334 <Ul Commentarie "Vpon Chap.s. tignifiesmore then{enfrea/i;i(: namdy, the ' A rharitbevfedwithcircumfpctlioo , asMcr.. corruption oftiJe higher powers;euen ofthe chants vfe the fea,IO wit,in efchewinsrockes, rninde and confciencc;thoughP>pills reach and fands, and pmts. So lludents mayvfe othcrwifc, rhoPhilofophie of the Gentiles, but they Aga111e, ifherefie be awmke ofthe flellt, mull rake heed,!ell their mmds be corrupted our duricis,to dereil & efchew herefies. And With rhe errouro rhereof,which are to b~con· thar woe may for eu~r preferue our fclues fidercd.Narural PhilofoFhiegiuestoo mpj:h from themJrhrcc rules mufl be obfcrued. ro narure,or to fccond cau[es; and tooJule ~o , I. We murl propound vnro ourfcluesthe God. Ir puts downc principles flatte againll right Principles ot religion. For as cuery theword,asrheetcrnity<>ftheworld.andth~ ' At'tc harh his confetfed principles, fo hath mortalitic ofrhefoule. Moral Philofophie, Dminitie; The head and chiefc Principle placeth happinetfe in ciuill verrue our of: wlH!reof,is this; AHScripture of the Proph(tf, Chrifl:it teachcrh, that verrueisa meaneor 4fJ.J ApJJlieJ,i&gitunby inf}irationofGod.This mediccritie of afFcelion,wl-lereas in uue veris the foundation ofall cruefa.ith: here ische tuethcreltj notonely a rellraint or modeni.. highefl ftay and lloppe.This principle is the tion ofaffecltons, but alfothe renouatien of demonflrattonofall doctrines,and conclu11· B them by regeneration. lrteacherh that Vrons: and i~ hath no princ1pleaboueit felfe, banity in iellmgand frumping, is a vertue: whereby tt is to bee confirmed. As )or huParli[•ith no,Eph.s.4.It teacheth rhar Mag-. manercafon, it is no principle of religion. nammiue, whereby a manrhinkes hirufclfe, For it is 1mperfctland erronious, andferues worchicofgreat honour,is avertue: but iris onely ro make menwithoutexco(e. Indeede contrarieto Chriflian humility, Pfal. IJI.I, in the mindc ofrnan,therearccercait1o natu2, Lafrly, it ceacherh that man harh afreerail concluilons,thar there is a God,and rhar dome ofwill in good actions:which doctrine be is to be worfhtpped,&c.bur 1 he cerrenty of applied by the Schoolcmcn romarrcrs of rcthefc is,in 'he wrirrcnword. We can by realigion,isfalfeand crronious. fon difpute ofrhecrearion ofthe world, bur The third head offinnes arefuch as are a. afUllcencnry we hauc not by rea[ on, but by gaiofi Cha.,.iti(, & they are in nuniber eigbr. faith in the word. Heb. 1 '·3· Againe,rbe PaThe fidl, isEnmitie: oftt I confider three pirl makesthc authoririe of the Church a rhings. The firllls, whether it be a finne,or principle. Forrhar isthe firfl ground which no1for fomewbat may bee obiected to the they l~y downe, that wee muft captiuate our conrurie. fenfes, torhe authorttie ofthe Church. Bur C. Obidl. l. Pfal.ll9·"· 'Doenot Ibauthem thistsno principle in rclision.Forwe cannot that harnh"! .An[.'Dauidherefpeakes ofrhe Imagine aChurch without faith: and faith harred,Uihereby he hated God& enemies,not cannot be withourrhe word o( God. It may mrefpect ofrheirpcr(ons, but in refpeC\of be faid,rhat Scripture isrhefenfe of rhe writ· cheir finnes, whereby they were enemies of ren word; and rh" fenfcmull bee from che God. And rhis hacred iscommendable,and Church. A•[w. Scripture irfelfe Is both the nor here robe vnderllood. gloJTe, and thnext. Scrtpturcisthe befl inrer. 0 hiell. 11. Luk.14.1 c>. H" that .,.;qbe A prcrerofir[dfe.And tbe(enfcwhich is agreedifcipl"fChrift, muf/h•uf.rber, •ndmorher, I able ro the wordsofthetext, rothe fcope of •ndhioow••foule. An[w. This hatred is not the place, t?o~hcr c_ircumflan~cs,and to the limply commanded, butonly in acertaine analogic of fauh' Ill rh• plam<r places or rcfped,namely,as fathcr,andmorher,and a Scriprure,ts rheproper and infallible[cnfe of mans ownefoule,are in cumparifon oppofed Scripture. Thus fetching thefcnfe of Scripto God, and Chrill, in regard ofwhom rhey rurofrom ir felfe, wee fhall keepe our (clues are vrrerly to be defpifed. within rhc limirs ofScripture,ondin rhe marObiefl.ll I.Rom.9·•3·GodchofeIacob,anJ rcr of our faluation haue ccrrenty offaith, D haredErau: and we muCI beelikevnroGod. which we 01311 ncuer haue, ifwe ltflen to reaAnf.We >re to bclikevnto God in hohnelfe, fon,tradttion,and rhe aurhorityofmen, and rhc duties thereof, and not in the foueJl. Reade rheScriptures; and be a doer raignry and Lord!hippe ouer the creatures, ofrhem in the exerci[es ofinuocation,falth, wboreby he e•ther loueoor bares rhem. repentance, then 0Jalrthou neuer be a here. Obu/J. IJI. It isthc vntuerfall narure ofall tike.JrisGpdspromi(e, Ioh.7-•7.lfye.,iUocreatures to flte rhctr conrrarie; therefore bry, ye/hall ky.ow whrther mJ d~Urine be of God menmay hate rheir enC'mies.An[P.l\'lan and or1:o.Pfal.:5 J4.Th(fecreeoftheLordUretultmanarcnorcoorrarieinnarure, or natuuJJ ldrorhemthatfeare him. Marke rhem that properties, bur areall one flcfh: the contra· make apo!!alie,and become Papills;rheyare rietie rhu is,is by rea(on ofrhecorruprion of (uch as ncucr had a mindeto louc and obey nature. the rcligion,in which they haue becne bapti· The fecond poinr is, what i• thisEr.mitie? zed,and brought vp. .Anf"'· Jr is a peruer[e d1fpofirwnof mmde, Il I. Col.z,8. LetnomanJPoileJOU through whereby men rcmemberiniuries, difcourtcf!hihjophie,Pauldoth nor coodcmne the Phi· fies and vnkindnelfes,and carueabouttbem lofophJI.ofrhe Genttles,bur he purs a cauear, a p~rpofe, and defire,ro require ltke for lik~, when