) I I I I I (. rv1 Commentarie.Ypon Chap.5, ~cfpctls. F~rfl, it makesvs put a further be- A gi.nnmg to our aCtions, tbcn nature can af.. tOard,c<tu(ing.ys todoe them an btuh,where. by wccbcle•ue, th<tour perionspi cafe God ' ip Chri(f,that our wcrkrw be done pleafcth God, tbat the defetl of the worke IS pard<l· ocd.Secoudly 1 .t.hl" fpiric makes vs doe our-a1 Ltwns in a ne~· mancr,n~mdy,in obedience to the:: writte-n word. Th~rdJy,itmakes vs put anew enJ to our ~Cltuns, that is; toamend & dc!irc to honour God 111 the rhi-ngs that wee doe. For example. A man is wronged by his neighbour: and nature tcl¥ him thac heemufl rrqrtite eNilh~te{J mill: yet he re(olues to do o– thcrwife: for (faith hee) God in Chrirt hath forgiUen me many finncs: therefore mufi I B , , forgiue my neighbour. And he h:membrcrh thatvtngeance u Gods: and rhat bee Js taught foto Mk..epardon,tU heforsirJuothlrs. And here– upon hee lets himfeHe to requite cuill w.tb got1dnclfe. This is to liucin thefpirit. The v(e.By thi• rule we fee that mol! ofv• fai!e in our duties.For m~ny ofvs profc!ling Chnil, liuenet accordmg to rhe iawes of n~turc, inourcommondcalings. Wcemmdc earthly things: and therefore we arc carnal!. It ts apnnciplc wuh many. that ifwee kecpe I tb eChurch, obferuc_rhe Kings Iawes (wh1eh arc indccdc to beobfcrued) and auoalcopen :mt.J grotfcGnncs 1 wc do nlJ that God rcqmres I at our hands. Hereupon towalke in the fpi .-rit;is rhought to bee a workcof prccifcnelle, C '1 more then needes. And rhcy wtuch deemc ltto Oe aworke of prc~i(enclfe, \~aJ~enOt in , the fp1rir. And indee.Jc tboy which bauere· \wucd the greatell mcafur~ of the Ipime'· I mull (ay ~>ith Paul. that theyarec.rnall,folde vndcrfin;1e,R om. 7.I 4· 1 Secondly,thlsruletellcrhvs,thatwc n>ull I become (pinwall men, fllchas make confci– encc ofcucry finne,and doe things lawfull in fpinruall maner,1n fa1th,and obedience, and . not as earnall men do them carnally. It 111ay ;I bcfaid, thar Minillcrsofrhc word mui! b.c.e fpirituaJJ men. I anfwer, iftbou,wharfoeucr : .t:hou art, be nor fpirituall,thou hafl no parr i'n Chr~fl,Kcm.8. And the rather, rho~ mull bdpirituall ;becaufca naturall man may do D · the ourwarddulles ofrelig>6 in a carnal for!. . Thirdly, wee mull notlud(;e any mans C· ~arc,bcforeGod,byany one,orfome few a· tlions,elther good or bad: but by his walk– og,or by the courfeof luslifc,wluch,ifi~ be arnall, it fhewes the party to be carnal!: 1fu elpirnu•ll, it fhews him to be fp~riruall; .. The bc·nefitthararifcth by the kecpmg of he rule foil owes, in thefe words, Tufh•U"" •lfilllh< luHs ofrhefi</o. Fie(!,] rhocorruption ofnature, the roote ofall Onnes. · L"/i'] inordinate motions of the minde, wiiJ,and afii:Cliom. Thus largely isluflta· } ken in the tenth Commaundement, which condemneth the firll motions to cull!. F•tfiil] fulfilling is nota fimpledoingof ~utll,but the accomphlhtng of loft wnh loue, plcafure,and fullconfcntet w1ll: asalfoper– feucrance in fUill,by addmg finr.e to Onr;e. Aq~eflion. How farre doth rhech1l~eof Godproceedein rheluftofthe fldh 1 An{.,. Hce JSatfaulrcd by the lulls of the Aelh: but he doth not accomplifit them. More plaine· Jy :_rhereare fiuc degree~ of luU, Suggeflion, ,drbght,conjnJt, the~a. pcr[eutrAnce in the 11EJ. S•gg,fiion, anddcbght, whereby thernmde ts drawoe away, are mcldt'I)t to the childe of God: Ccn(mtis not,ordinarily: and ifat any time rhechildeof.God con{cnt to thelults of his A eo,, llts bur in part, againll his pur– pofc>becaufe he isoucrcarricd. Likewile rhc aft or r.J.~CHtionfflufl,w notordinarily and v· fually itUhechildeof God' if atany tlmelfe tall, hcemay fay with P4ul, 1 dor tbae whiCh J h.u. Laflly, pcrfeuerancc in emU cloth not ~efall thechddc ofGod: becaufe vpon his tall he recoucrs himfelfe hy new .-prnrance. In thiS fenfe Saint John f.tub,Hnb"' 'iJ bDrnuf Gcd,fi>meth nct,I.Ioh.3·9· The vfo.Hence it foiJowes,that rhc lull of the fleOtis in the chilcle of·God to the death: and confequcmly they do not ful!ill thc-bv, neither can they bee iullificd tllereby,as Po– p10Jdoc\rmeJS. St:condlr, our duty is, nor eo accomplifb the luf!s o frbeAeOJ, butto refill them to the VU\!rmoll,l\om.t3.14. Thirdly, here ts comfort forthe feruants of God. Some manmayfay,lam vexed and turrnorled wrrh wickedthoughts anti defires, foas I fcare I am not Gods child. I anfwer a· gaine, for all this delpaircnot. Fer, if thcu hateand detellrhclufls, that are in1hcc: if thou refill them, and wage battdl •g•inll them: if beeingouertakcn~t aoytune,rhou recouer thy feJfe by nciV repentance, they fl>all neuer be laid to thy charge rocondem· nation, Rom.8, 1. It is here made aprcroga· tiue ofGods child, when rhelulls ofthe flclh are in him,noc ro accompJilb 1hem~or to liuc in fubietlwn to them. 17 Forth<j/e(blufle~h •g•injltht J}ir.t, and thejpirit ag~tinflrheJlefh~ ~tnd thq ATtcontrArit one t~ another,fo that )f GAntJ~t tioe the things whichpwoNld. Thefe words area reafon of the former verfe,thus,If yewalke in thcfpirit,yefi>alnot fulfill the lufls of the fieUt: forthe Aeflt>nd fpirit being contrary, mutually rcfirt.&with· !landoneanother, fo as ye can neither doe rbc good,nor thecuill,wbichye would. f.w/here fets forth afpirituaiJ cornbarc,of which fixethingsaretobc confidered. The fi<fl is, concerning the patties by \Yhomethe combatcis tnade:namely,chejldb,& thef}mr. Thefoifigni6es rhecorruprion of1hc whole nature of man :and th< Jjmir is the g1lt ofre· generation,(ashath been 01ewed.) lr may be demaunded,how tbcfc twainc being but qua– liti<scan be 'raid to 6~;hrwgerhcr 1Anf. The fl<fiJand the (pirirarc mixed together in the whole