Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v2

I I \' 1·. 338 d ::Co;nmentarie ')pon Ghap. 5• • Sprrir,which makcsmenfruirfu!Lor·bearing A thatwrongvsandabu[evs, ' I rrees.ofrighteoufilcs,!;>lal,r.3. yea trees that loJ]loy is rwo-foldc;ioy ofglory afr<r this bcarefru" in rheir olde~gc,Pial.9••l(I.Here hfe, and rhc aoy of grace .in rhislife·: and it we hiiuc cau[c tocall downc our[dues. For !lands in rhree things. Thefirfi'is, t<J rctl>ytc the mort ofvs,arc bar_rcnuccs,tha~ ~care no '"the rrue acknowledgcmcnrofGod,thar he fruia;butthc bap fruits of the fteO~: and•therIS our God, and vs in.Chritl. fore \tee may iu{lly feare rhc curferhar God The feoondas,torcioycein theworke of our laid vpon the fig-trce,Luk.rJ.7.and looke eregeneration. The third is,toreioyce in the uery day to he !tpckcd vp,Mot.J.r6. hopeoferernallglory. · . AgiuQc,g\'o.fl.workcs are made acceptable : This1oy o(grace bath adouble fruit,Fiall, to God~ucnbyhis gracc·;and there(ore .they ~t moderate$ alJ ourforrowc$>&makes ys re~ arecalleJ t~efruiu~[tfg1>piril;.and hence it ts, !o.rcc in the midllvfouraffiiClions,r.Thctl, I that they arc acceptable toGod,/i'pm,r ;.r6. ;.r6. Sccondly,ltcaufcth men to rc 10 yceat \Nre thatMe by natme wllde branches,rnufl th~goodof th<lt neighbours, Ram. 1 z. 1 ;. be taken our ofclde /!dam,& fe1 inla Chri!l: Ana this ioy ishere mcamfpccially. For ioy 1 and after our inlirion draw a new fap and life B I& hereoppofeo to enuy,and cmulatlons. I from Chrili,namely hisSpirir,and then our This truirdhewcs,thatwee are moa ofvs aCliol" ll~all betruirs of t_he Spiri.r, and.conbad trees. Fortheioycs of the world be for ifcquently acceptable to God. rh~ mofi pan in imquiry, and in thell'orkcs I La{lly, hence it_followes,thatfrce-willof of theftelh.Anditisourcommonfinnenol itfeltcii hkc a dead or rotten piece of wood, torc10yce, but ro pine away wirh gricfc, as and rhat it bearcs noJruire, but as it is quic- (llindid,when wcfceGodsbleffingvponour keucd by ahe Sp1rir,;. brother. T bus much of thepropmy: now follow, Pr•ce) It is a care and dcGre to maimaine tbe kindcsof rheworkesof the Sp~rir. concord, a1 much as may bee, if irlye in vs, -Dmc]It may be dcmanded,how it is afruir· Rom. .1z, .18. It is an excellent verrue. For of the Spim I Anj: F~r{l,the SpltitofGod the k•ngdomeafGod !landspartly in peace, workcs f<tith,rhen rcgencration)then lvuc, 1. Rom.14.17· Forthe maintenance of peace, Tan. r.;. Louefollowcs fauh: bccaul< wee obferue rwo rules. I. Ncirhcrrake otfen<c, nmU know tidl that wee are loued of God, nor giuco!fence. .AbrAb~em chafe rather to before ..-cccanlou~ God, r. lob. 'l-19· And lofe IllS r~ght, then to offend Lot, Genef. 1 4. loudoliowe1 regeneration: becaufe till<he C and[o did Clmfi, Mauh.17.Z7. I I. Seeke will and aff..:-ctions bee chauoged 1 there is no ro edtfic one anorher 3 c:irhcr dogood,or rake place for loue. The Papj{j, then eare, who · good,Rom.lf.19. tcach,that the firfl act ofJoue, that JS, rheinLong[ufftrmg] is to moderate our .cngtt, 'cl1nauon lD 1oucGod and man arighr,is i11 anddttucof rcuc:nge, when many and great . ina:t1rc: and tnar thcfc:condact,namely, rhe wrongs aredone to vs.It is an excellent trun, Icxcrc~!Cof loue i• from rhefprm.ABain,they but it rakes very hardly in rhcfeparu. For ! crre 10 that rhcy teach,that charny or Joue i~ our manner IS,~~Z uordAnd., blow: "»ortJ t~nd, the formalJ nghtcculnes afa Chr1 (ban. For [!abbe:" wordand 4 wrieu. 1 11 1sa fruitc that fl>Jiawesregenerauon. Set and[owerhis planr inrhefurrow~sof I The loue here mcntio11ed,ro either of God your heaats, and llm theweed of r<uengeoor ofman. Theloue o(God,isan holy atfeuctgrow it nor,vfethefe remedies: I. Gods 1 c'lion, whereby wee louc God in Chrj{j for commaundememforbidorafilanger,Iam.l. l himl~lf(:. There arc three fpcciall figncs, 19.foritisadegreeofmurdcr. II. The ex- ,,,bercby it is d1fcerncd, I. a dcfireoffellowample of God, who is flow toanger: and of l lhipwith God,and Chrilt,and the holy SpiCh11fi, whoiuneckeand lowly,Matth. 11. rit: and rhorcfore tobe much andlrequenrin Ill. All wrongs done 10 vs by men, come thevre ofrhewordandprayer:becaufeinthe D by Gods prouidence, ro which wee are ro word God fpcakestovs, and in prayer wee fubieClour felue•. 1V. The goodnelfe of fpeakc ro hi:n, I I.To louctheworcl ofGod God,who forgiues more to vs, thenwee can aboue all eanbly rreafure: and to trcade our forgme. V. Thereis danger ofGodsangcr. owne wilsvndcr foot 1 ;and to defirethat Gods For vnleffe wee forgiue, we arc notforgiucn. wdl may be preferred malhhings,r.Ioh.z.;. And wee craue forgiuenclfc, as wee lorgiuc. Thereare many houfes amongvs,wherethe V I. Iris the duty of loue rofutf<rand beare, c•rdsand cablesare walking, but!he Bible is r,Cor. 1 3• V I I. la isapoinaofinlullicc,IO l fddomc or neuer feene. And thuargues the rcuenge our feluer, tOr then wee take to <Jur want oflouc.l JI.Thcloue ofrhem thalloue [due• the honour of God; and again!!all e· \ God and Chrill. quity,weareborh the parties,and iudge, and The louc of our neighbour,is to loue him wirnelfc,and all.V I II.VVcarc ofw• •gno- ( fimply, in, and for :heLord, and for no 0 • rant of chcmindeo of men, in their acbons, l the• by-rcfpeCl. The figneof thioloue is,to and ofrhecruccircumfianccs rhcreof:andfo \ Joucn~t i1Jword, but in d~6de. And this is to may eaGly be dcceiued. 1 /louc iu d"dc, to fl1cw loue, and ro doe good Obietl,l. Anger isa fudd<n atfeaion ,rhcrc-; _____ r~en1ve orewronged and abufed) to rhem fore ir cannor beruled. .dn/~~ca_n_•'_"",~~:/ _____