Ch,ap. 5· the f!pijlJeto the Cjalatians. 319 make•c_o_n-,fc,_t-en_c_e_t_o_p-ra_C't,_•-fe-t~h-is-.--''anJ .inflant prayer, leil we fall into lemptati- A on,Matrh.:6.41. Welhould pr.actJ[cthcfe more then wee doe: for befide lhc encm1cs wllhout,we·h•ueall'enerily wnhin tharfeekes ourperdition. ' .. ·•1·8 And•f ye6u 1-.d6J the flurtt,]e""not vnderthtlan•. · . h _.. · ·In·the-• l· verfe P•ul propounds a maine rule ofgood lifeijiu~nootca('ontfJ>tbeflefo:~nd lorihdbcucr keepingof rhis,hcegiUeea fc– corld161e,vetf.l6iw'l./~e mthe fPtr;t, Of"this fo<:<\lntkule,he gnie9two-reafons. The firil~> ltak<9 froa1 the corirrariery of rbe Ae01 and •thefpirit,v.17.Thefecond os mthefe·ivords: .Th'-J th<t • ..IJ:!.cf.Prding to theJPirit;ar< frude from tb<eurfe of the'""'· · • lnthefcwords,P••ifersdown three things. ~ The·firllistheoflicc of the fpinr,, which is, firlt ofall, to regenerate&renew all rhc po~rerspf the foule; alld fecondly, t•>guidcand conduct them that are regenerate, Pfal. •·H 1 o. In tbis guidance'or conduction, thcrt are-foure actioos of rhe fpim. The firll is, Prefer.uation, whereby the holy Gholl nlaln– raine~thc gifts o( rcg'coerationJn them'thar arc regenerate. The fecond ts, Coojmi;tJon, whereby the will ofGqd as rhe ·firll caufe, workei together with .the regenerat-e wtll of man, astlte [<?Cond caufe. And without rhb coopcr·atiunmans "'"·ill bringi fo,th no gooJ aC\:ion:nomorethenthetfeC which·isapt to brmg forth·ffuicc~ yceldsfruic indeede, rill it haue the prc[ence and cooperar10n of rhc C Sunne,.xriJat mthe!C:alonofche yeare.The third;isVirt£lun;whet 1 CbyGodsSpiri•ordc, 1rerhand e!labhOtech themmdc,w1I1Jandatft;!· Clions,mgood dutles,z.1 he~3-S· Thela{i,L, Exc1t~r1on, whereby rhc fpiri"'Htrres and Cltll mooues ct1e w1fJ &mmd,afrer theyarc rege– ner.ate :·bc..:..auCe'f01f rhettmeof'thisli(e, the gtaceor God is htndered and oppre!fed by theffe!h.Hcreu,-,enaftl!r regeneracion,there mu{! lldl be "'"mdlining. Pfal.11.9. 36, new i:lraw'ing,Cant.l. wor~ingc>fthe wiHand thc-decde,Phtl,<. 'l· Hence it fallowes, that bcfidetheantece– dent,and fir(! grace, there is nccclfary afub– fequent,or fecond grace.For we doe not rha1 goodivhichwecandoe, vnlelfe Godbyafe· D cond grace makevsdbcfit, as hcemade vsable to doe it by tlic firil grace. · The fecondthing is, rhcofliceofall true beleeuers: anJ tha11s,to relignerhemfdue> in fubiection to thcworke ofGod, Sputr. NowGods Spirit workes in and by the worci ofGod. And hereupon this fubieC!ion harh rwo parts. The firfl is,tomakerriaiJ,it1quiry, & cxamination,what isthe good" 1l·of God, meuery thing,Rom.t z..z.. Tnus didDauid, PCai.J19.49·l•mthine,fout meJ{r lfuk!•hr' comm.1ndemcnrt. The fectJnd parr l))to denie our fclues,and toconformeour mindcs,con– (dcnccs, wils, nffctl:ions, in all things, to the forc-faid wti! Md od,Rom-u .verf.<. Letall fu_:!)as ddirero bcfptrirua!l, remember and Thethird ts, the Prtu./edgeof beleeucrs, in the Iall "'ords,Teare,Jotvnderthela,ll', Vo-· derUand rhts,in refpect ofthe curfcandcon· Jcmnationofthe law:forotherwifewe areaU vndcrrhclaw, astt is the rule of good He. 'I' he priutledge then is, that God doth not tmpurc rhc defects ot obedlence•toluchas truly bclceue&repent, hut heeacceptsthetr imperfcctobcutence,., perfed &at,folurc: Thisti!rucs tocomfort rhcm that greeue,be– caule rhey fcclerhewanr of (anC!tlication in rilemfelucs.For 1frhcy can and doe wll/rhat which is good,& endcuourrhemfcluc•inthe courfeof chctr hues according ro thetr-will, iettncm not fcarc ouermuch, when theJro– bcdtencc is dcfcctiue : brcau[e ihey arc not voder thersguur ofthe law: & rherfmeGod accepts the: wtll &: cnde.mour to obey, for o... beutencc. And-che conlidcrarion of Gods OJcrcdull acc<:ptanon)muCl Hirrc vs vp roan Ct!rne!t care&. confcieuceof alJ good duttc-1. ·19 .M orcauer, thework!sof thejlefo are ma– mft/l,tPb;ch ;~re,adJJ/teryfornzc~ttion, vncltAtmet, wantonnct. zo Id(J/airy,witchcr.-ft,hatred, de6ate,emu- . luriont,wr~ttb,contentWnt,(editioNt,herejicJ. Z l EnttieJ ?nJJrthcrt, drun~enncfJe,gluttoHie, and(uc·h!./:!: r.bcreof I tellyoo 6•fore ("' l•lfo hauc to/Je you6eforc) tb.r rhcywhr<·hdo< fuch thmg!Jhallnol inheruthekfngJIJTmof G'od, P1ml before deliucredtbisrule in gcnerall tcarmes, GIUt n~ occajionto the fiejh ;and,ffflfiN ~"the lu/ls of chc f/efo. Nowhee proceedcs fu1cherio way ot·uedaratiOn,tc make aCa– •alogue or rehear(aJl ofrhe parttcular wc>ks of the Hell1,wJuch were in ~ce,and knewne to rhcGalat1ans. And rhts he dorh for watgh– tycaufe. For wee arc full of bltndnelf<, and fee nor our corcupt10n:~nd we are full ofhy· pocrtlie, and thereforeready tc cOeemcour [clues L!miruall,whenwee arecarnall. And therefore 1hos Cataloguefcrucs ficlyas ara– bic or glatle, 'to difcouer the corruption of manshcarr,6y the fruns tbcreof. After P••'' example, cuery man Otal! doe well ro make a Cacalogueof the finncs ofbis whole hfc. By !his meaoes fhall wee bcrt<r know our felucs, and takea manifdl view of our linncfull condition. In thiS Catalogue,!confider threethings: thecondmonof rhe workes of che fleO.: rhc kmdcsofthem:and the punifhmem thereof. The condnion is, that rhe workes of rhe f!efh are f•id tobcmanifefl, not only to God, but cucn to men that baue the light of rea· fon,&naturallcoofcience.Hence tt followes, rhatthcre is amatter fufficicnt for rhe cun· denuio..tion of rhem that ncuer knew the Gofpei.For rhougn rhe flefh ir felfe befccrer and hidden, yet rheworlces of the fle01 are cnanifcfito the narurall man. Andthis mull further admonifhvs,ncuer to hide orcxcu(C' our Gnnes but freely to confelfe rhcmbe/ere God,&before mcnalfo,whenneedrcqll_'_'.:::._ E c 3 vVhcther