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Chap. 5. the Epijlle to the Cjalatianr. diuelspeac<,wperehebearesthefway. The A poace ofwhich I oowfpeakc,IS '"the Lord, & mthetrueworlhip of God : ofwh1chreadc Ifa.a. wheremen arefaid hand in'hand ro go ·vp to the monnraineof the Lord, rhar they may hearehis wi!l,and ioyndy_obeyll. 16 'Thm/ Ji.J,WAI~eintl;tjpirit;~}efhAII ..t(u/ftlltbtlujlto{thejlefh, Thefcope.HereP.w/ rerurnesrothe 6rfi rule, verf.r3. andlhewestbeway;bowir isro beobferued,thus:lfJewJI(eintbeJPirit,J<fh·'D •otful{illthtlufltaftht{le(h:andwhen rhelu{b of the llelb are not (ul611e1, there0Jall nor occalion bee giuen torhellelh, byrhe vfeof chrillianliberry, The words conraine rwo parrs: a Rule, B ,.AI!,_eintht JPirll: and the bene6rrhat comes by therule,]•(h.O.,,fulfil/the luftsofthejle(b~ In the rule I conlider rwo things, what ts "thefpirir 1and what is walking;Tbe fPirit i4tbe gi(r ofregeotrAtion, loft 6] Adam, ,pored bJ (hrijl. lfayitisAgift : and this g1ft is rear· med byt~enameofrheffirir:bccaufe the fpl· rit workerh it immediatly in ••,from the f >· rhcc and the Sonne.Againc lfay,itiugift oj regm:rAtion, eo make adifrinCbcnbctw~cnc ll,andciuill venue. For there is a giftof re– gelleratioo,,,..hh:;h morti6escorruptioo; and a giftof rellraint,whichferuesonely tokecp incorruption. Of this fecond kinde, areall ciuillvenues,in naturall and heathen men,& not ofthe fir{! , Io(tph is cha{ic,andfowas C x,nocr.tes. l•f,phscha(\ityis a part of re&•– neration, and proceedes from the fplrit here mentioned, but the challity of XenocrAW IS notfo, proceeding onely from the thegene– rail prou1dence of God, and not from tin fpi<it of fanCli6carion, Thchkelfayofall other ciuill venues. Moreplaincly, ThefpiritisaDiuinena– nature,quality)or conditiOn,whereby we are made conformable to Chrill, in rtghteou(· netfe,and holine!le. doe itwithouttheSptrirofGod : for they do itdeccitfully,deliringGodsfauour not for ir fclfe,butin refpedot fome cui!Ifrom which they would be dcliuered, as the Marinere in lonas,and Pharaodid. Againc,there are men that mourne for their linneswithourtheSpi– rit of God, For thereis much falfehood 111 their mourning: becau(e they mourne for finne in refpeel of the punithment thereof, and not in rcfpeel of the offence of God, Lalily, therearorhatprerend aloue to God, aud yet want<he fpirit, forthey loue God in refpeelofhts benefites, as S•ul louedGod for aKingoome:fuch loue1s mcrcenary,and aworke of natore, whereas the Joue which is from the fpirir, maketb vs loue God for bimfelfe. The fourth property isexcd lency,fcr the fpim ofgucein Cilrillians " more excellent then the grace of cr:atton, in two rcfpctls. Firll,in refped ofthe beginning thereof. For the fpirit i• frum Chrill the lccoud A da><n, both GoJ and man: the grace ofcr<><ion Owuld haue bcene conuaied vnro vs from the 6<11 Adam,but a meere man, ifbe l!oiJd, Secondly, in refped of conllancy, for God gaue to .Adam the will to perfeuere if hce would : he giueth further to belecueiS, borh the will to pcrfeucre,and the deede. The fir(! properry is liuelinetTe, whereby thefpirit is etfeelual inoperation. &'/ihufaith thatthcfpirit compelled him, & was in him as a veiTcll ofnew wine which mull haue a vent, lob JZ.I9· Oftheoperarionofthefpi– rit, I deliuerthreethings. The firll, thatthe fpirite workes in and by theword of God: which therefore is calledthe Minii1erie ofthe {;irit, z.(arinf.J ,Ci, The fecond,that the fpi– rit worketh by certain degrees. de. gree& the very lirll beginning ofhis diuine operation, is,ro make vs fcele in what grtat needewe lland ofChri!l ,and todefirero be reconciled and turned vnto God.This isthe fir!I morion ofthe fpirit invs: & they which want this,haue nothingasyet ofthegrace of God in them.The third,that thewhole work ofthe fpirit may be reduced to 3· actiom: Thefpirit bath fiue properties. The fir!l, that it is a rich &liberall grace ofGod.Forit conraine•in it the (cede of all•ertues, aod all nccetfary grac€8 ofGod: becaufe it comes in rheroomeoforiginalllin, which containes in it,thefeedesofal!vicesor linnes. The fccond is the largenetfe of it,for this fpirit is in all thepowersof themthatare re· generate, that is 1 in rhc mir,de, confcience, will, atfedions, and in the fenfuall appetite, <.Thetf.s.' J.And hethatis fandified in one parr,isfandified inaii.Henceitfollowes,that they1vhich haue plenty ofillumination,witb· outchangeof atfedion, andlife,are indccde carnall,and not fp~rituall. The third property is fincerity, for the grace of GoJ is without falfehood or gUile. Pf,Jmc3' ·'·hencearifcth thed,tferencebe– twecnethcgodly man,and an hypocrite: be– twcenethe works ofnature,and the works o( grace. There are men th-liiO<iiflretfc detirc the •lliilaoce an ~f.1'.l·;urofGoJ : and they The firll is, to call downe eucry thing invs; D thatexaltsitfelfeagain!lGod,:,C~r. to.u n•111dy, to beat~ downeerronious rufon, & rebellious atfeClion ,and to put a man out of heart with his chiefe delights, and with his owne felfe, Thefecond adion IS, tokindlein our hearts acareand delireofreconciliation with God in Chrill:hence thefpirit is called the[pirit afgract And /•pplicati•n, Zachar, u, The third aClion is,to write the Lawe in our hearts, & that is done by putting anew light ofknowledge intotheminde, and new incJi. nation• into thew:ll, and affections. _Thus much of:~e fpirit. Walking inthe JPint,rs,toordtrour huesacc:ordinp. to rhc rli· recbonand motion of rhe!pirit. For,as the fpiritrenewcsournarute \\'tthin , foitmakc11 va tochange and renew uur adions,in thrc ' Ee r<fpctfr: