Deur.H, ~l.lj,:4· .ACommentarie "'!pon Whether wee confelfc them or no, they are A maoifdl: and the ingenuous confeflin~; or vncoue~ingofthe, ia tlle wiy ro couct chem, Pfal, 3u ·4· Touchingthe kinds or forrs of the works of rhclleilt, they arc in number feaucnreenc; and I may reduce them to foure heads, The fir!l forr arc again(\ challiry, the fccond a– gain(\ religion,the third againll charity, the lafl againH temperance. Thewmk<• of the llcfh againRchafiiry, arc fourc : and they are placed in the fir!! rank•, foriullcaufc: for by them, men are broughr to reprobate minds, Rom,r.:8.and to bewithour lcnfeor feeling, Eph4·'9· and the body whtch fhould be the temple of rhe B holy Gholl, is made a !lable and a llie for thediuell. Adulter}]ili.sthe inconlinmqofper{ons mAr– ried, orofper[OHs whereof•neMtheleAft u m~trritd, or bermhtd, I fay betrothed: becaufe one and the fame puniiltmenrio defigned to marrred, and betrothedperfons: and there– fore the linnel• like in both. Ifadultery, which is the breach of wed– locke, beaworke ofthe lle01, then damna· ble iulte decree of Pope Syricius, that ma· nage itfelfewas the pollution ofthe f!e01. It may bee obieaed, that young widowes by marryingh,r~utdt~mftatlln, Andbrt~tk! the (4irh '{ 6•pti[me,t.Ttm.5.ll. A•f. Theyarenot fa1d to breake the faith of baptifme,becaufe they marry: but becaufe they waxe wanton C agoinfl ChriU,and fo marry : that is, caG off the rcines of obedience, bycommitting for– nication. and then fo~: eo couer theiroffence, they IT'arry. ThisI rake tobethe right fenfe ofthat place. A~uiurie is namc:l in the fir(! place, and that for fpeciall caufe. For as it isacommon, fo ts it alfo agroat Gnnc. For itistbebteach ofthe cout'nant ofmarriage,made inrhepre– fcnce of God, and vnto God:and therefore ttiscallcd tht<oumanto[qod,Prou.:.t?. It IS the runifhment of idolarry,Rom.l...... It is a finnegreater then theft,Prou. 6. 30,3>. Thecommirrmofthisfinnecutoffthem• D fclues from humane focietie, and become men of death, andwomen of death, accor– ding to Gods law. And itwillneuerbewell with humane fociety, ttll adultetersbemade fellons,their liuestakenfrom them,and their goods conEfcatc. Lallly,tbis finnebringetb <he ruine of the families of adulterous per– fans: and it fi:ts a fire in them that burnes to dellruaion. For11iCAiitrtt]it is the incontinmcie 1/ {it~gleptr~ (ont, MukcJ1ow it is made amanifdl worke of thelle01.Henceit (ollowes,thatforoi<ali., " no ligl11 matter, or a thingindifferent, as fame hauc may he obiefled,that it is numbred among thing< indifferent, Act. 15.19.forwith !lrangled,andblood,is ioyned p,rn:catirm. An{r:u r. The Gentiles indeedC' ~ neemed ir ao; a thing ioditferenr: andhereChap.5. Secondly, •