t letters,and . bred,that the peaq: and good eUare of Ieru-. rhey difmilfed. Apd when they appeared the, falem llood_iu this,that it was made the feate (econd rime vpon rhcncw fafe condud, the ofGods fp,f!~y~rie,andthe.tbroncof iu(lic~, -· Councellwa! rhc next day reiourpcd for ~ S Pfal u>,. W/Jcn the Arkc ":~• in theho4• yearcs. And when fafecondudwas giuen the , of Obed.,E~om, all thing~ erofpered with 3· time, the ProtdlantPrinces.refufcdto · 1Ji.'!'. 0 Now inthF.IJCW TeGament !he prea-, fend their Diuines: becaufcihey bad beeiic • ching ofthe Gofpd, inuocation of Go.ds , rwice mocked. Moreouerrhe Cou 0ccll was ' name>with ~he,vfe ofthe Sac,ra,(llcnts , come not afree Counc~; becaufc the Popehim- . in th~{oomc d -thc Santluaric. Ci•iUpear< ' fdfe was.~oth party,and ludgt. . . , then !•lllaintaioed,when.mep yeddfub~e8iThefecond rule, Thmm•f/6e,,.,eh,iftiAn · ?!'.totp~ ~9\il~l! ofChriG, which bringp, toirrAtiononeofanor4%ERh·'l·'·lJ:ercth~twe 'PF.ace to a !li.avecelucll. ..._ '\'il!akc nor,I pro9ound two quellions. On~ ,<: 1;' oucp~glfp"fooidptacf, l giue z. rul~s, is 1 in what mu(! !h;~e be atolcratiol)l -A,n[~. Oneio, .! atg•!"~nollr~'!ff•"!"in m•ffvr,g<1 Atolerationprefupp,ofeth a9 cr~qur.or de; andcornptN aOvndtrthemroAfi'Ri{..i AI fh~!,~Jf. fed in our brother.. An crrour.is•either in OHIW,4rd/yj\~t}rffli{tD f rtfigif'!;!nfht~Xlf~i(fJ, rudgemcnt,orrnanners. An~rrpurin iudg~- ' •ff•ithr'Pf"'f~~''"""'b'ditnct., Thus didA: ' mcnr,is eirhcri,ntpp foundarion-qf religion, D fi>•h•m,Ge~,~7.· a11dJof,'~l!' Z+ Thcy·t~,~. or bclidcrhefoond~tion,in Jig~~~~ rpattero.: doe not fir(! ofafl confenr in Cbtill, caqnQd if the crrour be ill t,befounda.tiJ?!),_ th,~re is no G ~onfentam.ong!Jterpfelues,~cc~ndly,it"l.". toleration ofir. Ifit be infomcl~\fCfrn,attcr, !>eobferuedl t~ta ,fa!,ll,Hy is th\j fi:~oolc o.~ atoleration is to ,be~ vfed acc,ording,tp the Qqd, in wgicJl ~~wlllcxercife o,ur faith , i!'r. rulcofthcApollle, Jf ]<.beoth!~"'ifemin4td ~\)cation, !oqe;pMiencc, fong-fuifering, a.c; God wiOreHMie ir.Phil.3,Is. When or.~crs{e~ And,t!\<!e,if, more..vtrtueto~· feene in th~ not tbatwhich wefee, wcru}Jll no_tprd'emly well o,rderingofafamily, th_ell,in thepte~<ncondemnc them, ,bur tolerate th.err ignoded holinelfe ofMonkifh cloiOets. rancc,till God reueilc his rrurh vnro them.. ,-:rh~s we fte~Cl", WC arc fO mainrair.crhe Againe, errOu'u in manners, bee""'(~. {o~rs; ~pitic. ()ft~efpiri,tmthebondofpm~. Fo; Comewithout offence, as haOrpelfe,frowllrd- \.~.~·~<tt~r iJ!for.ciqgof thJS<)_yty, P,••' {Ep~ nelfe,vaine glorioufnetfc,&c. thcfe.ycemull 'l·'l•)giucs 7, reafons: cne bodr.e, pnefprrll, mlerate, Prou.t 9.1 t. And othen with open of>~ hope ofer~rna!lljfe,one ~rd,o~•la!th,, olfence,and fuch admitno tol<!acion,J.Cor. on•b~ptilme, on~Father of••ll. lr mayb~c ).ll. .. faid,wc are at peace,w~atnce.dsall thtsadoe I Thefecond queilron i1, to whar end mull An(w. Tbe.pe~cc r:f many is pe~ce mdrunwe tolerate the infirmities and ign'!rances of kemitlfc, (called good fello•lh•p.;.pea.cc m our brethren I An(. Toleration mull tend ro prvphanenelfc aQd wickednelTe.. hrs IS rhc. diuels