Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

._-A ComJ!1entarie 'Pf.'OP' Cbap·5:· : rlJAt do it,b•rrhef/efo that dwE/; i• me, And vn- A arcnulinnos :nowgoo_q... orkesprdctc.~ n<:i~l godly men for-t11e coucring of their wickedonly fro'::n·thefpmr,bot alfo frdn> tbc.i11lnd~ nes,rl they fay (as they doc)thatit u tiJCirjle{h and will of man,a~rh!!rumtnrsof the JpimJ that (immb., and•ot tbry, they abu(c 'the holy And \vhen:af> ell'et procecdes from lu'nd;y doC\nnc,and example of Paul. · caufe.thl!'f:arc flib01d:nal<; it ta·kcl \•rtto''i~ ' The latlpomr,conccrncsthceffeClofthe the narurc: of the fecbnd'cat)f~: herl~por1 reombate, whiCh is to hindcrthegcdly, that wdl'kes' ate •pa'rtJy fp(Ciiuall, and partly car2 they cannot doe that which thcy;wouJd,ahd nail, M the:1h11dtle -and•wiU of the doer is. thar rhrcewaics. FlfCI, it makes them th'ar 'f.hirdly, it ·;, alt~adgea,"tliat good ·~·arl<cs they cannot linne,that is,liue in prac!lfc oLiplea/eGo~'' and that ,fhii1gs plcalinj59o~, ny one finne, 1. foh. 3-9· Sccondly, 1f at any arc no ftrtnc•. ':dli/'I'Hey-pleafcG'o<\1b~\aufc time they falt;·•t ilaies and kcepes rhem, rhai rhedoer "m ClmU,aridto pleafetbGo~,A- .rhq linncnot ••ith full conlenr of will. For game, rhey plcale nor ·Go\l before, oi witllthcy (ay when they lin, Tllecuill••biGh I "•tel dutpardon: for theY:aie'a.ccepreo, 'becauf9 zlw doe 1. Thltdly, rhough in the ordinarie God appr6oueo hiS o\Vne'worke m vs, and courfc of the11 loue• they. dqe that whtch is B pardonsrhe dctefl.thc'rf'of~'La!lly,lomc'ob~ good, yet by reafon of tl11s·combare, they leClon<htsmaner,No fin!idarcrobe uone, f:ulelll thc.domgof ;,, R'>m. 7;'8, Towill'u gooaworkesarclinne~: t~ercfcre norro be pre{tr.t ,.;tb mc,'bue·t JindenomeM<i toful{iNor uone.A'nj.Thcy are not limply Jins,buipMiy accompftPJ that n·hichu gocd, Eucn as a flcke byaccJdcrlt. F0ras Godcon'IOJaundS~hc"u1 man th4t is .In rl.!couery, for ,Jlis attC~..'llon ~ they are good: and as gOQ·IYmtndue thenl, dunkcs hee is able to waJke amile or twame, they arcgdOd'm palt. NoW. the rca{Cmholds and yer b.y reafvn of f~untties-and weakocs-;'1s ooeJy dilfs:That whtch is fi(l,f(} far fi:>rflia~d: fearcc able ro walke once ort.wicc- about hi·s is ahn,or if Jt be limply a6nne, 1s notto bee chamber :So the rcgencrare cnan,forafihfli·; ' d·onc.Now ehen vpon this dcChm it t(Jl19WS, on,inchncsw rhc bcti t-hmgti;and ycr by rei·, t_har the1eis n'oil)lllticarion bywofks,noi po fen ofrhc Aelh,farlcs In rhcdomg of rhem: ' rulhllir\gof the law,ror rile 11meol rbis lrle. Thus much of't-hc combatC;'thevfe folThauJy, henccu fOilO\\Ie'SJ rhat theorace lowes. H-;:nce l'gathct, t11at c·oricuptfcencc ofGod f6rthe rime of this l1fe,1S i1. !XCo 0 wlth or Jolt after ba·p.rifme 1 in the f~kehcrarc, is~a hts contfary,rhecorrupHon ot t11c ficlh.This finne. For the ltJU of the fpiri-r-~ ·is the•thing mixture the godly feele in thC:mfeluc~ (o the <har God re<Juiret.h and approoucth: now great griefe ot their harrs.W bw rbry "ou!J rhe>lufl ofthe llc01rs d1reCIIy c6nmfle ro n, C, belceue, rhe1t mindcs areopprclfcd wuh vnas adelcCl or prmaCiotl thereof: and there· belecte. They fee moretgnorance in rhcnrtore rhe lull of rhc lleOr is properly afiunc,• felues, rhon lrghrof kno••kdgc. Thcrc >~ c a w)h!thcrconfentof wtlJ gownh tr,or no. ; numbcr~mong!l vs, that lay_, rbey kqt\v·~aS;I Ag<:inc,trcncc-it folJowcs,:.rhar \vorkesof· much as all chc world can reach ehern, 1l1a~ the n:gcner..uc, afc mixcJ workes·, chat t!-', rhey doperfeCtly bdeeue-m Chflf1,J.nd ~t.icr go'od \\Orkcs mcl\!cC, yc-r not perfctllygood, dtd, rhat thl'J louc God wuh :dJ 1 hc'lr hd1rs, bur partly cui!I! f~t fuch a!fhc·cauf<is,foct>: anddtd neu)'rfomucha•doubrul'thc mercy . i~ the dfcc1: ntm' the minde andwill of man, of God.But the!c menare voidc of rhegrace j ar'c the caufeof h'iswo•kes,arl'd rlJCmindc u of God : rhey arc like empry barrds rl1a,t ; parrly carnall,ahd partly fpitituall: foalfo is make agreat found: they ncucr knew wl1atrs I , the •·•11' .and therefore rheworke&thar promcam by the combat< of the ficnJand ij'int. , ceedc from them,oue pardy fpirir-uaJJ)and ill Fourt!llj ,wcare here to be adrnoni(hcd)m! part carnal!. Vpon rhis grourid it followcs,: al duties of'religion tov(einduOry,& parncs, l : that'all rhc wof_ks of regeneratemen,arcfin- D by willing, Clriumg, ar.d ccdeauourwg to 1he : (<ill, and intbc·rrgour of iullicc defcrucdarnvrrermoJt,ro do rhatwfirch .-c oughr ro doe. 1 nati""· Obi,Ef, Sinne is the tranfgrcflioo of Wemufrvfe a.iking,fo,~ng,kncc/;!•g .M•t:7. 7-1 , thela:..v: goodw.ot.kcsare noYrahfgreffionof We mull wtt·h PaHiv(ewr~tftling t~J ourpr"ur.s ' rhdaw: rherforclgood workesarenofinnes. to G'oJ,Rom. '5- so- They thatwmrldh•uc l I aufwcr ro the 11)inor. Tlic tranfgrdllon of kno\\<]edge·in the bockc'of God, molt doe I rhdaw rs rwe-folde; One, whiCh is d!feClly more tbm hearea Scrrnon:they muilllr~uc again(} the JaW, bOth -for. martcr, and man· agamll _the1r ignorance,ana bJmdnes,;a d1.:· ' ncr: rhelccond rs,.lvhcn that Wdoilc whicb botioufly exercrfc their fcnfes in rhe dr!cc:- . rl-.chuv rcqtlir.cs, bllr not in that manner it, 'ning of good and cmtl. They rhar 11ould be- . , Jhould bedon·e, '(\nd thus good workcs belecue,mullllriucagainll rhcir narurall vube- , icomelinneful, The du.ty•'h!Ch the taw re' lccfe,andendeauourrobciecue. E"Jf•d((auh quires, is done, bma is not doneperfctlly as SaJomon)Prou.zS.)Mrhcm,nthtrfearu I;; m-_ it ought ro bee done, by reafon of-the·fleflJ. fdfe, or innm l tmjc!fero fear<. /'"'tf faithof. SecondJy, it is aiJeadgcd, th;it'goodworkes h1mfclfeJ that huln6c11r~d andloC>k,_r p{;im.s ro , ~re from theSpirirofGod:and that nothing k!cpe•good confmnu,Act.z+r6. i proceeding from rhc Spirit of'God is linnc. · La!tty,'by rea(on of rhrs con:bare,"«•re AnfTJ', Thi~gsproceeding fromrheSprrit or . pur rnminde ro vlcfobriene, ond watchfulGodalone, or·from rhc Spirar immediately, ne1Tc cuer our cwnccorwprwns,wuhmlll.h , and ------------'--------