331 J1 C_ommentarie. ~pon Chap. 5 . 1 prcfen~e,grace,&operacion ofGod torhem, A. . · There are th,l'eekmds of 1<ttchcrafr. The wtthout hiS word. Papills alleadge for themfi!ll is, SuperflitioNJdmm•tson, W·hich ferues to felties)rhat they imend toworOliE none in i~ tell men rhetr forrunes,.orro reueale fecrcts ~iages butt~etrue God. lanfwcr, it is nobuhe Rying of fowles, bY' r~e mtralles of thing that t~ey f.1y. Not mans inr~won,bul ,hea!ls,by.tl]~nbli:ruationof Rarr<s,·by·c<in: ({nds wjlfmakes Gods worOupr..e. Let them fu]tmgwuh 61-llltharfprrits,&fuchlih.Dcilt; lhcw"Gods will , if they can. lfti)SJI Cannor, •8. .q. T~f<cond "; JHgglmg, which isto rhC:i1th.ey mu(l 'know rhar 1t is~bpt an Idol~ workewondcrs, prfearcs ,beyond rhe orOc_r [tO~,")'ich tbey l)'orO•ip.Foqh' t.\:isnofuch ofp~.twre,a{litd·theMagtttans"b!Egypt.T-he Qod in natqre t!lat will bee 't'or lipped in1 i· th1rd, zscharmmgor •nchanti.ng ,; whith 'isb'Y '"ages' bm '!' I.doll of their Olj'Oe braines. rhe proobuncmg ofwords,ro procutelpe~dy They alleadgco,gaine, that God11:~ya• we!\ hurt,mfpeedr.~ helpe. .. ' be worlhipped in Im•ges, asa Prince in ,the Th~vfe.By thisweJeetqlltweare acarnall chmeof Eflat<. I anliver, rhereafon is not pe_ople. For~u.rhetime of<hClreifevpon<xhkt>. The wor01ipOf Images itt reljgrous,th~ trcmltlc, fig~re-c:tflmg, ·andaharmmg, are reuci.::~~c: iO ehachaireot El) are, Is rpecrely. ~"" ouermuch y!ed-.t"~ Andyet b<ilth of them-arc ~iy"tll,and in ciudl rcfpeC!, and accordiogro B fulloffuperCl~ti<>n,and folly••For rhereuoa– .lhe Pnn,ces will, and fo io not ,t!!ebowing to • lingofthrngstocorn~ is GuM: &the ll·artes .~~~~·gc.s ~cco~Cing tpGod! \v,ilt. ~~ thCJ:!.l arc vniucr(aiJoaufcs,workll1S1lponall thilfg& :pwoueit if\!icy ~an.That God.!v~s worJlup· allke:and rher,~fore re IS rw~puiEble by·lhe/11 .,..A -pe4 before: the Ark~,wc ~pproo,ueofir. For to foretell euenu rhat aro.c6ntingent,.·<5rta- !clll~i hlSW6~.dl:n1d. \~Ill. Lcr v.s h.~a!c: the l1kc: fuall. And words hauenclorcemrhem bUt w'ord for Image~:9fGod &C~ri!l,.and rhen to fig01fie: ,And theretore when they areap' • ' .•yearereadyr?-re~okerhecha!Jl~ofidolatty.l plied tocuredrfcaies, they are abured to a· ' ·~· Againc, b,Y.!!"Jiswefcqhat !)10QY ofvs are wrong end, :ind rhcirop.etation isfronit.he! very earnait. Forthou;;h wee derc[l o,ut>P"'4 diueii.And for this caufc they are to be auoi·. , J,Jq/atry,Y~r thc"in\•ard,!dolatrJ ofthe heart aded ofChriOian people. It may bo {a,d,howl bounds amongvs.For lqokc,where the hcar.l may we difaernc ofcharmcs,that we may tliC, is thcrcisrhe God. Now tile he:;its of m<n · better auojdcrhcm? dnf>i, Keepc thiSRule ' , a/c vpan tflC;~vorld,and vpOOd)e richest an.d in memm1c: alwaies. Such ot.li:ruations 1 of, 1 piea(Uresthereof. For themwe ra.ke the ~on whofe force and efficac1c 1 there is no reafon , c~re,and in them u1c place our chtcfc delight, (: orc~ufe cithe~ in the ihing done,or mthe inwhcrca•God in ChriO fhould hauc all the. ClitutionofGod, haucthcir opera!IQn a·nd _I ~tfedions ofOur hearts. . efficacie, from fome compaCl and focieue W<tchcra.fe.JThe word <·1·""1';•. properly withthediuell.Asforexample:fcratchmgof figmfi.es,p0ifOni 1 g, but here it ,is 6dy rranJla1the fufpetledwitch, isfaicftobea mca1:c~ r'O red,rrltc:hcraft :b!=caufc all p01fonmg is corn~ cure witchcraff:bur indeed it isacharme,and : prehendedvnder n•urther whrch followeth. a pratlifeoiwitchcraft. For it hath nofuch : And the M.•gitiaos of Egypt, Exod. 7· ore forcdrom the Inllirutioo ofGod, becaufe callcG ,':tffPlJ<H~~. in 'rhe uanOarion of the Sea· · it is againfi the Cixr commauodemcnr: and . ucnrie, asalfo ~be wife men, Dan. :, Now if nonaturall reafon can berendred,why drawthey had ~in but poi[cn~rs. t\>ey had not bm ingof bl99d, fhould c.ure witchcraft. The 6t for PhA~~.6~nndlVt~brtch~~?~~z.ars.rurne, .act;ion thei;e(ore i~ ~ facrificc to the diuClf: neidier would.. t"hey hauc.deh1ed therr preand in way ofr~cowpencc; the curers done . fence andJ/t'l.p.c.' '. . 1 · :': . . , by him. , '' W•rchcr.ifi ~gni6csal cur~ou~arts,wrought It may befa(d, wbar fhould weedoe in di· by rheopcraliOQ of thedtucll.F!>rrh~ better D llreife,if,fuch helpes may pot be vfed 1Anf ... conceiuing ofit, "I will confider two rhings. We are to vfeapproo~ed &ordrnary meaos: Thoround tbereof, andthe kjnduof witchand forrhe .rell, namely the euent ,toJeauett era fr. •: ... . vntoGod,liuing by fait)1, &caOing our c•re The gr~und" IS aLeagwe'or.<;ompatl with on God, and quieting our hearts to his will, rhcdiuell. llistwofold; an ExprefJeoropm wharfoeu<rcomcs to pa!fe. It is a want of league, and .[t~retle.gue. The opm league is, faith rhus to m•k.! haft for deliuwe before the u·beh men "iriuocate the diuell in cxpre!Ic appointed time. And whereas it is rhought ~c\rds,o~ ~tlierwifemake any O?•nifeflcoue- _ that fome perfonohauc a gift of God, by nant withhim..Thtfocrtt /e~gnr is,when men words prefentiy tocureanydtfeafc,whereup~ vfc m~ane.t, which they .k~owhaue nQ force, on theyarecalled wtfoorcunningmrnand riobut by the operation ofrhc dru~ll. And the mro,it is falfe:it is no gifr ofGod,burrather a vcryvGooof[uch meanes in earnell, rs an curfe,thatleauesrhem tobe deluded by the unp!rcir~ouenantingwir)Hhe ~iuell. If by diucll,whoisthe worker of thefe cures,..hen rrue fa.ith , wec.mak~ acoqenaot with God; Satanicall.and fupernitiCJJS mcanes,and that rhen a falfe faith, in the vfe otSatanicall ccin afalfc fairh,are vfed. · ' - romonies,makcsa coueoanr with the diuell. For the better conceiuing of the finne. it And without this, there ro no pratlife of maybedemandedwhatisawitch? An!,.,. One witchcraft, that witting/!, A,dwiUinglf, v{elh tht a.flij!Ancc of