CbaPI5.- theEpijlle·to the Cjakttianf. 337 :tollowmg. Thirdly, his 1iunemay beele!f!IO X. bhihit.inour hearts: and rbarwe th:lll doe, if ned 1hou<>h liooexcufed, beoattfe bee had no we know rhe Will of God,and yeeld fub1ecb• cx~erjcn~liof~vine. .. ~,- ;\< · . on to'it;1n,theduncso~tepentancc,f~fth)qew Obid],, l li' J,feph an!) hts orethren, d1d obed1ence. . ·• <lrtnkeand wrre.dr••~tagitlr"",Gen,4l·verfo I I. ThekmgdomeofGod comes by inJail. A•(i•.. 'Fhe meamng ofrhe t<!Xrts,rhat hentance:therfure rhereiS no mertt '?f good 'theydranke.)iJ>erally,orth~ttheydranke-of wor~es. / " . -- . · . rhe bellr,osith<r. For rhewbrd (!lj•"--"") ug· The per.onswh1ch arcpuntlhed, arefuch nifies noronely robedrun~e in drinking;bur as are doe., and pracbfer-s of tl1~ workcs of allq to drink libeially, or to d'rink·of the bell ,rhe fieOt,.Marke the·words, not luch as haue drinke,Hag.t,6, , . bm doers, burluch asare doers, The word ObJCEf,I l 1. Learned Phyurians,as Rii[il, hgutfies aprelent and acoounued ad of do4uianntJ1a;td others teach, that it is gr.eatly ,w·t? amllf(.\ . _ .:\, for health, ro bee drunke once or twice in a fhe vfo. Here tsthe d11ference "betwcene moneth.,..!tn(. As lcarnedasthcy,reach the the godly man,and the vngod!y. The godly conrrazy.And wemaynotdoany euill,or un man tals 1nro theworkcs'?f the Helh,audbcagainll Go.d,(onany good to our felues, . B mgadmomfltcd thercot, bee repents an? re: Obiell, I Y:<lt isfaidro be nctghbourhaod coum hmJ[clfdJedctb not fia11d in the way and good fcllowlhtp..;-Ao[w. lt is drunken of llnnfrs~thoughfornctimchccnrcrin'colr, fe(low01ip. Tberighr fellowOtipis in rhcdo· PfoLr. ':1!Jemgodly man,':'hen he fals):<S drineof rhe ApoUies, prayer, Sacramentl, filii lit luslsnne,andheapes lmnevpon {mnc, and rheworkesofmcrcy. _ and makesapracltfeofcuill. Thus muoh of the workes of rhe Ho01. I. W•rnm;:. They which are priuic ro Now followes rhc puniflnnent of 1hem ·, of 1hcrnfcluesof any of the former workes of which I confider 'rbrce things. Fir!I, aPrcrhe flefl,,mu{l be10atlctheir offences, and vt· monitlon,m th_efc words,whmcf : reU JOU 6e· rerly forfake them. For if we be found doers .fore,"' 1alfohauc.Jolde JOU btfore. Secondly, ofanyonework of the fielh,theee i.s no hope thedcugnment of tbe punilhmenr, in thefe of faluauon.. · . words , fh•ll not ivberit fhe kjngdome of God. 1I. W.rmng. They whJCh haue turned Thirdly, rhe defignmcntof th< p:rfons, in vnro God from rhe workesof the fiefl1 rnufl theCcwords,Thry,bicb do f•ch dJmgs. · beconUant,and rake hee-deof goingbacke, In rhcpremonition,is fetdowne theoffice le{! they lofe therhe kingdome ofGod, ofal mintficrs:and that is,oftentoforcwarnc C 2Z Bm thefruit iftheSpirit,is!o;u,wJ.peace, thepeople of rhe future iudgemeuts ofGod long·f•Jfering,gentlmef{e,goodneffefaith, for their finnes,Mtch.;.8.Ifo.58,1. And this 13 Meek._eno,temperanu:.g<in]f fucbthm may eafily be done. Forrhey may know rhc wnclaw. fioncs of moo by experience, and theindge· For the better obferuiog, and tho more ment!of God due roeuery linne, rhcymay caltevndcrilandmg of the rule in the J6.v. finJcin the word ofGod. Walk! in the Spirit, Par~/ here fero downe a Aga111c, all people are warned by this, ofCatalogue oftheworkes of the Spirit.In the ten wmcd1tareof the future iudgements of Catalog~c, I confider threethings,thcproGod. Thusd1d D••id,Pfalme u 9.l2o.and perry ot the workes of the Spim, in thefe Paul, who knowing the terrour of rheLord, words, ThefrHite •[the Spirit: rhe kindes of was mooued to doe his dury, z. Corin, 5.11. workes, and they are nine: the benefit rhat The oldeworld neucr fo much as dreamed of comes by rheru, in thefc words, .llgainf/ft•ch Gods iudgemcnts, before they came vpon IIJerfiinoiAw. rhem,and (o they peri0Jcd,Mat.>4-39. D ThefrHiteuf theSpirit] It is the property . The puniOml<nt of rhefe finnes is, n't·t• of theworks of GudsSptritin vs,ro beecalmhmt Gcds kin~dome. Gods kingdomefomeled the frumof the Spirit, And by this,much rime tignifics thorcgiment of God, whereby is fignitied : namely, rhar the Church is the he rulesall things,in heauen &earth, More garden of God, Canr.4. t6.thatl"'lchers are fpecially, itfigmfies a fiate or condition in planters &fetters, 1.Cor. 3-!Phat bclccuers heauen,wherebyGod and ChriU is a! things arerrees of righteoufnclfc, lCa.6t.3.1harthe to allrbe EleCI, r.Cor.ts.z8, And rhus iris Spiritof God is rhefappe andltfe of them: taken in thisplace. And an entrance or beand good workcs aod vertues,are the fruitcs ginningto t!JJS happy eflatc, is in this life, which they beare. ~>hen men in their confcicnccs and liues are In that theworkesof the Spirit,arecoiled ruled by Gods Word, and Spirit. It mull fruiw thereof, hence it followes, thar there here further beeobferued,.that not to inioy are no ttuevertuc:s, &good~tfedions,withrhe kingdomc ofGod,is to be in tormenr,tn am the grace of regeneration. Thevertues hell: becauCe there are no more burrwo <· ofrhchearhen, how excellent foeuer they O,tcs after•this life: and therefore to bee ou' feemed robe, were but iliadowes of venue, ofhcauen,isto be in hell. and ferued onely to reUraine rbe ourward Thev(c. I. TillS mull teach vsaboueall man,and no further. thing.;tofceke Gods kingdome, and ro e!!aAgame, here wee fee the efficacieof the t ________ -_-__ ----~~~---· ------------------------~~===-~F~f ____________ ~S~p~ir~ir~,----~