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Chap.5. the~ijlletrJtheqatatittns. -3-35\ --~~~~~~~~~======~~~~ wh~n rorne,and placeJhallfcrue. Thus did E- A Contention iscarnall, and tin full, in r I (•• hare Jacob, Gen.t]. 41, and A.6fol•mh1s fpettofmacrer,•nd manner. In matter, "h". brother A 111 ,,,11 ,:..Sam.t 3· men contend for things, for \Which u:o!>y J The thltd point,where is this Enmitie!A.t(. lhouldnorconrend 1 asrhe d1fciples for PriEuerywhereamong vs.For we daiiy fee permade. Luk. u. or when contentiOn is with· foa d 1uided again(! perfon, fam1lte, agamCl ourforgiuing, forbearing, or futferir.g; and family,and Corporation againCl Corporati· that in rnAing mattets,J.Cor.6.]. Conr«lti· on.Thialhcwea rhar·wc are carnal!: and that on l1kewtfe is faulty,in refpcCl of manor,whcfl Gods kmgdometa~es no place amongvs •.• men wilfully defend their mvnc·priuare eau· it fiJOuld. For in it the lambeand the wolfe fes,no regard haJ, whethcrrhcy b<c righr~r 1 quietly dwell together.Ifa.rr.The remedy uf wrong,rrueorfalfe: andby this·meanes they this Enmitieis, That all l?e ofone mmde, deoften oppugne rruth,or iui}ice, or hoth. O f lire, and affeClion, in the rcceiuing and fur· rhis kinde are rhe warre~of tbe Rebell m.he·. thermg oftheGofpelofChrHt, 1.Cor.1.11. Jand:thG warres of the Sp>nyQrd in the low I fin rhe mainepoinrrherebeeaconcord, in Countries: and rheluiresoi many quarrcllelfer matters the a~reement will beea!ic. fomeand contentious pcrfonsamongv.. 'Z)eb"'u}It isa contention inwords,whcre~ B Thevfe.D9enOJht»g6ycofj!tmticn.PhtLz.z. by men Clriue, who lhalllbew moC!courage, And therefore wee rnulHorgiue, putvp, as who 0Jall gerrhe vittorie,and who fhall carry much a•, and yeeld ofour nghr. ,' awaythela!l word,oo rcfpeC\:had ofequttie, Seditiom]Thcoriginall word tigoifi~s fuch J 1x~"h• • ortruth.In rhisrefpeCl,crying, orlifting vp the d1ffenriobs inwhieh men feparare one from voice,in reafoning,tscondcmned, Eph.4. 3t. anorher:and that is done two waies,either l.>y Emttlati'"] There is a good •m•lation, and fchifmein theChurch, or by fattion in the that is when meu f!riuetobeelike to them Commonwealth. . li 11 thac excell in vcrtue,orro goe beyond them. f!!!eff, Whyarc not wee fchifmatjkes in And it io comn,anded by the holy GhoCl, 1. England, Scotland, Germanic, con1idering Cor. 14. u. and ltwere to becwi01ed that it we haue dilfcnred and feparated our fclues, were more common rhen it is. BeCide this, fromrheChurchofRome! A,Y.Weindeed theteioacarnaN<m•l.rion, whereby men char hauefeparated our felues ,. bur they of the excellin any thing,giieuethar any fbould be Church ofRome are fchifmaukes: becau(e equall ro chem,or goe beyond them. the caufe in them: name· The vfe. Ifrogricuear another mans ex· ly, their ldolatrie, and tbeir manifold hcrecellency,be a worke ofthe fleO,,chenic i• our C lies. The cafe is the l•ke: A man threatens duty to reioyce in rheexcellencie of others. death eo his wife: hereupon 01ee f<parates. Thus did MofoswhenE!dad a•d MedaJ proYernorihec,buthemakesthefcparation:bepbecied.Nurnb.1r.: 9· And John the BaptiCI, ca"'e the caufe offeparation, and rhe faulr, is when Chris1 increaf'd,andhtdecreafod, Ioh, 3, in him. . 19,3o,AndPau!gauethankes as well forthe For the auoidingoffchifine,andfeditioQ, graces beC!owed on the Churches,as for gifts remember two rules. I. So longas a church, bcl!owed on himfelfe. : orpeople, doe ncrfeparate from Cbri Ct, we Anger]Ofit I confider three points. The may nor fepararefrom them. II. Pro,14.1-1. firC!h, whether there bee any lawfull anger! Feare the King, and meddlt not with them that A.ifi•.Y ea:Cbritl(in whom wasno linne)was varie, that is, make alterationsag~inll the angry. Mark. 3· 5. When rhe.rdsaiuf! caufe lawcsofGod,and the King.Indeed fubicC!s ofanger,thcnisaogeriuCl.. When there is a • mayfignifi~IVbafis goodfor-rhef!'ate, and manifel! oflcnce ofGod, there in iu!l caufe what "am11Te:but to make any alteration in , ofanger:rherefouangcr isthen iull. . • rhe Clare, ei:therciuill;orecclefiallicall, be. Tbefecondis,whenisaogera finne?Anf,.,· longs ro th'efupreame MagiClrare. . "' When men are haClie eo beangrie,EccleG~7· D Enuie) It (sa compound ofcarnal! griefe , 11.andare offended at euery thing that goes and hatred. Forit makes men grieu~ and-re- ! ·againll their mindes.Qr againe,hauinga iuC! pine ar the -good rhings of orhers, and.tb ' caufe eo bean~;rie,yer they keepeho meafure hare the good rhingsrhemfelueo. Thus the in their anger. high PrieC!s ofenuy hated ChriCI,a•Jd all hfs ' The third point,is the Remedie.And that moll cxcellentfayiogs,and d<>ings. M4ttl7. is here ferdowne.HaClinelfeisa worke of the ·18. At this day, they whichJJauc any good flelh,orofcorrupt nature, andirbarres men things in them, arecommonly condemned from the kingdorne ofbeauen:andtherefore for hypocrites, and thm R•ligion for h;- it is eo be auoided. pocri!ic. All this is bulthe cenfure of En· C•nttntion] There are fundrie kindes of uie. lawfull contention, as contention with the Thevfe. That wee may depart from Eo. enerniein iuCI warre:contentionat thebarre uy, we mulllouerbem chat feare God: and with an aduerfarie in.a iuCI caufe:conrenrio~ loue the gifts and graces of God wherefoeln d1fpuration with an beretike: contention uerrhey be: euen in our enemies, in Schoole-difputation for exercife and ttiMurtbm,) 06uUian 1. A plant liues,~a alls(ake, beaClliues,'and man ltues: the croppingof a - planr,