336 J1[ommentarie "Ppon Chaps. plant, and the killing ofa beall, is no finne: A yond the meafute before pttfcribed, This why is 1tthenafinnetok1lla man I .A-fr.. glurroni<, i• that, which now a da_ies iscalled God harh giuen liberty for the two firll,and rtu<Uing,r;.ting,fwlfggtrillg. And it is £tly ioy. harh rellrau1edvs in the latter. Againe, the n<d wirh drunkcnnelf<. For rhcrear<men life of a plant is bur the vigour in the iuyc<, that vf• to drinkceJ<ccrdingly, and will nor and rhelifeofa beall isbutthevigourin the be drunke: and for all this,theyare not free bloud, Gm. 9· 4. butthclife ofmanisafpi· from blame: becaufe they drinkeoutof mea· rit and fpiriwall fubllance. Thirdly, man is fure.To begluea to drinking,and to loue ro ofthefamc Rclh with man, and fo is neyther fitbythecuppc, whentberc isnodrunken· •plant,norbeall. nelfc,is a tinnc,a.Tim.;.3. Obi<ll. 11. The Magi!lratc kilo without T hefe finnes.are faidto be rifeamong vs, finne·. A•f. The killingwhich IS in the name The manner ofmany 11, ro meetc togcth<r; ,j of God, by publiquc rcucnge, Is nor mur· and to fillthemCclucs with wine or tlrono ther.AndP4u/onlycondemncsthar killiog, drink<, while their skinncs will hold. After~ when men take rhe fword, and vpon their ward rhey giuc rhemfeluesto dicing,cardmo ownewils flay and kill by priuatercuenge. B da~ncing,fingingofribauldIongo: and rh~; ObidJ. Ill, S•mpfon is faid to k1ll him· they patfe the day, the night, rheweckc, the felfe, INdgcs_IIS. 3o, and he finned not in fo yeare. domg. An(wer, Samp(on was a Judge in IfBue we mull be put in mind,todctcil, ond racl, and tooke publique reuenge of his e· to fl1e thefev1ccs. Inducements to rhi, duti~ nemies:and iu this reucnge he h•zarded hiS arc many. life, and lot! hi• life. Though be died in the I. Godscommaundt'menr,K '"tpe 11ct c&mexecution, yrt his inten~was not ro kill him.. pa11] withJrunk._ard.r,llnd.f1Hrrommpfr{q 1 u.Pro. felfe, but onely ro take reuenge. Secondly, :t3.1o. BfnDt JrHnk,.twith wine, inwhichi.s o.·- his exaple isfpeciall. For he wasin his death ceffe, Eph.5.18. · a 6gureofChri!l. Thcwordo,Matth,z.f/u II. The punilhmentofdrunkennclfe, is jhal! becaOedaN""arit<, arc fir(\ fpokcn of plague, pc(\llence,famine, capllui!lc, Ifa. 5. S4mp(on, & then applycd to Chrill,in whom u,u.q. was verified that whichS""'Pf•• figured.For I II.Theexam~leofrhcbruitc beall,that as Sampfon conquered his enemies more in in eatmg and drin ing, kee£es mcafure, and his dearh,rhen in his life :euen fodid Chritl. rakesnomorethen will fu cenarure. The Obiea .IP.Forthcauoidingoffomc grrar c horfeand thea!Te, may be fchoolemallcrs ro danger,or fomcgrcar finne, as rhe deniall of many ofvs. Chrill in perfecution, men may make away IV.Ifwecannot forfake a cup ofwin<, or themfdues:fofaid theD onatill•. Anf. Death bcrtt,which isnot necdfull for vs,we U>al ne· is no remedy in thiscafe, burfaith in rhc proucr boablc to forfake wife &children, houfe mife ofGod: which is,that he will giuc an if. and land,forChrilhfake. If we hauc notrhe Cue in euery temptarion,a.Cor.l o,ll, command ofour fcluesin a rrifle,wemay ne. Thevfe. Secmgmurth<risaworkeofthc ucr hope for it in waightie matters. Belh: our duty is by all mcanes ro prefcrue V. Th.rc are dangerouseffetls of drun· both our own,and our neighbouroliues.Lifc kenneiTe. Firll,itdetlroicsthebodie. For it is arreafurc.For by it we hauctimcand libtr· inRames the blood with an vnnaturall h<ate: tic roglori6c God,to doegood to ourneigh· & this vnnatural hute,ing•nd<n vnnaturall bours,andto fauc our ownc fou1cs. thirll, which ingcndcrs immoderate drin. Thefinnes ofthe fourth fort, areagainll king,whencecomes dropfies,confumptions, umpfr•n« : and they arc two: drun(!nneffe, allcold difeafes,and dcarh.Secondly,ithurts giHttonie.For the better conceiuingofthe na· 0 rhemindc: -for thcfpirill of the heart and ture ofthcfe Cinnes,wc are firll ofall to confibrainc( bceing rhc immediate inllruments der rhc right ma_nner and meafurc of eating of rhc foulc) are by drinking di!lcmpcred and drinking,of which I deliuer two rules.}. and inflamed: and hereupon arife wicked;. We mayvfe meateand drinkc,noroncly for maginations,and difordcrcd affetlions. And nrccffitie,buralfofordelight, Pfal.1o4.15. thusrhediucllin rheroomeof Gods image, I I.Thar meafure ofmeatcand drinke,which fers vphis owncimage:>ndmakes themindc in our experience makos vs 6t both in bodic alhoppcofallwickcdnelfe. Thirdly,~hevile and mind for the fcruiceofGod,and for the 1maginariomand affctlions rhar are mmen duties of our callings, that meafurc(l fay)" when rhey are drunke, remaine !lill in them 6r, conuenient,andlawfull. Thisisaconfef· when they arefober :·foas beeingfober they fed principle in the light ofnature. . · are drunkc in affetllon. 'Dr•n~rmu/J< then is, when men drinke, In fauour ofdrunkcnne!Tc, it is allea<lged, eirherin wincor llrong drinke, beyond this that Nodhs drunkcone!fe isremcmbred in meatine : fo as there followes an intoxicari. Scripture, butnowherecondcruncd, An(,., on of the powers ofthe foulc. And in the VVhile Mofu (ets downetbe foulc effetls fin there are two things:cxccffiucdrinking, & rhat followedN••hs drunkennelfr, bee cloth ( rhcdillcmperingof the powersofrhcfcule. indeedcondernnc it. Secondly, hise~amplc G'!uttoniti~, when mtn in eating, ~oc be-. is noted in Scripture :asa \uarning toaiJ ages tollowmg.