Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.5. whole man r~gcrcra_tc, ;uiJ mall tb.e.pow.t:f3. ~ .th.r;·that man bath no freedomcof w1li1n ofth~lo~lcofmpn}i'!reand11"a<~r.ate fa11 to good dutie., before his conucrfion, bccaufe P,c~ 1nlxed in c~mpo4nd, ~q~11'Jl ;ci1ght and hcc i• then w(lolly fleth,and wants the Spu·it 1 daik\le,~rcmixed_\11th~·air.~a.~~l)~.d;.lwnJog of God: and the ftefl11s fiat contrary tO the . i 1 ofJ!•c 1 d.ay. ~n,a YFIIF!!,cJJu~c-!~'W'1~1"4.fler, fpiw: an.d oneconrrary hathno power atall beat,anp cold,a.r's ll]i'i}!). rogeylwr::JIIg !i<'UnQt eo J:>'iqg.forrh rhe effect of hiS contrary.Aud fay,thatrhe war,cr iP i\\ on~~(,~nP 111 hepce JC tollol'eth, that there arc no luch anprher coldc,buf1the~l10\~ q!I.V)t)typf ivawoii<s,)l'hcreby a man may prepare himlelte , terl,horin,parr,~_co}~dnB"ri·EucnfQ-th.c to his owne iulhfication 1 for though the · man regenerate, 1~ qot tqop,e;p<\llt fWl:.J, & 111 tlJind.,.e bee enligh(ened w1rh agencraU faitH,, anorhcr part ()>Wt.,~qt1 t~ewhol~ mind~ .i~ y,cunanbol~rc he be JUf!.ified,J>nothingbut ' p~rtfy ~eO,•, and pirt)y fpi1it 1 aJ)d {o arc the flc(h: and ficlh !)wng in nature oppolitc to wil( and aifedlo:lfSfhroughour, p~Hlxfpm· thelpull, can make no preparation/or the cuall,and partly R;l<_qal!.Now vpon this 1nix- (pirir,no more then darkneilecaamake preiure it comes to pall<,1hat•th<JBO'!'er,sof,rhe paration for the entrance of l1ght. foulc are carried ,~nd d1fpgfcd. <fiucrs waies: ~ The feucth p«int JS, concerning the.per· a11d hereupou fqllowcs thecomp~tJ:. (ons in whome thiscombateis to bee found. Ttie fecond point conceroes tAC·me~ncs And they arc bdeeucr.,(notvnbeleeuers or wh~'~6r tfilscombate is made: •11~.rhar "• a wicked men') fuch as rhc Galauamwer.e, to two-folJe Concupi(cence, expreiTcd~~wele whom thiscombare JSfa1drobelong. It ma,y wordsJThefleA ittfltfhtgtUnji ~h~ JPirlt,.awl the .b,ceallcadged,thatnarurall menhaueacom~ ~}rit againjl tbefl</6. The Jufl of the flc01 bate m them. Forthcy canfay,l juand •P· Jhewcs itfcl(ein two adions. The'fir£1 is, to prooue rlhft wb{&hi&good~ Put I doelhAt which M defile and rcprelfe thCgoodnlotiono; oftbe n!1r1ght• .ADj. Th1scombareis bctwcene rhC lpirit. In rh1sre_fpect Paul faith, whmh-.u/d oaturall confcj,encc,and rcbell:ousafrcclJOn. dogopd,wi/l ispr~Jfn( ;1 ~pd the la.w oft/:,eflejb re-' o:\Pd Jn,cid.ent tQ al men that haucin them b;IJagAinft th''"'"ft?,Rqm.].ll.lJ.' any.confcience, or light of rcafon, But the .Hereupon the fle01 is fit!y rcfcmbled by the< CO!llbateof_the ftelh.and thefpirit,iwfano· dl(ealc called Ephiafw or thc'l'a>e, in which kind, tor in 11 the mind IS carried aga111U · m,en 10 their fiumbcr,thin)< rheyfeele a rbmg' 1t iclfe,the will agamfl it felfe,and the affctli· as hea,uy as a mountain lying,ootheir brefls, C OilS againO ihemfelues: by rcafon they are which they can nowayrcmootte.Thefccood~ partly fpirltu~ll,and p.ilr\Jy carnal!. Second– action ofthe fleOJ,is,ro bring forth,and tafifl ·, ,ly, not all bc!eeuers Juu~ this con1bate m the mindewith wicked cogitation>,and rebelthem, but onely fu<h as be ofyearc~: for inl<ous Jnclnwior.s•. In thiS rc(ped conoupif. fanrs,though rhey haue thefecde ofgrace in c:nce isfaid to r~mpt, int1ce,and draweaway them.. yet doe they want rhe actor exercife the roindc of man,bm .1. 14. Againe, the thcrof: and thertOrc they feelenr)t thiS comlull of the(pirit harh two orhct;aclions. The batc,bccaufcit flaods inaClion. Tb~tdly,rhi• 6rll is,ro curbe and reflramc .rile flclh. Thus cornbate" in the godly for the rime of this S. John faith, that theftcdeof grace k!cpctthc l1te onely, bccaufe 10 death the fidh is aboltregenerate tlutt tfuyc4mmjimJc, J.loh.3.9.The lhcd,andconfequenrly the combatc it (cl fc. lecond action of the fp1rit is , to. ingendcr The fift pointJs, in what thJOg• d01h this good motions,cogitatiOns,and indinarions, cornbare lhcw it fclfc?Anf. Ina:lJ rhcadions agreeable to the will n( God. Thus 'Qauid ofmcnregenerare,whlcl:tP••Ifigniflos,•'hen fauh, that h& raine1 didte~tch him in the night hce[aJth,Je,c.,,vtot doe the t/:ingJ'whichJe'WtJfl!d-. (ca[on, Pfai.1G. And the Propl]ct Ifai f.tith, Forexa1ppl.c:ii!praiei,fQJnetimewefecleferThsne Ctire /hallhearc 4 voice, (ayit;_rT, here Uth~ ~:~ent det1res, andJ'ometime 3.gainc deadnelfei waJ.wa!~ in tt,lJ>hcnibtJuturneft to tb~ Y.ight hdnd D of lpirtr; fomccimcs (;irh, (Qmetimes dciub-- orro thcicfr,cap.Jo.v.zr. And.rhis voice, (no ung,ThiS fOm.Q.ate isinalllhcaClionsofrhe doubr) is not oncly the voice of fuch as bee gocl1 ,fpecially in good a{l.ions. Thusniuch· te>ehers,but alfo the inwardvoico ofthe Spi· P••ltcachcth,w.hcn hefaith,! fi•d' G7 thilaw , mot God in vs. And thusbythe concurofG•d,rh•twh-.lwoHfddo<g.ood,cuilluprefent? rcnceofthefe conrraryadions in one & rhc R~m.7.~ J.~nd,IJqnot the goedwhich ln·mld, fame man,is thiscombare made. b11t the tmliwhich I woul4not,~hat doe_/, v. 19. . The third point is, conce~ning the caufc And thaf<Ye miflakc nor,!! be rememof thi• combate, in rhefe words(andtheft arc bred,rhar Paul(peakesall this o( himlelfe,as contrarJ one to dnotbt"r,)Thecontrarieryofrhc being rcg~nerare:that he (peaks it norof rh iS flc01 and the fpint, 1mkes the combate.And or rhat adwn,but ofthe courfc of his life,in rhe conrraritty is very gn~ar, for the fpirit is which he willed andcndcauoured to doethat theg<Jt of righroouf<Jes :and the flelh !lands . •·hi<h was good,& acceptablcro God. And in a doubleoppoli~ion to lt, .for 1t 1s firll of: that appearcs by tbe.very words, when bee /all,thc want 1>f rightcoufneilC,and fecondly, faith, to wi/IU pre[mt 'rllith m~. And,/wouldd'fk j• pronenclfe ro all vnrightecufnelfe: that is g~od,but I d.- it nvr. Marke furrher,\\'blle I!.~•I l ltof:ly, not a tingle, bur adouble pnuation or wJis & endeuours to do thatwbichis good, if w<lnt of the grace or g:frofGod. Hence I ga.. he fa1lc &doaJnilfc.IJemay wellfay, lt iJ not 1 Ec • ,b.,