rChap.5: . theEpi~le to the ya!atians. _ _ 333 f ! .. +Jhtditt~ll hrmf#/f,: forlh~ ~m~.J!i~ uj'(ecrnr~!I· A I A~ai_ne, n.<ug.hbour.s ~a- ll out, r~1~eamings arc 1 )Jqf tbt tPOrkjngof {omt:tnl(chu(r , .or_"for the tjfr- . ~fe~ 10 anger.aftCC\\ a1 d,thc pa. tiC threatncd, I {l,lg-o{flJib~ #r~Hgecure.l [ay wutmgly,to put 15 Clthcr fickc,or !~cd!CS;hcrcup_on the parttC a•dilf~renccberwcenewaches, andfomefucbar vfcd threauung wordcs, Is accufcd of pcrftici 01 Js pcrfons: whovC~charming, a11'd wircbcrafr•. And this i~ thecommon courfc. by it Jo mlnyctircs, perC.vaJmg themfelues, But great mcumfpetlton mufl bee v(ed, fOr r!r~t thewords which they vfe, haue force in hcknetfcand death, may anfc of many other rhcn~·,or chat God harh giuenthem agrfr, ro caufes. Laflly, markcs in the bodies ~fmen doCitrange rbltlJ!. Such peopi~ in anamrall and women, are vnccrtenfigncs o~ wJ.tcl1es. honellic detetl all knowne focictiewirh the All this I nolethe rather: becaufc 1fa mdgedl'oel;m t'hatre(pel!'thcy arc notrhe wirches mentbetala man in his family,profenrly(acwhil:h the Scripture adiuJgcth to death, yet I cordmg to thecommon fa011on) hefa11h hcc are they atthc next dore to them: and thereis hurt by coil! fongucs, & challengeth fame Forcd1ey arc to bee admonifhed by Magione or orher~ofwnd~crafr:whcrea~ h1s owne flrarcsand Mini!lers to relinquifh their fuignorance, vnbeJeetc, contempt of Go~s 1 per~itious practiCes, an1 th~t vponadooble B word,and Sacramcnrs,&c. are theonclywltgrouod.L Nothing bath cflicaciebut by the chas that hurt hun, and pull downe God• j O tdinanceotGod. And this eflicac•cwJs ciIUdgementsvpon hm>. 1 rher put into the thing in the creation, or Hereji"] The word hererie genenlly fig· fiocc by fame new Influurion in rheword. nifies any opinion)clthcr good or bad.l\<l orc And the efficacicof thin(l's that comes by a.. fpcciaHy, ir lignlfics auy errour in rcJigion. ·oy other mcanes, is by S~ranicait operation. ThmEcderiat!lcaJlwriters rake it. For they I f. ·Charmcs,inchanrmenrs,and fpels u·harcondcmne fOr heretickcs fuch as cered m (oeuer,hauc no force, vnlctfc we bflceue rhat fma/ler poinrs,hoJdmg the tOundarion,as fir r~eycandoevsgo~d. Nowrhi:faith isafalfe gi/a~;ti"u)Nouatm,&c.And the very Opmion •f•ith, and the fer01ceof tile d1udl. For wee thatthereareAnllpodn, was condemnedf'or ,mufl: belecuc norhin;, doenutbing, without, bercfJ~, rhough it bee a matter of(fnaJl moor againflthe \vofd ofGod.lfthcfc tworules ment. Yet mol! properly, Hercfie may bee bee obferued. not onclycharming, but all thus defined: it 1:1 an (rrourmthefcund.m'ortoj warchcraft 01all bebanilhcdourofeh(! world. Chri[lzan rt!igion 1 taught unddt-fcnd"d~irh obAgainc,u m3.y be dcmandcd,whararerhe Jfinacie. Thus P.udfairh,T1t.3.1I.tha't an he. (ignes rha! feruc to d1fcouer a witch? A.ifw. C rtti~i&ptrutrtcti•.tha.t is, pur brfid" rhe foun This d1fcou~ric l!i very hard.For witches doe dauon::tndcondemn~d of IJimfcljein h1s finnr, rheir feates in clofc £ranner) not onely by thattsro fay,heerres obl!tnady cuenagainfl foulcandopen curfing,butal(o by foure fpcahisowne confcicnce. kingflnd by prai!ingofrhiog~. Andhcreup· 1C1ythar herefie is an ' rrtmrinrdigion, to on~haue afaU1ion in England, when we pur a difference betweene an crrolli'Hl Dlulpraffeany thmg,withaiJ tobJctfeir,(as to fay~ mtic,and an errour inPhdofophie, wh1ch is it is agood/7 child~.God(atuir)tharour fpecch not rearmed herefie: and againe,to pur dJtfC~ may not befu[pectcdof wircbcrafr. Neuerrcnccbctwccnc[chlfruc,and herdie:fOr here· rheleffc,thercarc fiuefpeciaU thing that ferue fie is in doctrine, (chilmein manners, order, tod1fcouera witch.Onc is,the free confeflion rcgiment.Agamc,l fay herdie is :m crrour,m oftheaccu[cd,or fufpected IV itch.The fecond thefoundatton ofrdigion, to diGingw01 it from is,theconfcflio ofthe alfociates of the witch. errour.,hat are in (maller points of Diuini· Thctnird is, Inuocarion ofthe diuell. For tic. Some teach that Abr.hr.mwas borne the thar is to renounce baptifrne, and to make a 70. ofTerah, Comethe I)o.ofTerah. Borh league with thcdiucll. The fourth is, Euicannot be true: yer neitherofthem arc hcredcnce, that tbepartiehach intertained a fa~ D fie. Some teach that Danld.nveekcs begimle miliar ij)irir,in theforme or likencJTeoffome ftr:~ightafterthe rcrurneoutofcapnmr1c: ovifible creature.Thefifth is,Euidencc ofany ' thers teach thatthey mufl beg;n So yearcs action oraClions,that nccetfarily pre(uppofe ,after:borh cannot bttruC: yet ncitheropiniaJeagu~made with the diucH. As for exam.. on is herdie. So there are fundry opinions plc: if the partic fhe'" a mans face in aglatfc: rouch111gOphir,Tar/hifo,(ro which /onah fled) thoughhe profetfe angelicall holinetfc, he is and 'lJecapolu in the GofiJcl!: and all cannot in league with thediuell , by ~Yhofe ineants bccrue:yetthey arenotherefies,becaufcrhey the fcate Jswrought. cancerne oneJytimcs, and places, and other There arc bcfides thefe, other fignes, but circum!lancesofthe Bible. Laflly,Hay that rhe}·:uceaher falfe. orvncerten. A man is• herefie ismtrintAint.dwi:h obftin4Ci~. to ddlintickc, bee fufpctls that he is bewitched: hcc gui01 herefie,and a Gngle crror.Forthcreare takes iton his death thar fuch a parry bath three things inhcrdie, anerrourin rhe mainc be1\'~t~hed him. All rhis is nothing, but the · dotlcine,contJit~ion ?fthe partie touchinghis I fufpltlon ofone man,&therefore oo proofe. errour>andob/lmacua(recconuitlion. Likewi[ethc tetlimonie offame wizzard, is The vfe. In that herefie, ancrrour in the 1 bm_rhcte_fltmonicof one, and it isthe diucls mindc orvndcrtlanding, is made a workeof\ tc~unomc,and therefore not to be reccmcd. the fleO,;hcnceit fQilowes,thatthc word flefh, ngmfics__ \---