Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

Chap.5• . the Epi~le to the qatati'ans.. . . 33if Secondly, by the conliJetatlon of thi• A 'fufpm"n of an tnconrmeut dtfpoutton 1 as1 threat wee are ad<Ri>nilhed to f!te adulretie, I light ralke, wanton behautour 1 curtoufnelfe fornic~tion,waoronnelfe,&c.Theyfay,thefe /and excelfein trimmingofthe body 1 fofpearebottrickesofyouth. llelike then itia hut ttedcompame, or companre _that may m a rricke,io lofetbekiogdomeofbeaucn. S•· ltkehbood befufpected: Fortt ts Gods wtll, /ommfaith, Bt.ffedilthem•• rlw fureth, .- thatnot on~ly thevtce."{elfe, but a!~~ the ra•[ethhim(df< tDjc...-e,Prou.a thai appearance ofeuery vtce fltould beauotded. lhallbeedone, when wee tortifieour (clues r.Thelf.s.u. · from thefe offences by fetting Gods tudgeldo/AtrJ] The fecond fort oflinncs follow, menrs beforevs.. ' which areagainG godlinelfc: and they are LaGly,fomeman may fay, what !hallthey three, /Jola<rJ, Wllrhcraft, Hcrefc. Idolatrie is doethatareouerraken with •thefc unnes; if the worlhipofldol-gods. An Idol is taken the doersthereofcannotenterinto the king· iwo lilaies, FirG ofall, a6ction, or arhing domeofGod! A•(.Theircafe ia dan•erous: mcerely deui(ed, is an Idol: :tgaine,wljen we and thereis but oneway tohelpethc~ in the co_nceiue a thing that~·· otherw!fethen it is, world:and th11 iuo ccafefrom-adultery,for- B tt·tsa~.I.d. al•.. ~o !tkcwt(e ld,olatn~ ts twof~ld,\ nication 1 vncleanenes,wantonnes,and to doe ' Onets, whc 1Qmethmg charts not God,ts (et rhecontrary.Pfai.3•P4Andthis will dothe • vp in rheJdqlne·ofGuJ:&'that is donethre~ deed: for the promtfe ofGod is, He ri>At eo,. waics.Ooeis;when thegodhead iaafcnbcd !~ fcf[tth hil fi••tt, andf"(•k!ththtm, P,aOh••• acreature 1 'as when it w•s fa id toHerod, Th• . mmit, Prou. :8. 14, And this prornife of v•iceof• Gud,& oot of••••· Thcfecod is,whc · Al!,t>, "· God is nor conrrarit to his threat. For (o any property ol the godhead is afcrtbed to long u men are doers ofthcfelinnes, or any thccrearole.l'hc third is,whcn the affeltions oneolrhem,rhey arc out ofGods kingdomc': ofour hoam aregiuen iothecreature, Thus and when they ccafeto bcdocrsofthem,and coueroufnes iscalledldolatr¥,Col. 3· 5· bccorrariwife excrcife thcmfclues ln the works caufdt makes men put th<iraffiauce in riches ofchaGitic, polfeUing theirve!fels, that is, The fecond,kindof_ldol•trJ, is toworlhip their bodics,infan~\ification &honour, the the true GodwtthdeUtf<d"worlhip, as namecafe isaltered,and they muG no more bee rely with,in,and at image•,fet vp to the honour puted doers ofthefcllnnes. For God accepts o( God, Thio!Jolatricis forbidden in t~e.femen not as they haue bin,butao they are. cond commaundemept, as Mo(u bath e.x: In that thefefoure unneo, Ad~luric,fortJi· C pounded the law,Deur-4-.16. Thou.(a,.,tf!noi. catioN,&c.aremAHiJ~fl.,.,~~rkpofthefl~fo. wearc m11gt it~ thtdaJ I appt4Ttdi, Mount SinA;:t/urttaughtthrcethings.The firll is,rharwe muG fore thoufoa(r mak! noimagc,namtiJ ofGod. It;, fiocke vp the rooteofthefe fins,that is;moralleadged, that the commaundement onely tifie thepaffion ofconcupifcence, Col. 3· 5· forbids the making of tbe images of falfe 1.ThcfT.4.5· which is nothingelobutan inor· gods.Ianfwer,and ofthe1rueGod alfo. Aadinate inclination to thefe vices. And iris ronscallewasanlmageoftbetrueGod.Exo. mor116ed in vs, ifweelcarne to feare God in JZ-5, An"d it muG be obforued,tbat lchHdehis word, & in thccommandementthat forGroied the Idols ofBaal, 1.<!,and bids adulrery.For the feare ofGodcleanferh withall remained lltll in the lione of lmhobvth heart and ltfe, lo(tph tempted by his am, V.JI. whichwastoworfhiptbecalfesin MiGrisro folly,by this meanes efchcwed the Dan and Betbel,which "ercim•gcsoflehooffence,faying,SbaUJdoctbil;andfin•••gai•fl ua.And forthis lie isdifcommended, God! Further, it muGbe remembred, that The vfe.By this wefeethatthe Romilh rewithout holinetfe, no mancan fee God, or ligion ;,a carnal! religion: for itteachcth1haucfcllowlh•pwithhim. Heb. u.14. And dclatri<fourewaies. FirG, irinioynethmen while the lull of concupifcence beareo the D togiue to the Con(urattdHofltbenameand (way,there is no ho!iaetfc: and therefore no honcur ofGoa. And thus theyfct vpvnro fellowlhipwithGod, · tbemfclues a breaden god madewith mans Thefecond rule is, that all occauons of band. An Idol, as abom!nableas euer wasathefeunnes mu(! becutoff, two fpec!ally, /. mong rhe Genrilef, Secondly, it teachcth , ,,s,m,tt, dfm,Jfe,andtbepampcringofrbchodic, For 1mea toinuocateAngels, andSaintsdcpardlenes, conliderDa•id, who when hewasout tcd :and therebyitgiues vnrot.he_fl.lthe fearofciueU w~rres,and free from baniflJment,~t , chingofthe hcarr, the hearingand.helping peace mhts owne houfe, hts wondrtng aik ofall men,ar all times,and places,-accordin£ dion carried him tocommit adulterie, And to theirfcuerall neceffities: and thcfe things theIfraclitc• when they were Gored & pamarethe properties ofthegodhead:andtherepered "'ith all the oleffings of G'!d, gaue lore,whether rhey call this intiocation, Larhernfelucs to thecOmmirungofthcfeotfen. tria,or DoHha~it matters not: it is flatte idolace.. Icr.5.7• r,Cor. to. 7· and rhcpeople of tric,becau(e !heh~nour of Godi• giuen to Sodomand Gomorrho,Ezech,J<!.49· the creature. Thtrdly, it teacherli that we Th·erhirdruleis,rharalllignesofthefevi· may put confidence in workeo, [<)it bee "' onull beauoided and dttefled.thatts,any donelnfobriety, LaGJy,itadnrcth God, in, fpecth oraction, rfw may fignifie or giue or,and before Images: and fo it bindes the ----- Ec 4 prefeocc,